/* $NetBSD: nid_104.c,v 1.9 2025/01/26 16:25:32 christos Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #ifndef RDATA_GENERIC_NID_104_C #define RDATA_GENERIC_NID_104_C #include #include #define RRTYPE_NID_ATTRIBUTES (0) static isc_result_t fromtext_nid(ARGS_FROMTEXT) { isc_token_t token; unsigned char locator[NS_LOCATORSZ]; REQUIRE(type == dns_rdatatype_nid); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); UNUSED(origin); UNUSED(options); UNUSED(callbacks); RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_number, false)); if (token.value.as_ulong > 0xffffU) { RETTOK(ISC_R_RANGE); } RETERR(uint16_tobuffer(token.value.as_ulong, target)); RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_string, false)); if (locator_pton(DNS_AS_STR(token), locator) != 1) { RETTOK(DNS_R_SYNTAX); } return mem_tobuffer(target, locator, NS_LOCATORSZ); } static isc_result_t totext_nid(ARGS_TOTEXT) { isc_region_t region; char buf[sizeof("xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx")]; unsigned short num; REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0); UNUSED(tctx); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, ®ion); num = uint16_fromregion(®ion); isc_region_consume(®ion, 2); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", num); RETERR(str_totext(buf, target)); RETERR(str_totext(" ", target)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x:%x:%x:%x", region.base[0] << 8 | region.base[1], region.base[2] << 8 | region.base[3], region.base[4] << 8 | region.base[5], region.base[6] << 8 | region.base[7]); return str_totext(buf, target); } static isc_result_t fromwire_nid(ARGS_FROMWIRE) { isc_region_t sregion; REQUIRE(type == dns_rdatatype_nid); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); UNUSED(dctx); isc_buffer_activeregion(source, &sregion); if (sregion.length != 10) { return DNS_R_FORMERR; } isc_buffer_forward(source, sregion.length); return mem_tobuffer(target, sregion.base, sregion.length); } static isc_result_t towire_nid(ARGS_TOWIRE) { REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(rdata->length == 10); UNUSED(cctx); return mem_tobuffer(target, rdata->data, rdata->length); } static int compare_nid(ARGS_COMPARE) { isc_region_t region1; isc_region_t region2; REQUIRE(rdata1->type == rdata2->type); REQUIRE(rdata1->rdclass == rdata2->rdclass); REQUIRE(rdata1->type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(rdata1->length == 10); REQUIRE(rdata2->length == 10); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata1, ®ion1); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata2, ®ion2); return isc_region_compare(®ion1, ®ion2); } static isc_result_t fromstruct_nid(ARGS_FROMSTRUCT) { dns_rdata_nid_t *nid = source; REQUIRE(type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(nid != NULL); REQUIRE(nid->common.rdtype == type); REQUIRE(nid->common.rdclass == rdclass); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); RETERR(uint16_tobuffer(nid->pref, target)); return mem_tobuffer(target, nid->nid, sizeof(nid->nid)); } static isc_result_t tostruct_nid(ARGS_TOSTRUCT) { isc_region_t region; dns_rdata_nid_t *nid = target; REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(nid != NULL); REQUIRE(rdata->length == 10); UNUSED(mctx); nid->common.rdclass = rdata->rdclass; nid->common.rdtype = rdata->type; ISC_LINK_INIT(&nid->common, link); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, ®ion); nid->pref = uint16_fromregion(®ion); memmove(nid->nid, region.base, region.length); return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } static void freestruct_nid(ARGS_FREESTRUCT) { dns_rdata_nid_t *nid = source; REQUIRE(nid != NULL); REQUIRE(nid->common.rdtype == dns_rdatatype_nid); return; } static isc_result_t additionaldata_nid(ARGS_ADDLDATA) { REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(rdata->length == 10); UNUSED(rdata); UNUSED(owner); UNUSED(add); UNUSED(arg); return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } static isc_result_t digest_nid(ARGS_DIGEST) { isc_region_t r; REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(rdata->length == 10); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &r); return (digest)(arg, &r); } static bool checkowner_nid(ARGS_CHECKOWNER) { REQUIRE(type == dns_rdatatype_nid); UNUSED(name); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); UNUSED(wildcard); return true; } static bool checknames_nid(ARGS_CHECKNAMES) { REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nid); REQUIRE(rdata->length == 10); UNUSED(rdata); UNUSED(owner); UNUSED(bad); return true; } static int casecompare_nid(ARGS_COMPARE) { return compare_nid(rdata1, rdata2); } #endif /* RDATA_GENERIC_NID_104_C */