WV05: Test typesetting features. @O@<wv05.out@>@{ @} 1. Test all five levels of headings with explicit titles. @A@<One@> @B@<Two@> @C@<Three@> @D@<Four@> @E@<Five@> 2. Test all five levels of headings with implicit titles. @A @$@<Macro at level one@>@Z@{Sloth@} @B @$@<Macro at level two@>@Z@{Walrus@} @C @$@<Macro at level three@>@Z@{Aardvark@} @D @$@<Macro at level four@>@Z@{Teapot@} @E @$@<Macro at level five@>@Z@{Emu@} 3. Test the table of contents directive. @t table_of_contents 4. Test the newpage directive. @t new_page 5. Test the vskip directive. @t vskip 50 mm 6. Test the title directive. @t title titlefont centre "This is a test Title"