patch-2.2.14 linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skrlmt.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.13/linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skrlmt.h linux/drivers/net/sk98lin/h/skrlmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+ *
+ * Name:	skrlmt.h
+ * Project:	GEnesis, PCI Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
+ * Version:	$Revision: 1.26 $
+ * Date:	$Date: 1999/10/04 14:01:19 $
+ * Purpose:	Header file for Redundant Link ManagemenT.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ *	(C)Copyright 1998,1999 SysKonnect,
+ *	a business unit of Schneider & Koch & Co. Datensysteme GmbH.
+ *
+ *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *	(at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *	The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * History:
+ *
+ *	$Log: skrlmt.h,v $
+ *	Revision 1.26  1999/10/04 14:01:19  rassmann
+ *	Corrected reaction to reception of BPDU frames.
+ *	Added parameter descriptions to "For Readme" section skrlmt.txt.
+ *	Clarified usage of lookahead result *pForRlmt.
+ *	Requested driver to present RLMT packets as soon as poosible.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.25  1999/07/20 12:53:39  rassmann
+ *	Fixed documentation errors for lookahead macros.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.24  1999/05/28 11:15:56  rassmann
+ *	Changed behaviour to reflect Design Spec v1.2.
+ *	Controlling Link LED(s).
+ *	Introduced RLMT Packet Version field in RLMT Packet.
+ *	Newstyle lookahead macros (checking meta-information before looking at
+ *	  the packet).
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.23  1999/01/28 12:50:42  rassmann
+ *	Not using broadcast time stamps in CheckLinkState mode.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.22  1999/01/27 14:13:04  rassmann
+ *	Monitoring broadcast traffic.
+ *	Switching more reliably and not too early if switch is
+ *	 configured for spanning tree.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.21  1998/12/08 13:11:25  rassmann
+ *	Stopping SegTimer at RlmtStop.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.20  1998/11/24 12:37:33  rassmann
+ *	Implemented segmentation check.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.19  1998/11/17 13:43:06  rassmann
+ *	Handling (logical) tx failure.
+ *	Sending packet on logical address after PORT_SWITCH.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.18  1998/11/13 16:56:56  rassmann
+ *	Added macro version of SkRlmtLookaheadPacket.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.17  1998/11/06 18:06:05  rassmann
+ *	Corrected timing when RLMT checks fail.
+ *	Clearing tx counter earlier in periodical checks.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.16  1998/11/03 13:53:50  rassmann
+ *	RLMT should switch now (at least in mode 3).
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.15  1998/10/22 11:39:52  rassmann
+ *	Corrected signed/unsigned mismatches.
+ *	Corrected receive list handling and address recognition.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.14  1998/10/15 15:16:36  rassmann
+ *	Finished Spanning Tree checking.
+ *	Checked with lint.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.13  1998/09/24 19:16:08  rassmann
+ *	Code cleanup.
+ *	Introduced Timer for PORT_DOWN due to no RX.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.12  1998/09/16 11:09:52  rassmann
+ *	Syntax corrections.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.11  1998/09/15 11:28:50  rassmann
+ *	Syntax corrections.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.10  1998/09/14 17:07:38  rassmann
+ *	Added code for port checking via LAN.
+ *	Changed Mbuf definition.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.9  1998/09/07 11:14:15  rassmann
+ *	Syntax corrections.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.8  1998/09/07 09:06:08  rassmann
+ *	Syntax corrections.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.7  1998/09/04 19:41:34  rassmann
+ *	Syntax corrections.
+ *	Started entering code for checking local links.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.6  1998/09/04 12:14:28  rassmann
+ *	Interface cleanup.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.5  1998/09/02 16:55:29  rassmann
+ *	Updated to reflect new DRV/HWAC/RLMT interface.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.4  1998/09/02 07:26:02  afischer
+ *	typedef for SK_RLMT_PORT
+ *
+ *	Revision 1.3  1998/08/27 14:29:03  rassmann
+ *	Code cleanup.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.2  1998/08/27 14:26:25  rassmann
+ *	Updated interface.
+ *	
+ *	Revision 1.1  1998/08/21 08:29:10  rassmann
+ *	First public version.
+ *	
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * This is the header file for Redundant Link ManagemenT.
+ *
+ * Include File Hierarchy:
+ *
+ *	"skdrv1st.h"
+ *	...
+ *	"sktypes.h"
+ *	"skqueue.h"
+ *	"skaddr.h"
+ *	"skrlmt.h"
+ *	...
+ *	"skdrv2nd.h"
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __INC_SKRLMT_H
+#define __INC_SKRLMT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+xxxx	/* not supported yet - force error */
+extern "C" {
+#endif	/* cplusplus */
+/* defines ********************************************************************/
+#define	SK_RLMT_NET_DOWN_TEMP	1	/* NET_DOWN due to last port down. */
+#define	SK_RLMT_NET_DOWN_FINAL	2	/* NET_DOWN due to RLMT_STOP. */
+/* ----- Default queue sizes - must be multiples of 8 KB ----- */
+/* Less than 8 KB free in RX queue => pause frames. */
+#define SK_RLMT_STANDBY_QRXSIZE	128	/* Size of rx standby queue in KB. */
+#define SK_RLMT_STANDBY_QXASIZE	32	/* Size of async standby queue in KB. */
+#define SK_RLMT_STANDBY_QXSSIZE	0	/* Size of sync standby queue in KB. */
+#define SK_RLMT_MAX_TX_BUF_SIZE	60	/* Maximum RLMT transmit size. */
+/* ----- PORT states ----- */
+#define SK_RLMT_PS_INIT		0	/* Port state: Init. */
+#define SK_RLMT_PS_LINK_DOWN	1	/* Port state: Link down. */
+#define SK_RLMT_PS_DOWN		2	/* Port state: Port down. */
+#define SK_RLMT_PS_GOING_UP	3	/* Port state: Going up. */
+#define SK_RLMT_PS_UP		4	/* Port state: Up. */
+/* ----- RLMT states ----- */
+#define SK_RLMT_RS_INIT		0	/* RLMT state: Init. */
+#define SK_RLMT_RS_NET_DOWN	1	/* RLMT state: Net down. */
+#define SK_RLMT_RS_NET_UP	2	/* RLMT state: Net up. */
+/* ----- PORT events ----- */
+#define SK_RLMT_LINK_UP		1001	/* Link came up. */
+#define SK_RLMT_LINK_DOWN	1002	/* Link went down. */
+#define SK_RLMT_PORT_ADDR	1003	/* Port address changed. */
+/* ----- RLMT events ----- */
+#define SK_RLMT_START		2001	/* Start RLMT. */
+#define SK_RLMT_STOP		2002	/* Stop RLMT. */
+#define SK_RLMT_PACKET_RECEIVED	2003	/* Packet was received for RLMT. */
+#define SK_RLMT_STATS_CLEAR	2004	/* Clear statistics. */
+#define SK_RLMT_STATS_UPDATE	2005	/* Update statistics. */
+#define SK_RLMT_PREFPORT_CHANGE	2006	/* Change preferred port. */
+#define SK_RLMT_MODE_CHANGE	2007	/* New RlmtMode. */
+/* ----- RLMT mode bits ----- */
+#define SK_RLMT_CHECK_LINK	1	/* Check Link. */
+#define SK_RLMT_CHECK_LOC_LINK	2	/* Check other link on same adapter. */
+#define SK_RLMT_CHECK_SEG	4	/* Check segmentation. */
+#else	/* RLMT_CHECK_REMOTE */
+#define SK_RLMT_CHECK_REM_LINK	8	/* Check link(s) on other adapter(s). */
+#endif	/* RLMT_CHECK_REMOTE */
+/* ----- RLMT modes ----- */
+/* Check Link State. */
+/* Check Local Ports: check other links on the same adapter. */
+/* Check Local Ports and Segmentation Status. */
+/* Check Local and Remote Ports: check links (local or remote). */
+	Name of define TBD!
+/* Check Local and Remote Ports and Segmentation Status. */
+	Name of define TBD!
+#endif	/* RLMT_CHECK_REMOTE */
+/* ----- RLMT lookahead result bits ----- */
+#define SK_RLMT_RX_RLMT		1	/* Give packet to RLMT. */
+#define SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL	2	/* Give packet to protocol. */
+/* Macros */
+#if 0
+SK_AC		*pAC		/* adapter context */
+SK_U32		PortIdx		/* receiving port */
+unsigned	PacketLength	/* received packet's length */
+SK_BOOL		IsBc		/* Flag: broadcast received */
+unsigned	*pOffset	/* Result: offset of bytes to present
+				   to SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD */
+unsigned	*pNumBytes	/* Result: #Bytes to present
+				   to SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD */
+#endif	/* 0 */
+#define SK_RLMT_PRE_LOOKAHEAD(pAC,PortIdx,PacketLength,IsBc,pOffset,pNumBytes) { \
+	SK_AC	*_pAC; \
+	SK_U32	_PortIdx; \
+	_pAC = (pAC); \
+	_PortIdx = (SK_U32)(PortIdx); \
+	_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].PacketsRx++; \
+	_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].PacketsPerTimeSlot++; \
+	if ((IsBc) && _pAC->Rlmt.RlmtMode != SK_RLMT_MODE_CLS) { \
+		*(pOffset) = 6; \
+		*(pNumBytes) = 6; \
+	} \
+	else { \
+		*(pOffset) = 0; \
+		if ((PacketLength) > SK_RLMT_MAX_TX_BUF_SIZE) { \
+			_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].DataPacketsPerTimeSlot++; \
+			*(pNumBytes) = 0; \
+		} \
+		else { \
+			*(pNumBytes) = 6; \
+		} \
+	} \
+#if 0
+SK_AC		*pAC		/* adapter context */
+SK_U32		PortIdx		/* receiving port */
+SK_U8		*pLaPacket,	/* received packet's data (points to pOffset) */
+SK_BOOL		IsBc		/* Flag: broadcast received */
+SK_BOOL		IsMc		/* Flag: multicast received */
+unsigned	*pForRlmt	/* Result: bits SK_RLMT_RX_RLMT,
+SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD() expects *pNumBytes from
+packet offset *pOffset (s.a.) at *pLaPacket.
+If you use SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD in a path where you already know if the packet is
+BC, MC, or UC, you should use constants for IsBc and IsMc, so that your compiler
+can trash unneeded parts of the if construction.
+#endif	/* 0 */
+#define SK_RLMT_LOOKAHEAD(pAC,PortIdx,pLaPacket,IsBc,IsMc,pForRlmt) { \
+	SK_AC	*_pAC; \
+	SK_U32	_PortIdx; \
+	SK_U8	*_pLaPacket; \
+	_pAC = (pAC); \
+	_PortIdx = (SK_U32)(PortIdx); \
+	_pLaPacket = (SK_U8 *)(pLaPacket); \
+	if (IsBc) {\
+		if (!SK_ADDR_EQUAL( \
+			_pLaPacket, \
+			_pAC->Addr.CurrentMacAddress.a)) { \
+			_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].BcTimeStamp = \
+				SkOsGetTime(_pAC); \
+		} \
+		_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].DataPacketsPerTimeSlot++; \
+		*(pForRlmt) = SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL; \
+	} \
+	else if (IsMc) { \
+		if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(_pLaPacket, BridgeMcAddr.a)) { \
+			_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].BpduPacketsPerTimeSlot++; \
+			if (_pAC->Rlmt.RlmtMode & SK_RLMT_CHECK_SEG) { \
+				*(pForRlmt) = SK_RLMT_RX_RLMT | \
+			} \
+			else { \
+				*(pForRlmt) = SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL; \
+			} \
+		} \
+		else if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL(_pLaPacket, SkRlmtMcAddr.a)) { \
+			*(pForRlmt) = SK_RLMT_RX_RLMT; \
+		} \
+		else { \
+			_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].DataPacketsPerTimeSlot++; \
+			*(pForRlmt) = SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL; \
+		} \
+	} \
+	else { \
+		if (SK_ADDR_EQUAL( \
+			_pLaPacket, \
+			_pAC->Addr.Port[_PortIdx].CurrentMacAddress.a)) { \
+			*(pForRlmt) = SK_RLMT_RX_RLMT; \
+		} \
+		else { \
+			_pAC->Rlmt.Port[_PortIdx].DataPacketsPerTimeSlot++; \
+			*(pForRlmt) = SK_RLMT_RX_PROTOCOL; \
+		} \
+	} \
+Error: SK_RLMT_FAST_LOOKAHEAD no longer used. Use new macros for lookahead.
+/* typedefs *******************************************************************/
+typedef struct s_RootId {
+	SK_U8		Id[8];		/* Root Bridge Id. */
+typedef struct s_port {
+	SK_MAC_ADDR	CheckAddr;
+	SK_BOOL		SuspectTx;
+typedef struct s_RlmtPort {
+/* ----- Public part (read-only) ----- */
+	SK_U8		PortState;	/* Current state of this port. */
+	/* For PNMI */
+	SK_BOOL		LinkDown;
+	SK_BOOL		PortDown;
+	SK_U64		TxHelloCts;
+	SK_U64		RxHelloCts;
+	SK_U64		TxSpHelloReqCts;
+	SK_U64		RxSpHelloCts;
+/* ----- Private part ----- */
+	SK_BOOL		PortStarted;		/* Port is started. */
+	SK_BOOL		PortNoRx;		/* NoRx for >= 1 time slot. */
+	SK_U32		CheckingState;		/* Checking State. */
+	SK_U64		PacketsRx;		/* Total packets received. */
+	SK_U32		PacketsPerTimeSlot;	/* Packets rxed between TOs. */
+	SK_U32		DataPacketsPerTimeSlot;	/* Data packets ... */
+#if 0
+	SK_U32		RlmtAcksPerTimeSlot;	/* RLMT Acks rxed in TS. */
+	SK_U32		RlmtChksPerTimeSlot;	/* RLMT Chks rxed in TS. */
+#endif	/* 0 */
+	SK_U32		BpduPacketsPerTimeSlot;	/* BPDU packets rxed in TS. */
+	SK_U64		BcTimeStamp;		/* Time of last BC receive. */
+	SK_U64		GuTimeStamp;		/* Time of entering GOING_UP. */
+	SK_TIMER	UpTimer;		/* Timer struct Link/Port up. */
+	SK_TIMER	DownRxTimer;		/* Timer struct down rx. */
+	SK_TIMER	DownTxTimer;		/* Timer struct down tx. */
+	SK_U8		Random[4];		/* Random value. */
+	unsigned	PortsChecked;		/* #ports checked. */
+	unsigned	PortsSuspect;		/* #ports checked that are s. */
+	SK_PORT_CHECK	PortCheck[1];
+/*	SK_PORT_CHECK	PortCheck[SK_MAX_MACS - 1]; */
+	SK_BOOL		RootIdSet;
+	SK_RLMT_ROOT_ID	Root;			/* Root Bridge Id. */
+typedef struct s_RlmtMbuf {
+	some content
+#endif	/* SK_RLMT_MBUF_PRIVATE */
+#ifdef SK_LA_INFO
+typedef struct s_Rlmt_PacketInfo {
+	unsigned	PacketLength;	/* Length of packet. */
+	unsigned	PacketType;	/* Directed/Multicast/Broadcast. */
+#endif	/* SK_LA_INFO */
+typedef struct s_Rlmt {
+/* ----- Public part (read-only) ----- */
+	SK_U8		RlmtState;		/* Current RLMT state. */
+	SK_RLMT_PORT	Port[SK_MAX_MACS];	/* Array of available ports. */
+	SK_U32		PrefPort;		/* Preferred port. */
+	/* For PNMI */
+	SK_U32		RlmtMode;		/* Check ... */
+	SK_U32		MacActive;		/* Active port. */
+	SK_U32		MacPreferred;		/* 0xFFFFFFFF: Automatic. */
+/* ----- Private part ----- */
+	int		LinksUp;		/* #Links up. */
+	int		PortsUp;		/* #Ports up. */
+	SK_U32		TimeoutValue;		/* RLMT timeout value. */
+	SK_TIMER	LocTimer;		/* Timer struct. */
+	SK_U32		CheckingState;		/* Checking State. */
+	SK_BOOL		RootIdSet;
+	SK_RLMT_ROOT_ID	Root;			/* Root Bridge Id. */
+	SK_TIMER	SegTimer;		/* Timer struct. */
+extern	SK_MAC_ADDR	BridgeMcAddr;
+extern	SK_MAC_ADDR     SkRlmtMcAddr;
+/* function prototypes ********************************************************/
+#ifndef SK_KR_PROTO
+/* Functions provided by SkRlmt */
+/* ANSI/C++ compliant function prototypes */
+extern	void	SkRlmtInit(
+	SK_AC	*pAC,
+	int	Level);
+extern	SK_BOOL	SkRlmtLookaheadPacket(
+	SK_AC		*pAC,
+	SK_U32		PortIdx,
+	SK_U8		*pLaPacket,
+	unsigned	PacketLength,
+	unsigned	LaLength);
+extern	int	SkRlmtEvent(
+	SK_AC		*pAC,
+	SK_IOC		IoC,
+	SK_U32		Event,
+	SK_EVPARA	Para);
+#else	/* defined(SK_KR_PROTO)) */
+/* Non-ANSI/C++ compliant function prototypes */
+xxxx	/* not supported yet - force error */
+#endif	/* defined(SK_KR_PROTO)) */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif	/* __cplusplus */
+#endif	/* __INC_SKRLMT_H */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: