-- A command-line interface for the static analyzer explcheck. local config = require("explcheck-config") local new_issues = require("explcheck-issues") local format = require("explcheck-format") local utils = require("explcheck-utils") local preprocessing = require("explcheck-preprocessing") local lexical_analysis = require("explcheck-lexical-analysis") -- local syntactic_analysis = require("explcheck-syntactic-analysis") -- local semantic_analysis = require("explcheck-semantic-analysis") -- local pseudo_flow_analysis = require("explcheck-pseudo-flow-analysis") -- Deduplicate pathnames. local function deduplicate_pathnames(pathnames) local deduplicated_pathnames = {} local seen_pathnames = {} for _, pathname in ipairs(pathnames) do if seen_pathnames[pathname] ~= nil then goto continue end seen_pathnames[pathname] = true table.insert(deduplicated_pathnames, pathname) ::continue:: end return deduplicated_pathnames end -- Convert a pathname of a file to the suffix of the file. local function get_suffix(pathname) return pathname:gsub(".*%.", "."):lower() end -- Convert a pathname of a file to the base name of the file. local function get_basename(pathname) return pathname:gsub(".*[\\/]", "") end -- Convert a pathname of a file to the pathname of its parent directory. local function get_parent(pathname) if pathname:find("[\\/]") then return pathname:gsub("(.*)[\\/].*", "%1") else return "." end end -- Check that the pathname specifies a file that we can process. local function check_pathname(pathname) local suffix = get_suffix(pathname) if suffix == ".ins" then local basename = get_basename(pathname) if basename:find(" ") then basename = "'" .. basename .. "'" end return false, "explcheck can't currently process .ins files directly\n" .. 'Use a command such as "luatex ' .. basename .. '" ' .. "to generate .tex, .cls, and .sty files and process these files instead." elseif suffix == ".dtx" then local parent = get_parent(pathname) local basename = "*.ins" local has_lfs, lfs = pcall(require, "lfs") if has_lfs then for candidate_basename in lfs.dir(parent) do local candidate_suffix = get_suffix(candidate_basename) if candidate_suffix == ".ins" then basename = candidate_basename if basename:find(" ") then basename = "'" .. candidate_basename .. "'" end break end end end return false, "explcheck can't currently process .dtx files directly\n" .. 'Use a command such as "luatex ' .. basename .. '" ' .. "to generate .tex, .cls, and .sty files and process these files instead." end return true end -- Process all input files. local function main(pathnames, options) local num_warnings = 0 local num_errors = 0 if not options.porcelain then print("Checking " .. #pathnames .. " " .. format.pluralize("file", #pathnames)) end for pathname_number, pathname in ipairs(pathnames) do -- Set up the issue registry. local issues = new_issues() for _, issue_identifier in ipairs(utils.get_option(options, "ignored_issues")) do issues:ignore(issue_identifier) end -- Load an input file. local file = assert(io.open(pathname, "r"), "Could not open " .. pathname .. " for reading") local content = assert(file:read("*a")) assert(file:close()) -- Run all processing steps. local line_starting_byte_numbers, expl_ranges, tokens -- luacheck: ignore tokens line_starting_byte_numbers, expl_ranges = preprocessing(issues, content, options) if #issues.errors > 0 then goto continue end tokens = lexical_analysis(issues, content, expl_ranges, options) -- syntactic_analysis(issues) -- semantic_analysis(issues) -- pseudo_flow_analysis(issues) -- Print warnings and errors. ::continue:: num_warnings = num_warnings + #issues.warnings num_errors = num_errors + #issues.errors format.print_results(pathname, issues, line_starting_byte_numbers, pathname_number == #pathnames, options.porcelain) end -- Print a summary. if not options.porcelain then format.print_summary(#pathnames, num_warnings, num_errors, options.porcelain) end if(num_errors > 0) then return 1 elseif(utils.get_option(options, "warnings_are_errors") and num_warnings > 0) then return 2 else return 0 end end local function print_usage() print("Usage: " .. arg[0] .. " [OPTIONS] FILENAMES\n") print("Run static analysis on expl3 files.\n") local max_line_length = tostring(config.max_line_length) print( "Options:\n\n" .. "\t--expect-expl3-everywhere Expect that the whole files are in expl3, ignoring \\ExplSyntaxOn and Off.\n" .. "\t This prevents the error E102 (expl3 material in non-expl3 parts).\n\n" .. "\t--ignored-issues=ISSUES A comma-list of warning and error identifiers that should not be reported.\n\n" .. "\t--max-line-length=N The maximum line length before the warning S103 (Line too long) is produced.\n" .. "\t The default maximum line length is N=" .. max_line_length .. " characters.\n\n" .. "\t--porcelain, -p Produce machine-readable output.\n\n" .. "\t--warnings-are-errors Produce a non-zero exit code if any warnings are produced by the analysis.\n" ) print("The options are provisional and may be changed or removed before version 1.0.0.") end local function print_version() print("explcheck (expltools 2025-01-20) v0.6.1") print("Copyright (c) 2024-2025 Vít Starý Novotný") print("Licenses: LPPL 1.3 or later, GNU GPL v2 or later") end if #arg == 0 then print_usage() os.exit(1) else -- Collect arguments. local pathnames = {} local only_pathnames_from_now_on = false local options = {} for _, argument in ipairs(arg) do if only_pathnames_from_now_on then table.insert(pathnames, argument) elseif argument == "--" then only_pathnames_from_now_on = true elseif argument == "--help" or argument == "-h" then print_usage() os.exit(0) elseif argument == "--version" or argument == "-v" then print_version() os.exit(0) elseif argument == "--expect-expl3-everywhere" then options.expect_expl3_everywhere = true elseif argument:sub(1, 17) == "--ignored-issues=" then options.ignored_issues = {} for issue_identifier in argument:sub(18):gmatch('[^,]+') do table.insert(options.ignored_issues, issue_identifier:lower()) end elseif argument:sub(1, 18) == "--max-line-length=" then options.max_line_length = tonumber(argument:sub(19)) elseif argument == "--porcelain" or argument == "-p" then options.porcelain = true elseif argument == "--warnings-are-errors" then options.warnings_are_errors = true elseif argument:sub(1, 2) == "--" then -- An unknown argument print_usage() os.exit(1) else table.insert(pathnames, argument) end end -- Deduplicate and check that pathnames specify files that we can process. pathnames = deduplicate_pathnames(pathnames) for _, pathname in ipairs(pathnames) do local is_ok, error_message = check_pathname(pathname) if not is_ok then print('Failed to process "' .. pathname .. '": ' .. error_message) os.exit(1) end end -- Run the analysis. local exit_code = main(pathnames, options) os.exit(exit_code) end