
Global Local| Input File
     1     1| EX03: An example containing errors to do with the number of times
     2     2|       that macros are called.
     3     3| 
     4     4| @O@<ex03.out@>==@{@-
     5     5| @<Include Files@>
     6     6| @<Include Files@>
     7     7| @<Main Program@>
     8     8| @}
     9     9| 
    10    10| @$@<Main Program@>==@{@-
    11    11| main()
    12    12| {
    13    13|  doit();
    14    14| }
    15    15| @}
    16    16| 
    17    17| @$@<Subroutine@>==@{@-
       Error|.^This macro is never used (and has no @Z).
    18    18| void doit()
    19    19| {
    20    20|  int i;
    21    21|  for (i=0;i<10;i++)
    22    22|    {
    23    23|     @<Print@>
    24    24|     @<Print@>
    25    25|    }
    26    26| }@}
    27    27| 
    28    28| @$@<Print@>==@{@-
       Error|.^This macro is used more than once (and has no @M).
    29    29| printf("Hello World!");
    30    30| printf("\n");@}
    31    31| 
    32    32| @$@<Scan@>==@{scanf@}
       Error|.^This macro is never used (and has no @Z).
    33    33| 
    34    34| @$@<Include Files@>==@{@-
       Error|.^This macro is used more than once (and has no @M).
    35    35| #include <stdio.h>
    36    36| #include <stdlib.h>@}
            | <End-Of-File>

There were 4 Errors.