#! /usr/bin/lua -- $NetBSD: lint.lua,v 1.6 2021/06/13 19:50:18 rillig Exp $ --[[ usage: lua ./lint.lua Check that the argument handling code does not contain unintended inconsistencies. ]] ---@return string[] local function load_lines(fname) local lines = {} local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) for line in f:lines() do table.insert(lines, line) end f:close() return lines end local had_errors = false local function print_error(fmt, ...) print(fmt:format(...)) had_errors = true end local function num(s) if s == nil then return nil end return tonumber(s) end -- After each macro ARGC, there must be the corresponding macros for ARG. local function check_args() local fname = "curses_commands.c" local lines = load_lines(fname) local curr_argc, curr_arg ---@type number|nil, number|nil for lineno, line in ipairs(lines) do local line_argc = num(line:match("^\tARGC%((%d+)")) if line_argc and line_argc > 0 then curr_argc, curr_arg = line_argc, 0 goto next end local line_arg = line:match("^\tARG_[%w_]+%(") if line_arg and curr_arg then curr_arg = curr_arg + 1 if curr_arg == curr_argc then curr_argc, curr_arg = nil, nil end elseif line_arg then print_error("%s:%d: ARG without preceding ARGC", fname, lineno) elseif curr_arg then print_error("%s:%d: expecting ARG %d, got %s", fname, lineno, curr_arg, line) curr_argc, curr_arg = nil, nil end ::next:: end end check_args() os.exit(not had_errors)