patch-2.2.14 linux/arch/s390/kernel/irq.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.13/linux/arch/s390/kernel/irq.h linux/arch/s390/kernel/irq.h
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+#ifndef __irq_h
+#define __irq_h
+#include <asm/irq.h>
+#include <asm/hardirq.h>
+ * Interrupt controller descriptor. This is all we need
+ * to describe about the low-level hardware.
+ */
+struct hw_interrupt_type {
+        const char   *typename;
+        int         (*handle)(unsigned int irq,
+                              int cpu,
+                              struct pt_regs * regs);
+        int         (*enable) (unsigned int irq);
+        int         (*disable)(unsigned int irq);
+ * Status: reason for being disabled: somebody has
+ * done a "disable_irq()" or we must not re-enter the
+ * already executing irq..
+ */
+#define IRQ_INPROGRESS  1
+#define IRQ_DISABLED    2
+#define IRQ_PENDING     4
+ * path management control word
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned long  intparm;      /* interruption parameter */
+      unsigned int   res0 : 2;     /* reserved zeros */
+      unsigned int   isc  : 3;     /* interruption sublass */
+      unsigned int   res5 : 3;     /* reserved zeros */
+      unsigned int   ena  : 1;     /* enabled */
+      unsigned int   lm   : 2;     /* limit mode */
+      unsigned int   mme  : 2;     /* measurement-mode enable */
+      unsigned int   mp   : 1;     /* multipath mode */
+      unsigned int   tf   : 1;     /* timing facility */
+      unsigned int   dnv  : 1;     /* device number valid */
+      unsigned int   dev  : 16;    /* device number */
+      unsigned char  lpm;          /* logical path mask */
+      unsigned char  pnom;         /* path not operational mask */
+      unsigned char  lpum;         /* last path used mask */
+      unsigned char  pim;          /* path installed mask */
+      unsigned short mbi;          /* measurement-block index */
+      unsigned char  pom;          /* path operational mask */
+      unsigned char  pam;          /* path available mask */
+      unsigned char  chpid[8];     /* CHPID 0-7 (if available) */
+      unsigned int   unused1 : 8;  /* reserved zeros */
+      unsigned int   st      : 3;  /* subchannel type */
+      unsigned int   unused2 : 20; /* reserved zeros */
+      unsigned int   csense  : 1;  /* concurrent sense; can be enabled ...*/
+                                   /*  ... per MSCH, however, if facility */
+                                   /*  ... is not installed, this results */
+                                   /*  ... in an operand exception.       */
+   } pmcw_t;
+ * subchannel status word
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned int   key  : 4; /* subchannel key */
+      unsigned int   sctl : 1; /* suspend control */
+      unsigned int   eswf : 1; /* ESW format */
+      unsigned int   cc   : 2; /* deferred condition code */
+      unsigned int   fmt  : 1; /* format */
+      unsigned int   pfch : 1; /* prefetch */
+      unsigned int   isic : 1; /* initial-status interruption control */
+      unsigned int   alcc : 1; /* address-limit checking control */
+      unsigned int   ssi  : 1; /* supress-suspended interruption */
+      unsigned int   zcc  : 1; /* zero condition code */
+      unsigned int   ectl : 1; /* extended control */
+      unsigned int   pno  : 1;     /* path not operational */
+      unsigned int   res  : 1;     /* reserved */
+      unsigned int   fctl : 3;     /* function control */
+      unsigned int   actl : 7;     /* activity control */
+      unsigned int   stctl : 5;    /* status control */
+      unsigned long  cpa;          /* channel program address */
+      unsigned int   dstat : 8;    /* device status */
+      unsigned int   cstat : 8;    /* subchannel status */
+      unsigned int   count : 16;   /* residual count */
+   } scsw_t;
+#define SCSW_FCTL_CLEAR_FUNC     0x1
+#define SCSW_FCTL_HALT_FUNC      0x2
+#define SCSW_FCTL_START_FUNC     0x4
+#define SCSW_ACTL_SUSPENDED      0x1
+#define SCSW_ACTL_DEVACT         0x2
+#define SCSW_ACTL_SCHACT         0x4
+#define SCSW_ACTL_CLEAR_PEND     0x8
+#define SCSW_ACTL_HALT_PEND      0x10
+#define SCSW_ACTL_START_PEND     0x20
+#define SCSW_ACTL_RESUME_PEND    0x40
+#define SCSW_STCTL_SEC_STATUS    0x2
+#define DEV_STAT_ATTENTION       0x80
+#define DEV_STAT_STAT_MOD        0x40
+#define DEV_STAT_CU_END          0x20
+#define DEV_STAT_BUSY            0x10
+#define DEV_STAT_CHN_END         0x08
+#define DEV_STAT_DEV_END         0x04
+#define DEV_STAT_UNIT_CHECK      0x02
+#define DEV_STAT_UNIT_EXCEP      0x01
+#define SCHN_STAT_PCI            0x80
+#define SCHN_STAT_INCORR_LEN     0x40
+#define SCHN_STAT_PROG_CHECK     0x20
+#define SCHN_STAT_PROT_CHECK     0x10
+#define SCHN_STAT_CHN_DATA_CHK   0x08
+#define SCHN_STAT_CHN_CTRL_CHK   0x04
+#define SCHN_STAT_INTF_CTRL_CHK  0x02
+#define SCHN_STAT_CHAIN_CHECK    0x01
+ * subchannel information block
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      pmcw_t pmcw;             /* path management control word */
+      scsw_t scsw;             /* subchannel status word */
+      char mda[12];            /* model dependent area */
+   } schib_t;
+typedef struct {
+      char            cmd_code;/* command code */
+      char            flags;   /* flags, like IDA adressing, etc. */
+      unsigned short  count;   /* byte count */
+      void           *cda;     /* data address */
+   } ccw1_t __attribute__ ((aligned(8)));
+#define CCW_FLAG_DC             0x80
+#define CCW_FLAG_CC             0x40
+#define CCW_FLAG_SLI            0x20
+#define CCW_FLAG_SKIP           0x10
+#define CCW_FLAG_PCI            0x08
+#define CCW_FLAG_IDA            0x04
+#define CCW_FLAG_SUSPEND        0x02
+#define CCW_CMD_BASIC_SENSE     0x04
+#define CCW_CMD_TIC             0x08
+#define CCW_CMD_SENSE_ID        0xE4
+#define CCW_CMD_NOOP            0x03
+#define CCW_CMD_RDC             0x64
+#define SENSE_MAX_COUNT         0x20
+ * architectured values for first sense byte
+ */
+#define SNS0_CMD_REJECT         0x80
+#define SNS_CMD_REJECT          SNS0_CMD_REJECT
+#define SNS0_INTERVENTION_REQ   0x40
+#define SNS0_BUS_OUT_CHECK      0x20
+#define SNS0_EQUIPMENT_CHECK    0x10
+#define SNS0_DATA_CHECK         0x08
+#define SNS0_OVERRUN            0x04
+ * operation request block
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned long  intparm;  /* interruption parameter */
+      unsigned int   key  : 4; /* flags, like key, suspend control, etc. */
+      unsigned int   spnd : 1; /* suspend control */
+      unsigned int   res1 : 3; /* reserved */
+      unsigned int   fmt  : 1; /* format control */
+      unsigned int   pfch : 1; /* prefetch control */
+      unsigned int   isic : 1; /* initial-status-interruption control */
+      unsigned int   alcc : 1; /* address-limit-checking control */
+      unsigned int   ssic : 1; /* suppress-suspended-interr. control */
+      unsigned int   res2 : 3; /* reserved */
+      unsigned int   lpm  : 8; /* logical path mask */
+      unsigned int   ils  : 1; /* incorrect length */
+      unsigned int   zero : 7; /* reserved zeros */
+      ccw1_t        *cpa;      /* channel program address */
+   }  __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(4))) orb_t;
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned int res0  : 4;  /* reserved */
+      unsigned int pvrf  : 1;  /* path-verification-required flag */
+      unsigned int cpt   : 1;  /* channel-path timeout */
+      unsigned int fsavf : 1;  /* Failing storage address validity flag */
+      unsigned int cons  : 1;  /* concurrent-sense */
+      unsigned int res8  : 2;  /* reserved */
+      unsigned int scnt  : 6;  /* sense count if cons == 1 */
+      unsigned int res16 : 16; /* reserved */
+   } erw_t;
+ * subchannel logout area
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned int res0  : 1;  /* reserved */
+      unsigned int esf   : 7;  /* extended status flags */
+      unsigned int lpum  : 8;  /* last path used mask */
+      unsigned int res16 : 1;  /* reserved */
+      unsigned int fvf   : 5;  /* field-validity flags */
+      unsigned int sacc  : 2;  /* storage access code */
+      unsigned int termc : 2;  /* termination code */
+      unsigned int devsc : 1;  /* device-status check */
+      unsigned int serr  : 1;  /* secondary error */
+      unsigned int ioerr : 1;  /* i/o-error alert */
+      unsigned int seqc  : 3;  /* sequence code */
+   } sublog_t ;
+ * Format 0 Extended Status Word (ESW)
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      sublog_t      sublog;    /* subchannel logout */
+      erw_t         erw;       /* extended report word */
+      void         *faddr;     /* failing address */
+      unsigned int  zeros[2];  /* 2 fullwords of zeros */
+   } esw0_t;
+ * Format 1 Extended Status Word (ESW)
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned char  zero0;    /* reserved zeros */
+      unsigned char  lpum;     /* last path used mask */
+      unsigned short zero16;   /* reserved zeros */
+      erw_t          erw;      /* extended report word */
+      unsigned int   zeros[3]; /* 2 fullwords of zeros */
+   } esw1_t;
+ * Format 2 Extended Status Word (ESW)
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned char  zero0;    /* reserved zeros */
+      unsigned char  lpum;     /* last path used mask */
+      unsigned short dcti;     /* device-connect-time interval */
+      erw_t          erw;      /* extended report word */
+      unsigned int   zeros[3]; /* 2 fullwords of zeros */
+   } esw2_t;
+ * Format 3 Extended Status Word (ESW)
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned char  zero0;    /* reserved zeros */
+      unsigned char  lpum;     /* last path used mask */
+      unsigned short res;      /* reserved */
+      erw_t          erw;      /* extended report word */
+      unsigned int   zeros[3]; /* 2 fullwords of zeros */
+   } esw3_t;
+typedef union {
+      esw0_t esw0;
+      esw1_t esw1;
+      esw2_t esw2;
+      esw3_t esw3;
+   } esw_t;
+ * interruption response block
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      scsw_t scsw;             /* subchannel status word */
+      esw_t  esw;              /* extended status word */
+      char   ecw[32];          /* extended control word */
+   } irb_t __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
+ * TPI info structure
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned int res : 16;   /* reserved 0x00000001 */
+      unsigned int irq : 16;   /* aka. subchannel number */
+      unsigned int intparm;    /* interruption parameter */
+   } tpi_info_t;
+ * This is the "IRQ descriptor", which contains various information
+ * about the irq, including what kind of hardware handling it has,
+ * whether it is disabled etc etc.
+ *
+ * Pad this out to 32 bytes for cache and indexing reasons.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned int              status;    /* IRQ status - IRQ_INPROGRESS, IRQ_DISABLED */
+      struct hw_interrupt_type *handler;   /* handle/enable/disable functions */
+      struct irqaction         *action;    /* IRQ action list */
+      unsigned int              unused[3];
+      spinlock_t                irq_lock;
+   } irq_desc_t;
+// command information word  (CIW) layout
+typedef struct _ciw {
+   unsigned int et       :  2; // entry type
+   unsigned int reserved :  2; // reserved
+   unsigned int ct       :  4; // command type
+   unsigned int cmd      :  8; // command
+   unsigned int count    : 16; // count
+   } ciw_t;
+#define CIW_TYPE_RCD    0x0    // read configuration data
+#define CIW_TYPE_SII    0x1    // set interface identifier
+#define CIW_TYPE_RNI    0x2    // read node identifier
+// sense-id response buffer layout
+typedef struct {
+  /* common part */
+      unsigned char  reserved;     /* always 0x'FF' */
+      unsigned short cu_type;      /* control unit type */
+      unsigned char  cu_model;     /* control unit model */
+      unsigned short dev_type;     /* device type */
+      unsigned char  dev_model;    /* device model */
+      unsigned char  unused;       /* padding byte */
+  /* extended part */
+      ciw_t    ciw[62];            /* variable # of CIWs */
+   }  __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(4))) senseid_t;
+ * sense data
+ */
+typedef struct {
+      unsigned char res[32];   /* reserved   */
+      unsigned char data[32];  /* sense data */
+   } sense_t;
+ * device status area, to be provided by the device driver
+ *  when calling request_irq() as parameter "dev_id", later
+ *  tied to the "action" control block.
+ *
+ * Note : No data area must be added after union ii or the
+ *         effective devstat size calculation will fail !
+ */
+typedef struct {
+     unsigned int  devno;    /* device number, aka. "cuu" from irb */
+     unsigned int  intparm;  /* interrupt parameter */
+     unsigned char cstat;    /* channel status - accumulated */
+     unsigned char dstat;    /* device status - accumulated */
+     unsigned char lpum;     /* last path used mask from irb */
+     unsigned char unused;   /* not used - reserved */
+     unsigned int  flag;     /* flag : see below */
+     unsigned long cpa;      /* CCW address from irb at primary status */
+     unsigned int  rescnt;   /* res. count from irb at primary status */
+     unsigned int  scnt;     /* sense count, if DEVSTAT_FLAG_SENSE_AVAIL */
+     union {
+        irb_t   irb;         /* interruption response block */
+        sense_t sense;       /* sense information */
+        } ii;                /* interrupt information */
+  } devstat_t;
+#define DEVSTAT_FLAG_SENSE_AVAIL   0x00000001
+#define DEVSTAT_NOT_OPER           0x00000002
+#define DEVSTAT_START_FUNCTION     0x00000004
+#define DEVSTAT_HALT_FUNCTION      0x00000008
+#define DEVSTAT_STATUS_PENDING     0x00000010
+#define DEVSTAT_FINAL_STATUS       0x80000000
+ * Flags used as input parameters for do_IO()
+ */
+#define DOIO_EARLY_NOTIFICATION 0x01    /* allow for I/O completion ... */
+                                        /* ... notification after ... */
+                                        /* ... primary interrupt status */
+#define DOIO_VALID_LPM          0x02    /* LPM input parameter is valid */
+#define DOIO_WAIT_FOR_INTERRUPT 0x04    /* wait synchronously for interrupt */
+#define DOIO_REPORT_ALL         0x08    /* report all interrupt conditions */
+#define DOIO_ALLOW_SUSPEND      0x10    /* allow for channel prog. suspend */
+#define DOIO_DENY_PREFETCH      0x20    /* don't allow for CCW prefetch */
+#define DOIO_SUPPRESS_INTER     0x40    /* suppress intermediate inter. */
+                                        /* ... for suspended CCWs */
+ * do_IO()
+ *
+ * Start a S/390 channel program. When the interrupt arrives
+ *  handle_IRQ_event() is called, which eventually calls the
+ *  IRQ handler, either immediately, delayed (dev-end missing,
+ *  or sense required) or never (no IRQ handler registered -
+ *  should never occur, as the IRQ (subchannel ID) should be
+ *  disabled if no handler is present. Depending on the action
+ *  taken, do_IO() returns :  0      - Success
+ *                           -EIO    - Status pending
+ *                                        see : action->dev_id->cstat
+ *                                              action->dev_id->dstat
+ *                           -EBUSY  - Device busy
+ *                           -ENODEV - Device not operational
+ */
+int do_IO( int            irq,          /* IRQ aka. subchannel number */
+           ccw1_t        *cpa,          /* logical channel program address */
+           unsigned long  initparm,     /* interruption parameter */
+           unsigned char  lpm,          /* logical path mask */
+           unsigned long  flag);        /* flags : see above */
+int start_IO( int            irq,       /* IRQ aka. subchannel number */
+              ccw1_t        *cpa,       /* logical channel program address */
+              unsigned long  intparm,   /* interruption parameter */
+              unsigned char  lpm,       /* logical path mask */
+              unsigned long  flag);     /* flags : see above */
+int resume_IO( int irq);                /* IRQ aka. subchannel number */
+int halt_IO( int          irq,          /* IRQ aka. subchannel number */
+             int          intparm,      /* dummy intparm */
+             unsigned int flag);        /* possible DOIO_WAIT_FOR_INTERRUPT */
+int process_IRQ( struct pt_regs regs,
+                 unsigned int   irq,
+                 unsigned int   intparm);
+int enable_cpu_sync_isc ( int irq );
+int disable_cpu_sync_isc( int irq );
+typedef struct {
+     int          irq;                  /* irq, aka. subchannel */
+     unsigned int devno;                /* device number */
+     unsigned int status;               /* device status */
+     senseid_t    sid_data;             /* senseID data */
+     } dev_info_t;
+int get_dev_info( int irq, dev_info_t *);   /* to be eliminated - don't use */
+int get_dev_info_by_irq  ( int irq, dev_info_t *pdi);
+int get_dev_info_by_devno( unsigned int devno, dev_info_t *pdi);
+int          get_irq_by_devno( unsigned int devno );
+unsigned int get_devno_by_irq( int irq );
+int read_dev_chars( int irq, void **buffer, int length );
+int read_conf_data( int irq, void **buffer, int *length );
+extern senseid_t senseid[NR_IRQS];
+extern irq_desc_t irq_desc[NR_IRQS];
+extern int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int, int cpu, struct pt_regs *);
+extern int set_cons_dev(int irq);
+extern int reset_cons_dev(int irq);
+extern int wait_cons_dev(int irq);
+ * Some S390 specific IO instructions as inline
+ */
+extern __inline__ int stsch(int irq, volatile schib_t *addr)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                "STSCH 0(%2)\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "r" (irq | 0x10000L), "a" (addr)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int msch(int irq, volatile schib_t *addr)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                "MSCH 0(%2)\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "r" (irq | 0x10000L), "a" (addr)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int msch_err(int irq, volatile schib_t *addr)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "    lr   1,%1\n"
+                "    msch 0(%2)\n"
+                "0:  ipm  %0\n"
+                "    srl  %0,28\n"
+                "1:\n"
+                ".section .fixup,\"ax\"\n"
+                "2:  l    %0,%3\n"
+                "    bras 1,3f\n"
+                "    .long 1b\n"
+                "3:  l    1,0(1)\n"
+                "    br   1\n"
+                ".previous\n"
+                ".section __ex_table,\"a\"\n"
+                "   .align 4\n"
+                "   .long 0b,2b\n"
+                ".previous"
+                : "=d" (ccode)
+                : "r" (irq | 0x10000L), "a" (addr), "i" (__LC_PGM_ILC)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int tsch(int irq, volatile irb_t *addr)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                "TSCH 0(%2)\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "r" (irq | 0x10000L), "a" (addr)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int tpi( volatile tpi_info_t *addr)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "TPI 0(%1)\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "a" (addr)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int ssch(int irq, volatile orb_t *addr)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                "SSCH 0(%2)\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "r" (irq | 0x10000L), "a" (addr)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int rsch(int irq)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                "RSCH\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "r" (irq | 0x10000L)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int csch(int irq)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                "CSCH\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "r" (irq | 0x10000L)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int hsch(int irq)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                "HSCH\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "r" (irq | 0x10000L)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+extern __inline__ int iac( void)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "IAC %0\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : : "cc");
+        return ccode;
+typedef struct {
+     unsigned int vrdcdvno : 16;   /* device number (input) */
+     unsigned int vrdclen  : 16;   /* data block length (input) */
+     unsigned int vrdcvcla : 8;    /* virtual device class (output) */
+     unsigned int vrdcvtyp : 8;    /* virtual device type (output) */
+     unsigned int vrdcvsta : 8;    /* virtual device status (output) */
+     unsigned int vrdcvfla : 8;    /* virtual device flags (output) */
+     unsigned int vrdcrccl : 8;    /* real device class (output) */
+     unsigned int vrdccrty : 8;    /* real device type (output) */
+     unsigned int vrdccrmd : 8;    /* real device model (output) */
+     unsigned int vrdccrft : 8;    /* real device feature (output) */
+     } __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(4))) diag210_t;
+void VM_virtual_device_info( int        devno,   /* device number */
+                             senseid_t *ps );    /* ptr to senseID data */
+extern __inline__ int diag210( diag210_t * addr)
+        int ccode;
+        __asm__ __volatile__(
+                "LR 1,%1\n\t"
+                ".long 0x83110210\n\t"
+                "IPM %0\n\t"
+                "SRL %0,28\n\t"
+                : "=d" (ccode) : "a" (addr)
+                : "cc", "1" );
+        return ccode;
+ * Various low-level irq details needed by irq.c, process.c,
+ * time.c, io_apic.c and smp.c
+ *
+ * Interrupt entry/exit code at both C and assembly level
+ */
+void mask_irq(unsigned int irq);
+void unmask_irq(unsigned int irq);
+#define MAX_IRQ_SOURCES 128
+extern spinlock_t irq_controller_lock;
+#ifdef __SMP__
+#include <asm/atomic.h>
+static inline void irq_enter(int cpu, unsigned int irq)
+        hardirq_enter(cpu);
+        while (test_bit(0,&global_irq_lock)) {
+                eieio();
+        }
+static inline void irq_exit(int cpu, unsigned int irq)
+        hardirq_exit(cpu);
+        release_irqlock(cpu);
+#define irq_enter(cpu, irq)     (++local_irq_count[cpu])
+#define irq_exit(cpu, irq)      (--local_irq_count[cpu])
+#define __STR(x) #x
+#define STR(x) __STR(x)
+#ifdef __SMP__
+ *      SMP has a few special interrupts for IPI messages
+ */
+#endif /* __SMP__ */
+ * x86 profiling function, SMP safe. We might want to do this in
+ * assembly totally?
+ */
+static inline void s390_do_profile (unsigned long addr)
+#if 0
+        if (prof_buffer && current->pid) {
+                addr -= (unsigned long) &_stext;
+                addr >>= prof_shift;
+                /*
+                 * Don't ignore out-of-bounds EIP values silently,
+                 * put them into the last histogram slot, so if
+                 * present, they will show up as a sharp peak.
+                 */
+                if (addr > prof_len-1)
+                        addr = prof_len-1;
+                atomic_inc((atomic_t *)&prof_buffer[addr]);
+        }
+#define s390irq_spin_lock(irq) \
+        spin_lock(&(irq_desc[irq].irq_lock))
+#define s390irq_spin_unlock(irq) \
+        spin_unlock(&(irq_desc[irq].irq_lock))
+#define s390irq_spin_lock_irqsave(irq,flags) \
+        spin_lock_irqsave(&(irq_desc[irq].irq_lock), flags)
+#define s390irq_spin_unlock_irqrestore(irq,flags) \
+        spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(irq_desc[irq].irq_lock), flags)

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: