High Availability
Infrastructure for highly available services and/or shared storage.
- ccs - Cluster Configuration System
- clufter-cli - Tool for transforming/analyzing cluster configuration formats
- clufter-lib-ccs - Extra plugins for transforming/analyzing CMAN configuration
- clufter-lib-general - Extra clufter plugins usable for/as generic/auxiliary products
- clufter-lib-pcs - Extra plugins for transforming/analyzing Pacemaker configuration
- cluster-cim - Red Hat Cluster Suite - CIM provider
- cluster-snmp - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Cluster Suite - SNMP agent
- cman - Red Hat Cluster Manager
- haproxy - HAProxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments
- keepalived - Load balancer and high availability service
- omping - Utility to test IP multicast functionality
- pacemaker - Scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
- pacemaker-cli - Command line tools for controlling Pacemaker clusters
- rgmanager - Open Source HA Resource Group Failover for Red Hat Cluster