patch-2.2.7 linux/drivers/usb/usb-debug.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.2.6/linux/drivers/usb/usb-debug.c linux/drivers/usb/usb-debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * debug.c - USB debug helper routines.
+ *
+ * I just want these out of the way where they aren't in your
+ * face, but so that you can still use them..
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include "usb.h"
+static void usb_show_endpoint(struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint)
+	usb_show_endpoint_descriptor(endpoint);
+static void usb_show_interface(struct usb_interface_descriptor *interface)
+	int i;
+	usb_show_interface_descriptor(interface);
+	for (i = 0 ; i < interface->bNumEndpoints; i++)
+		usb_show_endpoint(interface->endpoint + i);
+static void usb_show_config(struct usb_config_descriptor *config)
+	int i;
+	usb_show_config_descriptor(config);
+	for (i = 0 ; i < config->bNumInterfaces; i++)
+		usb_show_interface(config->interface + i);
+void usb_show_device(struct usb_device *dev)
+	int i;
+	usb_show_device_descriptor(&dev->descriptor);
+	for (i = 0; i < dev->descriptor.bNumConfigurations; i++)
+		usb_show_config(dev->config + i);
+ * Parse and show the different USB descriptors.
+ */
+void usb_show_device_descriptor(struct usb_device_descriptor *desc)
+	printk("  USB version %x.%02x\n", desc->bcdUSB >> 8, desc->bcdUSB & 0xff);
+	printk("  Vendor:  %04x\n", desc->idVendor);
+	printk("  Product: %04x\n", desc->idProduct);
+	printk("  Configurations: %d\n", desc->bNumConfigurations);
+	printk("  Device Class: %d\n", desc->bDeviceClass);
+	switch (desc->bDeviceClass) {
+	case 0:
+		printk("    Per-interface classes\n");
+		break;
+	case 9:
+		printk("    Hub device class\n");
+		break;
+	case 0xff:
+		printk("    Vendor class\n");
+		break;
+	default:
+		printk("    Unknown class\n");
+	}
+void usb_show_config_descriptor(struct usb_config_descriptor * desc)
+	printk("Configuration:\n");
+	printk("  bLength             = %4d%s\n", desc->bLength,
+		desc->bLength == 9 ? "" : " (!!!)");
+	printk("  bDescriptorType     =   %02x\n", desc->bDescriptorType);
+	printk("  wTotalLength        = %04x\n", desc->wTotalLength);
+	printk("  bNumInterfaces      =   %02x\n", desc->bNumInterfaces);
+	printk("  bConfigurationValue =   %02x\n", desc->bConfigurationValue);
+	printk("  iConfiguration      =   %02x\n", desc->iConfiguration);
+	printk("  bmAttributes        =   %02x\n", desc->bmAttributes);
+	printk("  MaxPower            = %4dmA\n", desc->MaxPower * 2);
+void usb_show_interface_descriptor(struct usb_interface_descriptor * desc)
+	printk("  Interface:\n");
+	printk("    bLength             = %4d%s\n", desc->bLength,
+		desc->bLength == 9 ? "" : " (!!!)");
+	printk("    bDescriptorType     =   %02x\n", desc->bDescriptorType);
+	printk("    bInterfaceNumber    =   %02x\n", desc->bInterfaceNumber);
+	printk("    bAlternateSetting   =   %02x\n", desc->bAlternateSetting);
+	printk("    bNumEndpoints       =   %02x\n", desc->bNumEndpoints);
+	printk("    bInterfaceClass     =   %02x\n", desc->bInterfaceClass);
+	printk("    bInterfaceSubClass  =   %02x\n", desc->bInterfaceSubClass);
+	printk("    bInterfaceProtocol  =   %02x\n", desc->bInterfaceProtocol);
+	printk("    iInterface          =   %02x\n", desc->iInterface);
+void usb_show_endpoint_descriptor(struct usb_endpoint_descriptor * desc)
+	char *EndpointType[4] = { "Control", "Isochronous", "Bulk", "Interrupt" };
+	printk("    Endpoint:\n");
+	printk("      bLength             = %4d%s\n", desc->bLength,
+		desc->bLength == 7 ? "" : " (!!!)");
+	printk("      bDescriptorType     =   %02x\n", desc->bDescriptorType);
+	printk("      bEndpointAddress    =   %02x (%s)\n", desc->bEndpointAddress,
+		(desc->bEndpointAddress & 0x80) ? "in" : "out");
+	printk("      bmAttributes        =   %02x (%s)\n", desc->bmAttributes,
+		EndpointType[3 & desc->bmAttributes]);
+	printk("      wMaxPacketSize      = %04x\n", desc->wMaxPacketSize);
+	printk("      bInterval           =   %02x\n", desc->bInterval);
+void usb_show_hub_descriptor(struct usb_hub_descriptor * desc)
+	int len = 7;
+	unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) desc;
+	printk("Interface:");
+	while (len) {
+		printk(" %02x", *ptr);
+		ptr++; len--;
+	}
+	printk("\n");

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: