# $NetBSD: README,v 1.7 2025/02/24 14:41:29 christos Exp $ This is the Intel ACPI Component Architecture, Intel's reference implementation of the core operating system ACPI support. The portion in the acpica/ subdirectory is provided by the operating system as the glue between the OS and the ACPICA. Please, do not import an updated ACPICA snapshot from Intel unless you absolutely know what you're doing -- The Intel directory layout changes from release to release, and we must munge it (by hand) into something sane that we can use. The current version of munge is: mv source/* . rmdir source mv components/* . rmdir components This is done using the acpica2netbsd script Please also update ACPI_DATE in include/acapps.h. The routines that the operating system must provide are documented in the following document: Intel Corp., ACPI Component Architecture Programmer Reference Copies of the document may be retrieved from: http://www.acpica.org/download/acpica-reference.pdf Structure: external/bsd/acpica The iasl build glue sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist The imported source sys/external/bsd/acpica/conf The config glue sys/dev/acpi Device drivers sys/dev/acpica OS dependent functions that are required