#! /bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish $0 ${1+"$@"} #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tkbibtex - a BibTeX file browser # Copyright (c) 1997 Peter Corke pic@cat.csiro.au # with major modifications by Guenter Milde (G.Milde@physik.tu-dresden.de) # # Needs Tcl/Tk version 8.0 or later # # tkbibtex home page at # http://www.cat.csiro.au/cmst/staff/pic/tkbibtex.html # # This is RELEASE 8 July 2000 # set release 9 # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Contributors: # Guenter Milde (G.Milde@physik.tu-dresden.de) # John Fulton # Thomas Henlich # # COMMAND LINE SWITCHES: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ set usage {Usage: tkbibtex [switches] [bibfile] A browser/editor for BibTeX format bibliografy files * General switches: SWITCH ARG DESCRIPTION TYPE -debug int 0 = none, 1=moderate, 2=lots, ... -lyx string name of pipe to connect to LyX with * For non-interactive searching mode (entered if any of these switches given) -search string search string (defaults to all) -type string reference type to search (defaults to all) -field string field to search (defaults to all) -ys int starting year (inclusive) (defaults to 0) -ye int ending year (inclusive) (defaults to 9999) -last int ending year is this year, starting year is specified number of years earlier -exact case sensitive search -case case sensitive search by default will list the BibTeX source of the matching entries to stdout, but -count will output number of matches only, not BibTeX source -list will display a one line summary (key, type, title) per match Copyright (c) Peter Corke 1997-2000 } ## user alterable inits, you may set/override these also in a file ~/.tkbibtexrc # default for ignore case check button in search window set search_ignore_case 1 # which fields shall have a folding multiple line entry? set bigfields "annote title abstract" # number of lines in big fields set title_lines_big 4 set annote_lines_big 10 set abstract_lines_big 10 set delete_confirm true # cite_grouping, controls how a list of references is pushed to LyX # false [ref1][ref2][ref3] # true [ref1,ref2,ref3] set cite_grouping true # citekey_lower, controls whether all cite keys are made lower case. bibtex # ignores case, so this is useful to detect duplicates. set citekey_lower false # name of strings file, searched for along BIBPATH set strfile "strings.bib" # initial height of references (main) window (in chars) set refs_height 30 # initial width of references window (in chars) set refs_width 30 # initial width of entries in browse window (in chars) set entrywidth 75 # maximal number of backup copies: 0 = no backups, -1 unlimited set backup_max 9 # default for new entries set reftype_default "article" # load user's init file if it exists if {[file exists "~/.tkbibtexrc"]} { source "~/.tkbibtexrc" } # get BIBPATH environment variable if it exists if {[info exists env(BIBPATH)]} { set bibpath $env(BIBPATH) set bibpathlist [split $bibpath :] } else { set bibpathlist "" } ## initializations, modify with caution set curkey "" ;# keyword of the entry shown in the .browse window # or "" if there is no .browse window set debug 0 ;# verbosity level 0,...,3 for debugging set bibchanged 0 trace variable bibchanged w bibchange_proc set citelist "" set window_state "" set curreftype "" set fname "" set global_print_cmd "|lpr" foreach i $bigfields {set ${i}_big 0} ;# big_lentries folded to one line # initial values of command params that may be set by command line switches set arg_ys 0 set arg_ye 9999 set arg_search 9999 set arg_reftype "All" set arg_field "All" set arg_search ".*" set arg_ignorecase 1 set arg_count 0 set command_line_mode 0 set LyXpipe $env(HOME)/.lyxpipe # global bindings bind Button {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]} bind Button {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]} bind Button {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]} bind Button {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]} bind all {briefhelp Keys} bind all {edit_item duplicate} bind all {edit_item rename} bind all {edit_item new} bind all {finditem} bind all {quit} bind all {savebib} bind all {savebib} bind all {saveasbib} bind all {openbib} bind all {closebib} #---------------------------- DEFINES ------------------------------------- # define BibTeX reference types and fields, see btxdoc.[tex/bib] for # documentation # common month names for the month menu set months {jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec} #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following lists tailor the operation of tkbibtex. # 1. to add a new reference type, say a BIGBOOK type, add the name (in l.c.) # to the list "alltypes" # 2. to add a new field place the name in the lists "allfields" and: # 3. to make it mandatory for a type add that field name to the # list req(reftype). # 4. to make it optional for a type add that field name to the # list opt(reftype). # 5. to make it an additional field (for all types) add that field name # to the list ign (ignored fields) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # list of all fields set allfields {address author booktitle chapter edition \ editor howpublished institution journal month number \ organization pages publisher school series title type volume \ year note code url crossref annote abstract} # list of all reference types set alltypes {article book booklet inbook incollection \ inproceedings manual mastersthesis misc phdthesis proceedings \ techreport unpublished} # list of additional fields, ignored by the standard BibTeX styles set ign {crossref code url annote abstract} # lists of required and optional fields for each reference type set req(article) {author title journal year} set opt(article) {volume number pages month note} set req(book) {author title publisher year};# requires author OR editor set opt(book) {editor volume number series address edition month note} set req(booklet) {title} set opt(booklet) {author howpublished address month year note} set req(inbook) {author title chapter pages publisher year} #(requires author or editor) set opt(inbook) {editor volume series address edition month note} set req(incollection) {author title booktitle publisher year} set opt(incollection) {editor volume number series type chapter \ pages address edition month note} set req(inproceedings) {author title booktitle year} set opt(inproceedings) {editor pages organization publisher address month note} set req(manual) {title} set opt(manual) {author organization address edition month year note} set req(misc) {} set opt(misc) {title author howpublished month year note} set req(mastersthesis) {author title school year} set opt(mastersthesis) {address month note} set req(phdthesis) {author title school year} set opt(phdthesis) {address month note} set req(proceedings) {title year} set opt(proceedings) {editor publisher organization address month note} set req(techreport) {author title institution year} set opt(techreport) {type number address month note} set req(unpublished) {author title note} set opt(unpublished) {month year} #-------------------------- Datastructures ----------------------------- # # Datastructures are somewhat limited in Tcl. The two main ones are: # # citelist a list of all citations in the order they # are displayed in the main listbox # REFLIST an array in which the first index is the citation key, # and the second index is the field. Thus # REFLIST(Corke87b,type) = "article" # REFLIST(Corke87b,title) = "Yet another paper about..." # #----------------------- BibTeX format file i/o ----------------------------- # return full path name for specified file along BIBPATH proc find_on_path {fname} { global bibpathlist if {[file exists $fname]} { return $fname } foreach p $bibpathlist { if {[file exists $p/$fname]} { set fname $p/$fname return $fname } } return {} } # # parse the BibTeX format file and update the multidimensional array REFLIST. # proc bibparse {fname} { global citelist errmsg showmsg "loading $fname" . config -cursor watch trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc set dupcount [bibparse_f $fname] trace variable REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc set REFLIST_update 0 update_citelistbox . config -cursor "" set count [llength $citelist] if {$dupcount == 0} { showmsg "$count records" } else { showmsg "$count records ($dupcount duplicates)" } testoutput 1 "$count records ($dupcount duplicates)" if {$errmsg != ""} { tk_messageBox -icon warning -type ok -message $errmsg set errmsg "" } } # -------- new parsing-algorithm by GM (rparse.tcl) -------------- set preamblelist "" set errmsg "" # core file parser proc bibparse_f {fname} { global errmsg set f [open $fname r] testoutput 1 "loading $fname" showmsg "loading $fname" set buffer [read $f] close $f testoutput 1 "parsing $fname" showmsg "parsing $fname" return [bibparse_s $buffer] } proc bibparse_s {buffer} { # transform, to get a string that can be parsed by tcl-routines: # We have to cheat to get tcl parsing a bibtex file: BibTeX uses special # characters to separate entries and fields. But inside a {string} # or a "string" they are escaped. This escaping is not regarded by "split" # or "regexp", but it is implemented in Tcl's list functions, # however assuming a space as separating character # 1. escape backslashes (to prevent substitution of LaTeX-commands as # there is one round of backslash substitution when the list element is not # enclosed in braces) and quote whitespace set new_entry 0 set count 0 set dupcount 0 set catch_msg "" regsub -all {\\} $buffer {\\\\} buffer regsub -all "\[\t\n ]+" $buffer {\ } buffer # 2. put in additional whitespace where we want a separation # '@' separates entries, ',' separates fields, # 3. braces and quotes must be surrounded by whitespace, # otherwise list commands will produce errors regsub -all "\[@\{,]" $buffer { &} buffer regsub -all "\[\}]" $buffer {& } buffer regsub -all {"} $buffer { & } buffer ;# comment " only for syntax color testoutput 3 $buffer # now look at the entries foreach element $buffer { testoutput 3 "<$element>" # the first element after a reftype contains the fields if {$new_entry} { parse_fields $element $reftype if {$catch_msg != ""} { append errmsg "$catch_msg \n\ The following record could not be parsed:\n \ <[ruecktrafo $element]> \n\n\ You might have to fix your *.bib file! \ (probabely use of \"quotes\" \ to enclose fields with umlauts) \n\n" } set new_entry 0 set catch_msg "" continue } # look for reftype if [regexp {^@([a-zA-Z]+) ?(\(?)} $element match reftype parantheses] { set reftype [string tolower $reftype] incr count if {$count%10 == 0} { # show progress every tenth parsed entry showmsg "parsing: $count records" } testoutput 1 "\nNew entry:" if {$parantheses == "("} { append errmsg "cannot handle entry in parantheses (yet): $element\n" # Baustelle # diese Klausel kann weg, wenn Klammern richtig behandelt werden } else { set new_entry 1 } continue } # somethig else: warn user, as this will not be written back to file testoutput 2 "ignored: <$element>" if [regexp {[a-zA-Z]+} $element] { append errmsg "ignored text: [ruecktrafo $element]\n" } } return $dupcount } proc parse_fields {fields reftype} { global preamblelist strlist citelist REFLIST errmsg citekey_lower upvar dupcount dupcount upvar catch_msg catch_msg set pre_types {preamble string comment} set fieldtext 0 set macro "" testoutput 3 $fields # store preambles, strings and comments to write them back # when saving the file if {[lsearch $pre_types $reftype] >= 0 } { lappend preamblelist "@$reftype \{[ruecktrafo $fields]\}" testoutput 1 "pre-stuff: [lindex $preamblelist end]" if {$reftype == "string"} { # strings will be parsed and put to the stringlist although set keyw "" ;# a string definiton has no keyword } else { return } } # process the fields # use catch, as the list might contain syntactic errors catch { foreach item $fields { testoutput 2 "<$item>" # first field is keyword (except for strings) if {![info exists keyw]} { set keyw [string trim $item] if {$citekey_lower} { set keyw [string tolower $keyw] } # put in the Reflist set REFLIST($keyw,reftype) $reftype # if not already in the citelist, append it if {[lsearch -exact $citelist $keyw] < 0} { lappend citelist $keyw } else { # Baustelle: fragen: rename overwrite skip? set r [tk_dialog .duplicate {Duplicate!} \ "Cite key <$keyw> already exists" \ warning 0 {Skip} {Overwrite}] switch $r { 0 {incr dupcount; return} 1 {incr dupcount} } } testoutput 1 "$reftype $keyw" continue } # item is <"text"> or <{text}> if {$fieldtext} { set REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) [ruecktrafo $item] set fieldtext 0 testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)" continue } # count for concatenations if [info exists concat] { testoutput 3 "concat = <$concat>" append REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) "\{[ruecktrafo $item]\}" unset concat testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)" continue } # item of the form if [regexp {^,? ?([^ ]+) ?= ?(.*)} \ $item match fieldname macro] { set fieldname [string tolower $fieldname] if {$macro != ""} { if [regexp {# ?$} $macro] { set concat "#" } set REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) "# $macro" testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)" set macro "" } else { set fieldtext 1 } continue } # concatenations < # ?macro? ?#?> if [regexp {^ ?(#.*)} $item match concat] { # if the first part is not a macro, put braces around if {![regexp {^#} $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)]} { set REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) "#\{$REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)\}" } append REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) " $concat" testoutput 1 " $fieldname $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname)" if {![regexp {# ?$} $concat]} { unset concat } continue } if {![regexp {^ *,? *$} $item]} { append errmsg "cannot parse <$item> \n" } } ;# ende {foreach {$fields}}... } catch_msg;# ende catch {foreach ....} if {$reftype == "string"} { set strlist($fieldname) $REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) unset REFLIST($keyw,$fieldname) } if [info exists keyw] {unset keyw} } # ende proc parse fields proc ruecktrafo {string} { # 1. change back spaces regsub -all "(\}) " $string {\1} string regsub -all " (\[@\{,])" $string {\1} string regsub -all { (") } $string {\1} string ;# "only for syntax color # Test what kind of string it is: # if it was in quotes, it will have spaces around -> remove # if the string was in braces -> dequote it if {[regsub {^ (.*) $} $string {\1} string] == 0} { regsub -all {(\\)?\\} $string {\1} string } return $string } # --------- end of stuff for the new parsing algorithm by GM --------- proc update_citelistbox {} { global citelist # cream the old listbox contents .refs.list delete 0 end # now reinsert all items in citelist order foreach key $citelist { .refs.list insert end $key } } proc append_to_citelist {newkey} { global bibchanged citelist .refs.list insert end $newkey lappend citelist $newkey # note that we've updated the bib incr bibchanged } # writebib package # # writebib citelist filename # # writes specified citations to the given filename # # writebib2str citelist # # writes specified citations to the global buffer writebib_str # and also returns this string # proc writebib {citelist fname} { global debug showmsg "writing $fname" if {$debug} { puts "writing $fname" } . config -cursor watch set f [open $fname w] writebib2 $citelist fwrite $f close $f . config -cursor "" showmsg "[llength $citelist] entries written" } proc writebib2str {citelist} { global writebib_str set writebib_str "" writebib2 $citelist swrite 0 return $writebib_str } proc writebib2 {citelist wproc arg} { global REFLIST foreach k $citelist { set rt $REFLIST($k,reftype) $wproc $arg "@$rt\{$k" set res [array get REFLIST "$k,*"] # now have a list comprising pairs of list elements; the REFLIST # subscript then the value set nfound 0 foreach {key val} $res { regexp {,([a-z]+)} $key matchall lastkey if {($lastkey != "reftype") && ($val != "")} { testoutput 1 "<$key $val$>" $wproc $arg ",\n" if {[regexp ^# $val]} { set val [string trimleft $val "#"] $wproc $arg " $lastkey = $val" } else { $wproc $arg " $lastkey = \{$val\}" } } } # put end of record brace $wproc $arg "\n\}\n\n" } } proc fwrite {f str} { puts -nonewline $f $str } proc swrite {f str} { global writebib_str append writebib_str $str } #----------------------- BROWSE WINDOW ----------------------------------- # create the data entry window (.browse) with reftype menu and navigation bar # (the fields will be inserted by set_browsebox) proc create_browse {} { global alltypes curreftype reftype_default toplevel .browse build_stringmenu bind .browse { if {"%W" == ".browse"} { set curkey "" trace vdelete curreftype w reftypechange_proc } } bind .browse {wm_statechange %W} bind .browse {wm_statechange %W} # Reference type is a menu button whose current label shows the # reference type. Clicking brings up a radiobutton menu that allows # the type to change, and the browse box will reconfigure appropriately frame .browse.reftype label .browse.reftype.l -text "Reference type:" -width 15 -anchor e menubutton .browse.reftype.m -menu .browse.reftype.m.menu -width 20 \ -relief raised -anchor w -text $reftype_default menu .browse.reftype.m.menu foreach i $alltypes { .browse.reftype.m.menu add radiobutton -label $i -variable curreftype \ -value $i } pack .browse.reftype.l .browse.reftype.m -side left -anchor w pack .browse.reftype -expand 1 -anchor w # look for changes in the global curreftype trace variable curreftype w reftypechange_proc # a bottom line with helpful buttons: frame .browse.navigate button .browse.navigate.first -text {|< First} -underline 4\ -command {browseitem first .refs.list} button .browse.navigate.prev -text {< Previous} -underline 3\ -command {browseitem previous .refs.list} button .browse.navigate.next -text {Next >} -underline 0\ -command {browseitem next .refs.list} button .browse.navigate.last -text {Last >|} -underline 0\ -command {browseitem last .refs.list} button .browse.navigate.close -text Close -width 10 -underline 0\ -command {destroy .browse} button .browse.navigate.help -text Help -width 10 -underline 0\ -command {briefhelp Browse} pack .browse.navigate.first .browse.navigate.prev .browse.navigate.next\ .browse.navigate.last -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack .browse.navigate.help .browse.navigate.close -side right pack .browse.navigate -side bottom -fill x bind .browse.navigate 1 {focus .browse.navigate} # bind the Alt + underlined keys bind .browse {browseitem first .refs.list; break} bind .browse {browseitem previous .refs.list; break} bind .browse {browseitem next .refs.list; break} bind .browse {browseitem last .refs.list; break} bind .browse {destroy .browse; break} bind .browse {briefhelp Browse; break} } # browse the specified cite key, optional arg "-focus" controls # whether the first item of .browse is focused on proc browse {name args} { global REFLIST allfields curkey curreftype curfields \ bibchanged debug bigfields fname # ignore stupid keys # if {$name == ""} {return} ;# does this happen? # unset empty array elements of last browsed entry if {$curkey != ""} { trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc foreach el [array names REFLIST $curkey,*] { if {$REFLIST($el) == ""} {unset REFLIST($el)} } trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc } # set curkey to new value set curkey $name # create browse window if need be and add the labeled entries for curreftype if {[winfo exists .browse] == 0} { create_browse set_browsebox $REFLIST($name,reftype) } # configure the browse box with fields for this entry if {$curreftype != $REFLIST($name,reftype)} { # update curreftype: this calls set_browsebox and a rerun of browse # via trace/curreftypechange_proc set curreftype $REFLIST($name,reftype) return } else { # delete non canonical fields (not predefined for this reference type) foreach i [lrange [pack slaves .browse] 2 end] { if [regexp {sep} $i] {continue} if {[lsearch $curfields [string range $i 8 end]] < 0} {destroy $i} } } # add nan canonical fields (not predefined but present in REFLIST) foreach el [array names REFLIST $name,*] { if [regexp {,([a-z]+)} $el matchall fieldname] { if {$fieldname == "reftype"} {continue} if {[lsearch $curfields $fieldname] < 0} { lentry $fieldname } } } # attach the entry to the browse box by textvariables, # do special actions for big_lentry boxes foreach entry [lrange [pack slaves .browse] 2 end] { if [regexp {sep} $entry] {continue} set field [string range $entry 8 end] if {[lsearch $bigfields $field] >= 0} { .browse.$field.e delete 1.0 end if [info exists REFLIST($name,$field)] { .browse.$field.e insert 1.0 $REFLIST($name,$field) } } else { trace vdelete REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc set in_reflist [info exists REFLIST($name,$field)] # now link entry box to data using textvariable .browse.$field.e config -textvariable REFLIST($name,$field) if {!$in_reflist} { .browse.$field.e delete 0 end } trace variable REFLIST w REFLISTchange_proc } } # put cite key into the titlebar wm title .browse "\[$fname\] $name" # set focus to first entry if called with option -focus # -force, as this is another toplevel window if { [lindex $args 0] == "-focus"} { focus -force .browse.[lindex $curfields 0].e } } # configure the browse window fields for specified reference type proc set_browsebox {reftype} { global req opt ign # clear all old fields, (0st and 1st slave are reftype and navigate) foreach i [lrange [pack slaves .browse] 2 end] { # pack forget $i ; # we better destroy and make anew, as this keeps the # right order for keybord traversal destroy $i } # add the new fields in right order, separate types with black lines foreach i $req($reftype) { lentry $i } frame .browse.sep1 -height 3 -background black pack .browse.sep1 -fill x -expand 1 foreach i $opt($reftype) { lentry $i } frame .browse.sep2 -height 3 -background black pack .browse.sep2 -fill x -expand 1 foreach i $ign { lentry $i } } # create a labelled entry box, a frame holding a label and an entry # (with multiple lines if name is mentionend in global $bigfields) proc lentry {name} { global bigfields entrywidth months if {[winfo exists .browse.$name] == 0} { frame .browse.$name if {[lsearch $bigfields $name] >= 0} { button .browse.$name.l -text "[string toupper $name]:" -width 14 \ -anchor e -default disabled -bd 1 -padx 2 -pady 0 \ -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 -command "fold_button {$name}" text .browse.$name.e -yscrollcommand ".browse.$name.s set" -height 1 \ -width 20 bind .browse.$name.e "update_biglentry $name" bind .browse.$name.e "update_biglentry $name" bind .browse.$name.e {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]; break} bind .browse.$name.e { tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]; break} bind .browse.$name.e {tkTextfieldUp %W} bind .browse.$name.e {tkTextfieldDown %W} # scrollbar will be displayed by proc fold_button if entry unfolded scrollbar .browse.$name.s -takefocus 0 -command ".browse.$name.e yview" } else { label .browse.$name.l -text "[string toupper $name]:" \ -width 15 -anchor e entry .browse.$name.e -width $entrywidth -insertofftime 0 bind .browse.$name.e {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]} bind .browse.$name.e {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]} bind .browse.$name.e {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]} } pack .browse.$name.l -side left pack .browse.$name.e -side left -fill x -expand 1 } pack .browse.$name -fill x -expand 1 # some special cases switch $name { month { # bind right mouse button to string popup menu menu .browse.month.menu foreach i $months { .browse.month.menu add radiobutton -label $i -value #$i \ -command "month_menu_proc $i" } bind .browse.$name.e "month_popup %W %X %Y" } crossref { bind .browse.$name.e "crossrefGoto %W" } default { # bind right mouse button to string popup menu bind .browse.$name.e "string_popup %W %X %Y" } } } proc crossrefGoto {w} { set newkey [$w get] puts "going to $newkey" browse $newkey } proc fold_button {name} { global ${name}_big ${name}_lines_big if [set ${name}_big] { .browse.$name.e config -height 1 -wrap none pack forget .browse.$name.s set ${name}_big 0 } else { .browse.$name.e config -height [set ${name}_lines_big] -wrap word pack .browse.$name.s -side right -fill y set ${name}_big 1 } } # if cursor is on first line: move to previous window, # otherwise the default binding works (move up one line) # to be bound to in a textfield inside a formular proc tkTextfieldUp {w} { if {[$w index insert] == [tkTextUpDownLine $w -1]} { tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev $w] return break } } # if cursor is on last line: move to next window, # otherwise the default binding works (move down one line) # to be bound to in a textfield inside a formular proc tkTextfieldDown {w} { if {[$w index insert] == [tkTextUpDownLine $w 1]} { tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext $w] return break } } #invoked on right mouse button click in a month lentry box proc month_popup {w x y} { global month_select puts "<$x $y>" # pop-up the string menu tk_popup .browse.month.menu $x $y tkwait variable month_select $w insert insert $month_select } proc month_menu_proc {which} { global month_select puts "in month_menu_proc which = $which" set month_select "#$which" } #invoked on right mouse button click in a lentry box proc string_popup {w x y} { global string_select # pop-up the string menu tk_popup .browse.strmenu $x $y tkwait variable string_select $w insert insert $string_select # patch by Thomas Henlich henlich@mmers1.mw.tu-dresden.de set string_select "" } proc strmenu_proc {which} { global string_select set string_select "#$which" } proc build_stringmenu {} { global strlist menu .browse.strmenu foreach i [array names strlist] { .browse.strmenu add command -label $strlist($i) -command "strmenu_proc $i" } } # if global variable curreftype has changed: # invoke set_browsebox() and update REFLIST proc reftypechange_proc {name el op} { global curreftype curkey REFLIST debug curfields req opt ign set curfields [concat $req($curreftype) $opt($curreftype) $ign] .browse.reftype.m config -text $curreftype if {$REFLIST($curkey,reftype) != $curreftype} { set REFLIST($curkey,reftype) $curreftype } set_browsebox $curreftype browse $curkey testoutput 1 "reftype changing to $curreftype" } # as we cannot bind a textvariable to a text (only to an entry) # make sure that the big fields displayed in the browse box are updated # in the REFLIST. # bound to , proc update_biglentry {fieldname} { global REFLIST curkey bibchanged set fieldtext [.browse.$fieldname.e get "1.0" end-1c] if {[info exists REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname)]} { # if fieldtext prev existed & has changed if {$fieldtext != $REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname)} { set REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname) $fieldtext # incr bibchanged # done by trace on REFLIST } } else { # no fieldtext in REFLIST, check if now finite if {$fieldtext != ""} { set REFLIST($curkey,$fieldname) $fieldtext # incr bibchanged } } } # if the bib data has changed flag that in the main title bar proc REFLISTchange_proc {name el op} { global bibchanged incr bibchanged #puts stdout "REFLIST $el changed, $bibchanged" } # # if any widget changes the bibliography in any way it increments the global # bibchanged. This trace handler then takes the necessary action # proc bibchange_proc {name el op} { global bibchanged fname if {$bibchanged == 0} { wm title . [file tail $fname] } elseif {$bibchanged == 1} { wm title . "[file tail $fname] (mod)" } # clear the search window listbox if {[winfo exists .find]} { .find.list.lb delete 0 end } } #----------------------- SEARCH WINDOW ----------------------------------- # invoked to do the actual search proc searchbib {} { global find_field searchstring citelist REFLIST search_ignore_case global find_reftype find_startyear find_endyear . config -cursor watch # clear out the old entries in the results listbox .find.list.lb delete 0 end .find.m configure -text "" set found [do_search $searchstring $find_reftype $find_field $find_startyear $find_endyear $search_ignore_case] foreach f $found { .find.list.lb insert end $f } # display how many hits set nfound [llength $found] .find.m configure -text [format "%d match(es) found" $nfound] # put selection on first line of list box for next/prev buttons .find.list.lb selection set 0 focus .find.list.lb . config -cursor "" } proc do_search {searchstring find_reftype find_field find_startyear find_endyear search_ignore_case} { global REFLIST citelist debug # convert search field to upper case and extract relevant (or all) fields if {$find_field != "All"} { set el $find_field } if {$search_ignore_case} { set search {regexp -nocase} } else { set search {regexp} } if {$debug} { puts "startyear: $find_startyear" puts "endyear: $find_endyear" puts "reftype: $find_reftype" puts "fieldtype: $find_field" puts "search : $searchstring" puts "LC test: $search" } # now we have a list comprising pairs of list elements: # eg. { Corke96a,TITLE "blah blah blah" } set found {} foreach ref $citelist { # screen for reference type (which can be a regexp) if {$find_reftype != "All"} { if {[regexp -nocase $find_reftype $REFLIST($ref,reftype) mv] == 0} { continue; } if {$mv != $REFLIST($ref,reftype)} { continue } } # screen for year if its specified if {($find_startyear != "") || ($find_endyear != "")} { if {[info exists REFLIST($ref,year)]} { set year $REFLIST($ref,year) if {($find_endyear != "") && ($year > $find_endyear)} { continue } if {($find_startyear != "") && ($year < $find_startyear)} { continue } } } # now check particular field if {$find_field == "All"} { set res [array get REFLIST "$ref,*"] foreach {key val} $res { if {[eval $search $searchstring {$val}]} { #found substring lappend found $ref break } } } else { if {![info exists REFLIST($ref,$el)]} { continue } set w $REFLIST($ref,$el) testoutput 1 "$w" if {[eval $search $searchstring {$w}]} { #found substring lappend found $ref } } } return $found } # create the find/search box proc create_find {} { global allfields alltypes find_field searchstring search_ignore_case global find_reftype find_startyear find_endyear toplevel .find bind .find { destroy .find trace vdelete find_field w find_fieldchange_proc trace vdelete find_reftype w find_reftypechange_proc } bind .find {wm_statechange %W} bind .find {wm_statechange %W} #explaining Header wm title .find "find entries using regular expressions" ###################################################################### # create the search entry boxes # search string # year range # reference type ###################################################################### # search string and ignore case button frame .find.str label .find.str.l -text "Search for:" -width 12 -anchor e -borderwidth 1 entry .find.str.e -textvariable searchstring bind .find.str.e {searchbib} checkbutton .find.str.c -variable search_ignore_case -text "Ignore case" pack .find.str.l -side left pack .find.str.e -fill x -expand 1 -side left pack .find.str.c -expand 1 -side left pack .find.str -fill x -expand 1 -pady 2m ###################################################################### # create a menu button for search type frame .find.field label .find.field.l -text "Field:" -width 12 -anchor e trace vdelete find_reftype w find_reftypechange_proc;# just in case still traced set find_field All menubutton .find.field.mb -menu .find.field.mb.menu -relief raised\ -text $find_field menu .find.field.mb.menu .find.field.mb.menu add radiobutton -label All -variable find_field -value All foreach i $allfields { .find.field.mb.menu add radiobutton -label $i -variable find_field -value $i } trace variable find_field w find_fieldchange_proc pack .find.field.l -side left pack .find.field.mb -fill x pack .find.field -fill x ###################################################################### # create a menu button for all reference types + All set find_reftype All frame .find.reftype label .find.reftype.l -text "Ref Type:" -width 12 -anchor e menubutton .find.reftype.mb -menu .find.reftype.mb.menu -relief raised -text $find_reftype menu .find.reftype.mb.menu .find.reftype.mb.menu add radiobutton -label All -variable find_reftype -value All foreach i $alltypes { .find.reftype.mb.menu add radiobutton -label $i -variable find_reftype -value $i } trace variable find_reftype w find_reftypechange_proc pack .find.reftype.l -side left -fill x pack .find.reftype.mb -fill x -expand 1 pack .find.reftype -fill x -expand 1 ###################################################################### frame .find.years label .find.years.l -text "Years:" -width 12 -anchor e pack .find.years.l -side left entry .find.years.start -textvariable find_startyear entry .find.years.end -textvariable find_endyear pack .find.years.l .find.years.start .find.years.end -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack .find.years -expand 1 ###################################################################### # the search list box frame .find.list listbox .find.list.lb -yscrollcommand ".find.list.sb set" -selectmode extended scrollbar .find.list.sb -command ".find.list.lb yview" pack .find.list.sb -side right -fill y pack .find.list.lb -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack .find.list -fill x -expand 1 bind .find.list.lb { browse [selection_get -first] -focus} bind .find.list.lb {browse [selection_get -first] -focus} # next/prev buttons. Get current selection index and incr/decr. bind .find {browseitem next .find.list.lb} bind .find {browseitem previous .find.list.lb} bind .find {allitems .find.list.lb} ###################################################################### # frame .find.search button .find.search -text "Search" -command searchbib pack .find.search -side left -expand 1 -fill x # pack .find.search -expand 1 -fill x # message box message .find.m -justify left -width 5c pack .find.m -side left -fill x -expand 1 # the quit button button .find.help -text "Help" -command {briefhelp Find} button .find.dismiss -text "Dismiss" -command {destroy .find} pack .find.dismiss .find.help -side right -anchor e -fill x } # whenever find_field changes, relabel the menu button proc find_fieldchange_proc {name el op} { global find_field .find.field.mb config -text $find_field } # whenever find_reftype changes, relabel the menu button proc find_reftypechange_proc {name el op} { global find_reftype .find.reftype.mb config -text $find_reftype } #----------------------- MAIN WINDOW ------------------------------------- #---------- File menu ------------------- # save to a new file proc saveasbib {} { global fname set fname [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .bib] if {$fname == ""} return testoutput 1 "saveasbib to $fname" savebib } # save selected entries proc save_selected {} { global fname set selected_records [selection_get] if {$selected_records == ""} {return} set old_fname $fname set fname [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .bib] testoutput 1 "save <$selected_records> to $fname" savebib $selected_records set fname $old_fname wm title . [file tail $fname] } # save bibliografy, if args != "": save only these selected records proc savebib {args} { global fname bibchanged citelist backup_max testoutput 1 "savebib to $fname" if {($fname == "") || ($fname == "")} { saveasbib return ;# otherwise we would have an infinite recursion } if {[file exists $fname] && $backup_max != 0} { # we don't want to overwrite an existing file, make a backup # as does bibcard to a file named bibfile.bib.~VERSION~ # on *DOS call the backup *.bi~ # if $backup_max > 0, make not more than $backup_max backups set s {} # find all existing backups catch {set s [glob $fname.~*]} # find the highest to date set max 0 foreach i $s { regexp {([1-9]+)~} $i matchall vers if {$vers > $max} { set max $vers } } # ours is the next one in sequence incr max # if backup_max > 0, make not more than $backup_max backups if {$backup_max && $max > $backup_max} { # rotate: discard oldest backup set max 1 while {$max < $backup_max} { set prev $max incr max puts $max catch {file rename -force $fname.~$max~ $fname.~$prev~} } } puts $max # rename the bibliography file to the backup name # give a second try if we are an a 8.3 file system (DOS) if [catch {file rename -force $fname $fname.~$max~} info] { testoutput 3 "catch returns <$info>" file rename -force $fname "[file rootname $fname].bi~" } } # write the new data if {$args != ""} { eval writebib $args $fname; # eval: otherwise $args is just one word } else { writebib $citelist $fname } set bibchanged 0 } # fetch the selected items: if args == -first -> just the first selection proc selection_get {args} { set owner [selection own] if {($owner != ".refs.list") && ($owner != ".find.list.lb")} { tk_dialog .d {Error} "Selection must be in main reference or find list window" {} -1 OK return ""; } set stat [catch {selection get} str] if {$stat > 0} { tk_dialog .d {No selection} {No bibliography item was selected} {} 0 OK set str "" } # test, whether we want only one item if { [lindex $args 0] == "-first"} { set str [lindex $str 0] } return $str } proc quit {} { check_save exit } proc check_save {} { global bibchanged fname debug curkey if {$bibchanged > 0} { set r [tk_dialog .save {Bibliography modified} \ "Bibliography $fname has been modified since last time it was saved. Do you want to save it before exiting the application?" \ warning 0 {Save File} {Discard Changes}] if {$debug} { puts "check_save returns $r" } switch $r { 0 {savebib} 1 {return} } } } proc openbib {} { global fname # first close the current bib closebib set types { {{Bib Files} {.bib} } {{All Files} * } } set fname [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] if {$fname != ""} { # Open the file ... bibparse $fname wm title . [file tail $fname] } } proc mergebib {} { global fname set types { {{Bib Files} {.bib} } {{All Files} * } } set fname [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] if {$fname != ""} { # Open the file ... bibparse $fname } } proc closebib {} { global REFLIST citelist fname bibchanged # if the current bib has changed, ask whether write it to disk check_save # clear the internal database if {[info exists REFLIST]} { unset REFLIST } set citelist {} .refs.list delete 0 end set fname "" set bibchanged 0 wm title . " " # close the browse box if {[winfo exists .browse]} { destroy .browse } } #---------- Edit menu ------------------- #GM, 30.1. a new function edit_item with subfunctions for # new, duplicate, delete, rename, crossref proc edit_item {what} { global citelist REFLIST bibchanged reftype_default delete_confirm if {$what != "delete"} { if {$what != "new"} { # not new or delete, is duplicate, rename, crossref # get the citekey for current entry set oldcitekey [selection_get -first] if {$oldcitekey == ""} {return} } # prompt for new cite key set newcitekey [getnewcitekey] if {$newcitekey == ""} {return} } else { # for deletion: get the citekey for all selected entries set oldcitekey [selection_get] if {$delete_confirm} { if [tk_dialog .d {Warning} "Delete:\n$oldcitekey?" {} 0 "Yes" "No"] { return } } destroy .browse } if {$what == "new"} { # set to default reftype set REFLIST($newcitekey,reftype) $reftype_default } if {$what == "crossref"} { set REFLIST($newcitekey,reftype) $REFLIST($oldcitekey,reftype) set REFLIST($newcitekey,crossref) $oldcitekey } if {$what == "duplicate" || $what == "rename"} { # copy fields from old to new testoutput 1 "copying $oldcitekey to $newcitekey" foreach el [array names REFLIST $oldcitekey,*] { regexp {,([a-z]+)} $el matchall fieldname testoutput 2 "<$fieldname> = <$REFLIST($oldcitekey,$fieldname)>" set REFLIST($newcitekey,$fieldname) $REFLIST($oldcitekey,$fieldname) } } if {$what == "rename" || $what == "delete"} { foreach ditem $oldcitekey { testoutput 1 "deleting item $ditem" # unset the old array elements foreach el [array names REFLIST $oldcitekey,*] { regexp {,([a-z]+)} $el matchall fieldname unset REFLIST($oldcitekey,$fieldname) } # now take them out of the citelist set i [lsearch -exact $citelist $ditem] set citelist [lreplace $citelist $i $i] # update the listbox in the main window update_citelistbox } } # note that we've updated the bib incr bibchanged if {$what != "delete"} { append_to_citelist $newcitekey .refs.list selection clear 0 end .refs.list selection set end browse $newcitekey -focus } } # end of edit_item {what} # push the currently selected bib entry to LyX proc pushitem {} { global REFLIST citelist bibchanged cite_grouping # get the citekey for current entry set items [selection_get] if {$items == ""} { tk_dialog .d {No selection} {No bibliography item was selected} {} -1 OK return } if {$cite_grouping} { LyX_insertcite [join $items ,] } else { foreach item $items { LyX_insertcite $item } } } # navigate, show (which = first|previous|next|last) item in browse box proc browseitem {which widget} { set curline [$widget curselection] set lastline [expr [$widget index end] -1] # clear all selections (may be more than one) $widget selection clear 0 end # deal with 0 or multiple if {[llength $curline] == 0} {set curline 0} if {[llength $curline] > 1} {set curline [lindex $curline 0]} switch $which { first {set curline 0} previous {if {$curline > 0} {incr curline -1}} next {if {$curline < $lastline} {incr curline}} last {set curline $lastline} } $widget selection set $curline $widget see $curline browse [selection_get] } # select all items proc allitems {widget} { $widget selection set 0 end } # bring up the find/search window which then does its own thing proc finditem {} { # create search window if need be if {[winfo exists .find] == 0} { create_find } focus .find.str.e } # selection handler for PRIMARY requests # # assume the string is in writebib_str, return the amount requested in # the selection request. proc selection_handler {offs maxb} { global writebib_str debug if {$debug} { puts "selection_hander invoked: $offs $maxb" } set s [string range $writebib_str $offs [expr $offs+$maxb-1]] #puts "s: $s" return $s } proc selection_lost {} { #puts "selection lost" } proc copyitem_to_paste {} { # format the item into a string set cl [selection_get] writebib2str $cl # put the string to the PRIMARY selection # grab the PRIMARY selection selection own -command selection_lost -selection PRIMARY . # create a handler for PRIMARY selection requests selection handle -selection PRIMARY -type STRING . selection_handler } # paste the current paste buffer into the bib proc pasteitem {} { global bibchanged # get the paste buffer set s [selection get -selection PRIMARY] # parse it if {[catch {set dup [bibparse_s $s]}] != 0} { tk_dialog .d {Error} "Syntax error with pasted data\nPerhaps not BibTeX data?\nIgnoring it." {} -1 OK } else { # put it in the bib set REFLIST_update 0 update_citelistbox puts "$dup duplicates loaded" incr bibchanged } } proc not_implemented {func} { tk_dialog .d {Unimplemented} "Feature $func is not yet implmented" {} -1 OK } # prompt for a new cite key proc getnewcitekey {} { global citelist newcitekey set answer 1; # tkdialog returns 1 for "Retry" # popup a box and get the new cite key toplevel .newcitekey label .newcitekey.l -text "New cite key:" entry .newcitekey.e pack .newcitekey.l .newcitekey.e -side left # grab focus focus .newcitekey.e # wait for at end of line bind .newcitekey {set newcitekey [.newcitekey.e get]} while {$answer } { tkwait variable newcitekey # check if it exists, if so: browse it and give a warning if {[lsearch $citelist $newcitekey] < 0} { break } else { testoutput 1 "citekey exists" set answer [tk_dialog .d {Warning} \ "cite key already exists" {} 1 "Abort" "Retry" "Browse"] testoutput 3 "tkdialog returns $answer" if {$answer == 0} {set newcitekey ""} if {$answer == 2} {browse $newcitekey; set newcitekey ""; break} } } # clean up destroy .newcitekey return $newcitekey } # put into a message window, so we can compare two entries or # copy and paste stuff to a different entry, in the long run the possibility # to have two browse windows might be better proc displayitem {} { global REFLIST citelist # format entry for display set citekey [selection_get] append itemstring "$REFLIST($citekey,reftype): $citekey\n" foreach i [array names REFLIST $citekey,*] { if {$REFLIST($i) != ""} { set j [string first "," $i] incr j append itemstring "[string range $i $j end] = $REFLIST($i)\n" } } # set up a window toplevel .displayitem frame .displayitem.f text .displayitem.f.t -width 80 -height 30 -wrap word \ -yscrollcommand ".displayitem.f.scroll set" scrollbar .displayitem.f.scroll -command ".displayitem.f.t yview" button .displayitem.b -text "OK" -command "destroy .displayitem" pack .displayitem.f.t -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack .displayitem.f.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1 pack .displayitem.f pack .displayitem.b -side bottom -anchor s bind .displayitem q {destroy .displayitem} bind .displayitem {destroy .displayitem} wm title .displayitem "Show item" # insert itemtext .displayitem.f.t configure -state normal .displayitem.f.t delete 0.0 end .displayitem.f.t insert end $itemstring .displayitem.f.t configure -state disabled } # for diagnostics, list current fields to stdout (bound to key 's') proc showitem {} { global REFLIST citelist puts "" set oldcitekey [selection_get] foreach i [array names REFLIST $oldcitekey,*] { if {$REFLIST($i) != ""} { puts stdout "($i) = $REFLIST($i)" } } } proc sortitems {} { global citelist set citelist [lsort $citelist] update_citelistbox } # 18/5/2000 John Fulton proc printitem {} { # memory of last print command entered global global_print_cmd # local print command set printcmd "" # popup a box and get a different print command toplevel .printcmd label .printcmd.l -text "Print command:" entry .printcmd.e -textvariable global_print_cmd button .printcmd.print -text "Print" -command { # get the item to print set s [selection get -selection PRIMARY] puts $s # print the entry writebib $s $global_print_cmd # clean up destroy .printcmd } button .printcmd.cancel -text "Cancel" -command { # clean up destroy .printcmd } pack .printcmd.l -side left pack .printcmd.e -side left pack .printcmd.print -ipadx 2 -side left pack .printcmd.cancel -side left # grab focus set oldFocus [focus] focus .printcmd.e # wait for at end of line tkwait window .printcmd focus $oldFocus } #---------- Help menu ------------------- proc abouttkbibtex {} { global release toplevel .about set aboutstr "tkbibtex A portable browser/editor for BibTeX format bibliographies. by Peter Corke 1/97 (pic@cat.csiro.au) major modifications by G. Milde (g.milde@physik.tu-dresden.de) Release $release" message .about.m -width 40c -text $aboutstr button .about.www -text "Goto home page" -command { exec netscape -remote openURL(http://www.cat.csiro.au/dmt/programs/autom/pic/tkbibtex.html) } button .about.b -text "OK" -command "destroy .about" pack .about.m .about.www .about.b wm title .about "About tkbibtex" } proc briefhelp {topic} { global usage set helptopics {Usage Keys Menus Browse Find} set helpstr(Usage) $usage set helpstr(Keys) \ "Key bindings in main window: Selection: select entry select a block of entries select multiple entries Select all Items On the selected entry: Browse entry (show in browse window for editing) Browse entry Browse next entry Browse previous entry u Duplicate entry (Edit|Duplicate-entry) s Show entry (no editing) c Push citation to LyX Delete entry (Edit|Delete) ^C Copy item to paste buffer (Edit|Copy) ^V Paste from buffer (Edit|Paste) Misc.: f Find entry (Edit|Find) n Create new bib entry (Edit|New-entry) q Quit Keybindings in Browse window: or Next field Next field (in one-line fields) or Previous field + Underlined invoces Menus and Buttons" set helpstr(Menus) "Tkbibtex Menus File menu: Open Open a file via browser window Merge Merge a file via browser window (records with same Citekey will overwrite those already loaded) SaveAs... Save data to a different file Save Save data Save Selected Save selected entries Close Close the file (save if needed) Exit Exit program (save if needed) for Close and Exit a prompt box will be issued if the bibliography has been modified but not yet saved. When the file is written the previous version is saved with a unique appended number. Edit menu: New entry Create a new BibTeX entry Duplicate entry Duplicate the current selection but assign new citekey Crossref entry Create a new citation with cross reference to the current selection Find entry Invoke the search window Delete entry Delete the selected entries from the database Copy to buffer Copy selected entries to PRIMARY cut buffer, can be pasted into other applications. Insert to LyX Push citation to Lyx Show entry Show entry in a message window (no editing) Sort Sort keys alphabetically Print Print bib items" set helpstr(Find) "Search/find window: * Find all entries containing the searchstring in specified field * Seachstring is a regular expression: .*?()[]\ have special meanings * Either start year or end year or both may be specified. * The entries found are displayed in a list which can be browsed by the same key bindings as in the main window: Selection: select entry select a block of entries select multiple entries Select all Items On the selected entry: Browse entry (show in browse window for editing) Browse entry Browse next entry Browse previous entry" set helpstr(Browse) "Browse box: * The browse box shows all fields for the specified entry, allowing for editing ! BibTeX distinguishes between - normal fieldtext (enclosed in brackets or double quotes), - numbers (may be enclosed or not) and - strings (words beginning with a character, not enclosed). -> Normal text entries will become enclosed in brackets. -> If an entry shall be written to the file as is, precede it with a hash (e.g. month strings -> #jan - #dec). * The reftype button brings up a menu of reference types to choose from * Black lines seperate the three different types of field BibTeX knows about: Required fields (have to be present to get a well formed citation) Optional fields (not necessary but show up in the citation if present) Additional fields (ignored by the standard BibTeX styles but may contain usefull information) * Some fields are foldable multiple line entries that unfold if the label button is clicked on. * Right clicking in an entry box brings up either: * a menu of standard monthnames (if a month entry) * jump to the citation that is cross-referenced (if a crossref entry) * a menu of string items (if there are any defined) which will be inserted. * Keybindings: or Next field Next field (in one-line fields) or Previous field + Underlined invoces Buttons" # set up the help window # (show help in a text widget, so we can incorporate hypertext tags later) if {![winfo exists .briefhelp]} { toplevel .briefhelp frame .briefhelp.m label .briefhelp.m.l -text "Topics:" pack .briefhelp.m pack .briefhelp.m.l -side left foreach top $helptopics { button .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $top] -text $top -underline 0 \ -command "briefhelp $top" pack .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $top] -side left bind .briefhelp \ "briefhelp $top; break" } #.briefhelp configure -menu .briefhelp.m does not work as desired frame .briefhelp.f text .briefhelp.f.t -width 80 -height 20 \ -yscrollcommand ".briefhelp.f.scroll set" scrollbar .briefhelp.f.scroll -command ".briefhelp.f.t yview" button .briefhelp.b -text "OK" -command "destroy .briefhelp" pack .briefhelp.f.t -side left -fill x -expand 1 pack .briefhelp.f.scroll -side right -fill y -expand 1 pack .briefhelp.f pack .briefhelp.b -side bottom -anchor s bind .briefhelp q {destroy .briefhelp} bind .briefhelp {destroy .briefhelp} wm title .briefhelp "Tkbibtex Help" } else { foreach top $helptopics { .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $top] configure -state normal } } # make the topics button active .briefhelp.m.[string tolower $topic] configure -state active # insert the topic .briefhelp.f.t configure -state normal .briefhelp.f.t delete 0.0 end .briefhelp.f.t insert end $helpstr($topic) .briefhelp.f.t configure -state disabled } # handle changes to iconify/deiconify state, make all windows adopt the same # state. proc wm_statechange {w} { global window_state # check if window state has changed set toplevel [winfo toplevel $w] if {[wm state $toplevel] != $window_state} { #puts "window state changed $window_state" set window_state [wm state .] if {[wm state $toplevel] == "normal"} { # unminimize all windows wm deiconify . if {[winfo exists .find]} { wm deiconify .find } if {[winfo exists .browse]} { wm deiconify .browse } } elseif {[wm state $toplevel] == "iconic"} { # minimize all windows wm iconify . if {[winfo exists .find]} { wm iconify .find } if {[winfo exists .browse]} { wm iconify .browse } } } } #---------- create the main window ------------------ proc create_main {} { global alltypes refs_height refs_width # # create the menu bar menu .mbar -tearoff 0 .mbar add cascade -label "File" -menu .mbar.file -underline 0 .mbar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu .mbar.edit -underline 0 .mbar add cascade -label "Help" -menu .mbar.help -underline 0 # declare the menu to the main window . configure -menu .mbar # create the File menu menu .mbar.file # .mbar.file add command -label "New" -underline 0 -command closebib # this might beocme usefull if we can open multiple files... .mbar.file add command -label "Open" -underline 0 \ -accelerator F3 -command openbib .mbar.file add command -label "Merge" -underline 0 -command mergebib .mbar.file add command -label "SaveAs" -underline 4 \ -accelerator Shift-F2 -command saveasbib .mbar.file add command -label "Save" -underline 0 \ -accelerator "^S / F2" -command savebib .mbar.file add command -label "Save Selected" -underline 7 \ -command {save_selected} .mbar.file add command -label "Print Selected ..." -underline 0 \ -accelerator P -command printitem .mbar.file add command -label "Close" -underline 0 \ -accelerator Shift-F3 -command closebib .mbar.file add command -label "Exit" -underline 0 \ -accelerator ^Q -command quit # create the edit menu menu .mbar.edit .mbar.edit add command -label "New entry" -underline 0 \ -accelerator N -command {edit_item new} .mbar.edit add command -label "Duplicate entry" -underline 1 \ -accelerator U -command {edit_item duplicate} .mbar.edit add command -label "Cross-reference entry" \ -accelerator X -command {edit_item crossref} .mbar.edit add command -label "Find entry ..." -underline 0 \ -accelerator F -command finditem .mbar.edit add command -label "Rename entry" -underline 0 \ -accelerator R -command {edit_item rename} .mbar.edit add command -label "Delete entry" -underline 0 \ -accelerator -command {edit_item delete} .mbar.edit add command -label "Push to LyX" -underline 0 \ -accelerator c -command pushitem .mbar.edit add command -label "Copy to buffer" -underline 0 \ -accelerator ^C -command copyitem_to_paste .mbar.edit add command -label "Paste buffer" -underline 0 \ -accelerator ^V -command pasteitem # for diagnostics, list current fields .mbar.edit add command -label "Show entry" -underline 0 \ -accelerator S -command displayitem .mbar.edit add command -label "Sort" -underline 1 -command sortitems # create the help menu menu .mbar.help .mbar.help add command -label "Brief help" -underline 0 \ -accelerator -command {briefhelp Keys} .mbar.help add command -label "About tkbibtex" -underline 0 \ -command abouttkbibtex menubutton .new -relief raised -text "New" -menu .new.menu menu .mbar.edit.new foreach i $alltypes { .mbar.edit.new add command -label $i -command "new_item $i" } # now the message window message .m -relief groove -width 30c -justify left -anchor w pack .m -fill x -expand 1 # then the scrolling list of citations frame .refs listbox .refs.list -height $refs_height -width $refs_width\ -yscrollcommand ".refs.scroll set" -selectmode extended scrollbar .refs.scroll -command ".refs.list yview" pack .refs.list -side left -fill x -fill both -expand true pack .refs.scroll -side right -fill y pack .refs -side bottom -expand true -fill both # double click on the cite key to display it in browse box bind .refs.list {browse [selection_get -first] -focus} bind . {browse [selection_get -first] -focus} bind . {browseitem next .refs.list} bind . {browseitem previous .refs.list} # some helpful keyboard bindings bind Button "tkButtonInvoke %W"; # Enter invokes Buttons bind . c {pushitem} bind . u {edit_item duplicate} bind . f {finditem} bind . { }; # dummy entry to enable Menu shortcut bind . n {edit_item new} bind . p {printitem} bind . {quit} bind . q {quit} bind . r {edit_item rename} bind . s {displayitem} bind . copyitem_to_paste # bind . copyitem_to_paste # this binding does prevent copyitem_to_paste from working! (Why?) bind . pasteitem # bind . pasteitem # this binding does prevent pasteitem from working! (Why?) bind . {allitems .refs.list} bind . {edit_item delete} bind . {wm_statechange %W} bind . {wm_statechange %W} wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW quit wm protocol . WM_SAVE_YOURSELF quit } # show one line status messages in the main window proc showmsg {m} { global interactive_mode if {$interactive_mode} { .m config -text $m update idletasks } } #---------------------- LyX support ----------------------- # Interface to Lyx based on development/LyXserver/sampleclient.tcl # ========================================================================= # File: sampleclient.tcl, chb, Sun 05.11.1995 (19:24) # sampleclient.tcl,v 1996/08/19 14:39:38 larsbj Exp # This file contains examples for communicating to LyX via the # LyXserver interface. It contains a panel of shortcuts to # demonstrate how users can define their own macros. It also shows # how new commands can be built into LyX using the 'notify' mechanism. # ========================================================================= # --- 1. check cmdargs (pipename) ----------------------------------------- set LyXChan -1 proc LyX_connect {} { global LyXpipe LyXChan set inpipe $LyXpipe.in if { [file exists $inpipe] } { if { "[file type $inpipe]" != "fifo" } { tk_dialog .d {LyX connection} "LyXpipe <$inpipe> is not a pipe!" {} -1 OK } puts "Connecting to LyX via $LyXpipe.in" set LyXChan [open $inpipe {WRONLY NONBLOCK}] puts "" } else { tk_dialog .d {LyX connection} "No LyXpipe ($LyXpipe.*) exists\nCheck your .LyXrc file" {} -1 OK } } # --- # Format for communication: # # client->LyX: "LYXCMD:::" >$inpipe # LyX->client (answer): "INFO:::" <$outpipe # LyX->client (notify): "NOTIFY:" <$outpipe # (notifies are asynchroneous and are handled by 'outputhandler' # above) # --- proc LyX_insertcite {cite} { global LyXChan # open the pipe each time, in case LyX crashes... LyX_connect puts "sending citation $cite to LyX" puts $LyXChan "LYXCMD:sampleclient:citation-insert:$cite" close $LyXChan } #---------------------- Auxilliary functions ----------------------------- # Put a text on stdout, if the global var debug is >= debug_level proc testoutput {debug_level text} { global debug if {$debug >= $debug_level} {puts stdout $text} } proc show_usage {} { global usage puts stdout $usage exit } #------------------------------ MAIN BODY ---------------------------- #warn about wrong version if {[info tclversion] < 8} { puts stdout "tkbibtex needs Tcl/Tk version 8.0 or later" } # handle command line switches while {[llength $argv] > 0} { if {$debug} { puts [lindex $argv 0] } switch -regexp -- [lindex $argv 0] { ^-debug { set debug [lindex $argv 1]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] ; \ } ^-ys { set arg_ys [lindex $argv 1]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-ye { set arg_ye [lindex $argv 1]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-last { set t [clock seconds]; \ set arg_ye [clock format $t -format %Y]; \ set arg_ys [expr $arg_ye-[lindex $argv 1]]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-type { set arg_reftype [lindex $argv 1]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-field { set arg_field [lindex $argv 1]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-search { set arg_search [lindex $argv 1]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-exact - ^-case { set arg_ignorecase 0; \ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-count { set arg_count 1; \ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-l - ^-list { set arg_list 1; \ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; \ incr command_line_mode } ^-lyx { set LyXpipe [lindex $argv 1]; \ set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]; \ } ^-help - ^-.* { show_usage} default {break} } } if {$command_line_mode} { # COMMAND LINE MODE, NO DISPLAY set interactive_mode false # read string file if it exists set strfname [find_on_path $strfile] if {$strfname != {}} { bibparse_f $strfname } # load the specified bibtex files if they exist foreach f $argv { set fp [find_on_path $f] if {$fp != {}} { bibparse_f $fp } } set found [do_search $arg_search $arg_reftype $arg_field $arg_ys \ $arg_ye $arg_ignorecase] if {$arg_count} { puts stdout [llength $found] } else { puts stdout [writebib2str $found] } exit 0 } else { # INTERACTIVE MODE set interactive_mode true # create the main window create_main update idletasks # read string file if it exists set strfname [find_on_path $strfile] if {$strfname != {}} { bibparse $strfname } # load the specified bibtex files if they exist foreach f $argv { set fname $f set fp [find_on_path $f] if {$fp != {}} { bibparse_f $fp } update_citelistbox } # unset global filename if more than one input file if {[llength $argv] > 1} { set fname "" } wm title . $fname showmsg "" }