SC18: Test <special>#= First we trip up the scanner so no further passes take place. @ 1. Test with all possible printable characters. @=! !=" "=# #=$ $=% %=& &=' '=( (=) )=* *=+ +=, ,=- -=. .=/ /=0 0=1 1=2 2=3 3=4 4=5 5=6 6=7 7=8 8=9 9=: :=; ;=< <== ==> >=? ?=@ @=A A=B B=C C=D D=E E=F F=G G=H H=I I=J J=K K=L L=M M=N N=O O=P P=Q Q=R R=S S=T T=U U=V V=W W=X X=Y Y=Z Z=[ [=\ \=] ]=^ ^=_ _=` `=a a=b b=c c=d d=e e=f f=g g=h h=i i=j j=k k=l l=m m=n n=o o=p p=q q=r r=s s=t t=u u=v v=w w=x x=y y=z z={ {=| |=} }=~ ~=@ 2. Test that <special>=<space> is flagged as an error. @= @! Should be flagged as an error. 3. Test that <special>=EOL is flagged as an error. @=