% Ben wrote this to scale some non-existent PostScript AMS fonts % required by certain LaTeX2e thingamabobbers (boldmath, and possibly % some AMS packages). It's a modification of the AMS's "cmmib57.sty" with % a couple more cases added. % % To use it, copy this file to your TeX inputs folder and put: % \usepackage{bencmmib57} % in the preamble of your document. \ProvidesPackage{bencmmib57}[1995/01/25 v2.2e % alternate cmmib, cmbsy font definitions] %OML/cmm/b/it/8 \DeclareFontShape{OML}{cmm}{b}{it}{ <-6> cmmib5 <6-8> cmmib7 <8-> cmmib10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{OML}{cmm}{bx}{n}{ <-6> cmmib5 <6-8> cmmib7 <8-> cmmib10 }{} %OMS/cmsy/b/n/8 \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n}{ <-6> cmbsy5 <6-8> cmbsy7 <8-> cmbsy10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{OMS}{cmsy}{bx}{n}{ <-6> cmbsy5 <6-8> cmbsy7 <8-> cmbsy10 }{} \endinput