patch-2.2.14 linux/arch/sparc64/math-emu/double.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.13/linux/arch/sparc64/math-emu/double.h linux/arch/sparc64/math-emu/double.h
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- * Definitions for IEEE Double Precision
- */
-#if _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE < 32
-#error "Here's a nickel kid.  Go buy yourself a real computer."
-#if _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE < 64
-#define _FP_FRACTBITS_D		(2 * _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE)
-#define _FP_FRACBITS_D		53
-#define _FP_EXPBITS_D		11
-#define _FP_EXPBIAS_D		1023
-#define _FP_EXPMAX_D		2047
-#define _FP_QNANBIT_D		\
-#define _FP_IMPLBIT_D		\
-#define _FP_OVERFLOW_D		\
-#if _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE < 64
-union _FP_UNION_D
-  double flt;
-  struct {
-    unsigned sign  : 1;
-    unsigned exp   : _FP_EXPBITS_D;
-    unsigned frac1 : _FP_FRACBITS_D - (_FP_IMPLBIT_D != 0) - _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE;
-    unsigned frac0 : _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE;
-    unsigned frac0 : _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE;
-    unsigned frac1 : _FP_FRACBITS_D - (_FP_IMPLBIT_D != 0) - _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE;
-    unsigned exp   : _FP_EXPBITS_D;
-    unsigned sign  : 1;
-  } bits __attribute__((packed));
-#define FP_DECL_D(X)		_FP_DECL(2,X)
-#define FP_UNPACK_RAW_D(X,val)	_FP_UNPACK_RAW_2(D,X,val)
-#define FP_PACK_RAW_D(val,X)	_FP_PACK_RAW_2(D,val,X)
-#define FP_UNPACK_D(X,val)		\
-  do {					\
-    _FP_UNPACK_RAW_2(D,X,val);		\
-  } while (0)
-#define FP_PACK_D(val,X)		\
-  do {					\
-    _FP_PACK_CANONICAL(D,2,X);		\
-    _FP_PACK_RAW_2(D,val,X);		\
-  } while (0)
-#define FP_NEG_D(R,X)		_FP_NEG(D,2,R,X)
-#define FP_ADD_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_ADD(D,2,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_SUB_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_SUB(D,2,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_MUL_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_MUL(D,2,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_DIV_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_DIV(D,2,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_SQRT_D(R,X)		_FP_SQRT(D,2,R,X)
-#define FP_CMP_D(r,X,Y,un)	_FP_CMP(D,2,r,X,Y,un)
-#define FP_CMP_EQ_D(r,X,Y)	_FP_CMP_EQ(D,2,r,X,Y)
-#define FP_TO_INT_D(r,X,rsz,rsg)  _FP_TO_INT(D,2,r,X,rsz,rsg)
-#define FP_FROM_INT_D(X,r,rs,rt)  _FP_FROM_INT(D,2,X,r,rs,rt)
-union _FP_UNION_D
-  double flt;
-  struct {
-    unsigned sign : 1;
-    unsigned exp  : _FP_EXPBITS_D;
-    unsigned long frac : _FP_FRACBITS_D - (_FP_IMPLBIT_D != 0);
-    unsigned long frac : _FP_FRACBITS_D - (_FP_IMPLBIT_D != 0);
-    unsigned exp  : _FP_EXPBITS_D;
-    unsigned sign : 1;
-  } bits __attribute__((packed));
-#define FP_DECL_D(X)		_FP_DECL(1,X)
-#define FP_UNPACK_RAW_D(X,val)	_FP_UNPACK_RAW_1(D,X,val)
-#define FP_PACK_RAW_D(val,X)	_FP_PACK_RAW_1(D,val,X)
-#define FP_UNPACK_D(X,val)		\
-  do {					\
-    _FP_UNPACK_RAW_1(D,X,val);		\
-  } while (0)
-#define FP_PACK_D(val,X)		\
-  do {					\
-    _FP_PACK_CANONICAL(D,1,X);		\
-    _FP_PACK_RAW_1(D,val,X);		\
-  } while (0)
-#define FP_NEG_D(R,X)		_FP_NEG(D,1,R,X)
-#define FP_ADD_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_ADD(D,1,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_SUB_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_SUB(D,1,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_MUL_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_MUL(D,1,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_DIV_D(R,X,Y)		_FP_DIV(D,1,R,X,Y)
-#define FP_SQRT_D(R,X)		_FP_SQRT(D,1,R,X)
-/* The implementation of _FP_MUL_D and _FP_DIV_D should be chosen by
-   the target machine.  */
-#define FP_CMP_D(r,X,Y,un)	_FP_CMP(D,1,r,X,Y,un)
-#define FP_CMP_EQ_D(r,X,Y)	_FP_CMP_EQ(D,1,r,X,Y)
-#define FP_TO_INT_D(r,X,rsz,rsg)  _FP_TO_INT(D,1,r,X,rsz,rsg)
-#define FP_FROM_INT_D(X,r,rs,rt)  _FP_FROM_INT(D,1,X,r,rs,rt)
-#endif /* W_TYPE_SIZE < 64 */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: