#!/usr/bin/perl use Getopt::Std; # Usage: fixman [-f] postconf.proto filename.c >filename.c.new # fixman - fix parameter text in embedded man pages # Basic operation: # # - Read definitions fron postconf.proto like file # # - Read source file with embedded manual page # # - Write to stdout the updated source file. # #use Getopt::Std; #$opt_h = undef; #$opt_v = undef; #getopts("hv"); #push @ARGV, "/dev/null"; # XXX $opt_f = undef; $opt_v = undef; getopts("fv"); die "Usage: $0 [-fv] protofile [sourcefile...] -f: include full parameter description instead of one-line summary -v: verbose mode\n" unless $protofile = shift(@ARGV); # Save one definition. sub save_text { if ($category eq "PARAM") { $text =~ s/\.\s.*/.\n/s unless $opt_f; $param_text{$name} = $text; $defval = "empty" unless $defval ne ""; $defval_text{$name} = $defval; if ($opt_v) { printf "saving entry %s %.20s..\n", $name, $text; } } elsif ($category eq "CLASS") { $class_text{$name} = $text; if ($opt_v) { printf "saving class %s %.20s..\n", $name, $text; } } else { die "Unknown category: $category. Need PARAM or CLASS.\n"; } } # Emit one parameter name and text sub emit_text { my ($delim) = @_; if ($block = $param_text{$name}) { print "$delim .IP \"\\fB$name ($defval_text{$name})\\fR\"\n"; $wantpp = 0; $block =~ s/]*>//g; $block =~ s/<\/a>//g; $block =~ s//\\fB/g; $block =~ s//\\fI/g; $block =~ s/<\/b>/\\fR/g; $block =~ s/<\/i>/\\fR/g; $block =~ s/\n()/\n.sp\n\1/g ; # if ($wantpp); $block =~ s/^()/.sp\n\1/ ; # if ($wantpp); $block =~ s/

*/\n/g; $block =~ s/<\/p>/\n/g; $block =~ s/

/\n.nf\n.na\n.ft C\n/g;
	$block =~ s/<\/pre>/\n.fi\n.ad\n.ft R\n/g;
	$block =~ s/]*>/\n.RS\n/g;
	$block =~ s/
    /\n.RS\n/g; #$block =~ s/<\/dl>/\n.PP\n/g; #$block =~ s/<\/ul>/\n.PP\n/g; $block =~ s/<\/dl>/\n.RE\n.IP ""\n/g; $block =~ s/<\/ul>/\n.RE\n.IP ""\n/g; $block =~ s/
    /\n/g; $block =~ s/<\/dd>/\n/g; $block =~ s/
  • \s*/\n.IP \\(bu\n/g; $block =~ s/
    \s*/\n.IP "/g; $block =~ s/\s*<\/dt>/"/g; $block =~ s/
    /\n.na\n.nf\n.in +4\n/g; $block =~ s/<\/blockquote>/\n.in -4\n.fi\n.ad\n/g; $block =~ s/\n
    /\n.br\n/g; $block =~ s/
    \s*/\n.br\n/g; $block =~ s/≤/<=/g; $block =~ s/≥/>=/g; $block =~ s/<//g; $block =~ s//^/g; $block =~ s;;;g; # Peep-hole optimizer. $block =~ s/^\s+//g; $block =~ s/\s+\n/\n/g; $block =~ s/^\n//g; $block =~ s/\.IP ""\n(\.sp\n)+/.IP ""\n/g; $block =~ s/\.IP ""\n(\.[A-Z][A-Z])/\1/g; $block =~ s/(.IP ""\n)+$//; $block =~ s/^(\.(PP|sp)\n)+//; #$wantpp = !($block =~ /^\.(SH|IP)/); # Boldify man page references. $block =~ s/([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)(\([0-9]\))/\\fB\1\\fR\2/g; # Encapsulate as C code comment. $block =~ s/^([^.])/$delim\t\1/; $block =~ s/^\./$delim ./; $block =~ s/\n([^.])/\n$delim\t\1/g; $block =~ s/\n\./\n$delim ./g; print $block; } else { print "$delim .IP \"\\fB$name ($defval)\\fR\"\n"; print $text; } $name = ""; } # Read the whole file even if we want to print only one parameter. open(POSTCONF, $protofile) || die " cannot open $protofile: $!\n"; while() { next if /^#/; next unless ($name || /\S/); if (/^%(PARAM|CLASS)/) { # Save the accumulated text. if ($name && $text) { save_text(); } # Reset the parameter name and accumulated text. $name = $text = ""; $category = $1; # Accumulate the parameter name and default value. do { $text .= $_; } while(($_ = ) && /\S/); ($junk, $name, $defval) = split(/\s+/, $text, 3); $defval =~ s/\s+/ /g; $defval =~ s/\s+$//; $defval =~ s/≤/<=/g; $defval =~ s/≥/>=/g; $defval =~ s/<//g; $defval =~ s/"/'/g; $text = ""; next; } # Accumulate the text in the class or parameter definition. $text .= $_; } # Save the last definition. if ($name && $text) { save_text(); } # Process source file with embedded text. For now, hard-coded for C & sh. while(<>) { if (/^(\/\*|#)\+\+/) { $incomment = 1; $name = ""; print; next; } if (/^(\/\*|#)--/) { emit_text($1) if ($name ne ""); $incomment = 0; print; next; } if (!$incomment) { print; next; } if (/(\/\*|#) +CONFIGURATION +PARAM/) { $incomment = 2; } # Delete text after nested itemized list. if ($incomment == 2 && /^(\/\*|#) +\.IP ""/) { $text .= $_; while (<>) { last if /^(\/\*|#) +([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]+|\.[A-Z][A-Z])/; $text .= $_; } } # Delete nested itemized list. if ($incomment == 2 && /^(\/\*|#) +\.RS/) { $text .= $_; $rsnest++; while (<>) { $text .= $_; $rsnest++ if /^(\/\*|#) +\.RS/; $rsnest-- if /(\/\*|#) +\.RE/; last if $rsnest == 0; } next; } if ($incomment == 2 && /^(\/\*|#) +\.IP +"?\\fB([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)( +\((.*)\))?/) { emit_text($1) if ($name ne ""); $name = $2; $defval = $4; $text = ""; next; } if ($incomment == 2 && /^(\/\*|#) +\.IP +"?\\fI([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\fB([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)( +\((.*)\))?/) { emit_text($1) if ($name ne ""); $name = "$2$3"; $defval = $4; $text = ""; next; } if ($incomment == 2 && /^(\/\*|#) +([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]+|\.[A-Z][A-Z])/) { emit_text($1) if ($name ne ""); $incomment = 0 if /^(\/\*|#) +(SEE +ALSO|README +FILES|LICENSE|AUTHOR)/; print; next; } if ($name ne "") { $text .= $_; next; } print; next; } die "Unterminated comment\n" if $incomment;