/* dso-utils.c * * Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <netinet/in.h> #include "dns-msg.h" #include "ioloop.h" #include "dso-utils.h" #include "dso.h" void dso_simple_response(comm_t *comm, message_t *message, const dns_wire_t *wire, int rcode) { struct iovec iov; dns_wire_t response; memset(&response, 0, DNS_HEADER_SIZE); // We take the ID and the opcode from the incoming message, because if the // header has been mangled, we (a) wouldn't have gotten here and (b) don't // have any better choice anyway. response.id = wire->id; dns_qr_set(&response, dns_qr_response); dns_opcode_set(&response, dns_opcode_get(wire)); dns_rcode_set(&response, rcode); size_t length = DNS_HEADER_SIZE; uint16_t wire_length = message != NULL ? message->length : (uint16_t)sizeof(*wire); dns_rr_t question; memset(&question, 0, sizeof(question)); unsigned offp = 0; if (ntohs(wire->qdcount) == 1 && dns_rr_parse(&question, wire->data, wire_length - DNS_HEADER_SIZE, &offp, false, false)) { dns_towire_state_t towire; memset(&towire, 0, sizeof(towire)); towire.p = &response.data[0]; towire.lim = ((uint8_t *)&response) + sizeof(response); towire.message = &response; size_t namelen = dns_name_to_wire_canonical(towire.p, towire.lim - towire.p, question.name); if (namelen != 0) { towire.p += namelen; dns_u16_to_wire(&towire, question.type); dns_u16_to_wire(&towire, question.qclass); if (!towire.truncated && !towire.error) { response.qdcount = htons(1); length += towire.p - (uint8_t *)&response.data[0]; } } dns_name_free(question.name); } iov.iov_base = &response; iov.iov_len = length; // No RRs ioloop_send_message(comm, message, &iov, 1); } bool dso_send_simple_response(dso_state_t *dso, int rcode, const dns_wire_t *header, const char *UNUSED rcode_name) { dso_simple_response((comm_t *)dso->transport, NULL, header, rcode); return true; } bool dso_send_formerr(dso_state_t *dso, const dns_wire_t *header) { comm_t *transport = dso->transport; (void)header; dso_simple_response(transport, NULL, header, dns_rcode_formerr); return true; } void dso_retry_delay_response(comm_t *comm, message_t *message, const dns_wire_t *wire, int rcode, uint32_t milliseconds) { dns_wire_t response; dns_towire_state_t towire; struct iovec iov; memset(&response, 0, DNS_HEADER_SIZE); memset(&towire, 0, sizeof(towire)); towire.p = &response.data[0]; // We start storing RR data here. towire.lim = ((uint8_t *)&response) + sizeof(response); towire.message = &response; towire.p_rdlength = NULL; towire.p_opt = NULL; response.id = wire->id; dns_qr_set(&response, dns_qr_response); dns_opcode_set(&response, dns_opcode_get(wire)); dns_rcode_set(&response, rcode); dns_u16_to_wire(&towire, kDSOType_RetryDelay); // This shouldn't be possible. if (towire.p + 2 > towire.lim) { FAULT("No room for dso length in Retry Delay message."); return; } uint8_t *p_dso_length = towire.p; towire.p += 2; dns_u32_to_wire(&towire, milliseconds); int16_t dso_length = towire.p - p_dso_length - 2; iov.iov_len = (towire.p - (uint8_t *)&response); iov.iov_base = &response; towire.p = p_dso_length; dns_u16_to_wire(&towire, dso_length); ioloop_send_message(comm, message, &iov, 1); } int32_t dso_transport_idle(void * UNUSED context, int32_t UNUSED now, int32_t next_event) { return next_event; } // Local Variables: // mode: C // tab-width: 4 // c-file-style: "bsd" // c-basic-offset: 4 // fill-column: 108 // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: