/* $NetBSD: lexi.c,v 1.242 2023/12/03 21:44:42 rillig Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1985 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __RCSID("$NetBSD: lexi.c,v 1.242 2023/12/03 21:44:42 rillig Exp $"); #include #include #include "indent.h" /* must be sorted alphabetically, is used in binary search */ static const struct keyword { const char name[12]; lexer_symbol lsym; } keywords[] = { {"_Bool", lsym_type}, {"_Complex", lsym_modifier}, {"_Imaginary", lsym_modifier}, {"auto", lsym_modifier}, {"bool", lsym_type}, {"break", lsym_word}, {"case", lsym_case}, {"char", lsym_type}, {"complex", lsym_modifier}, {"const", lsym_modifier}, {"continue", lsym_word}, {"default", lsym_default}, {"do", lsym_do}, {"double", lsym_type}, {"else", lsym_else}, {"enum", lsym_tag}, {"extern", lsym_modifier}, {"float", lsym_type}, {"for", lsym_for}, {"goto", lsym_word}, {"if", lsym_if}, {"imaginary", lsym_modifier}, {"inline", lsym_modifier}, {"int", lsym_type}, {"long", lsym_type}, {"offsetof", lsym_offsetof}, {"register", lsym_modifier}, {"restrict", lsym_word}, {"return", lsym_return}, {"short", lsym_type}, {"signed", lsym_type}, {"sizeof", lsym_sizeof}, {"static", lsym_modifier}, {"struct", lsym_tag}, {"switch", lsym_switch}, {"typedef", lsym_typedef}, {"union", lsym_tag}, {"unsigned", lsym_type}, {"void", lsym_type}, {"volatile", lsym_modifier}, {"while", lsym_while} }; static struct { const char **items; unsigned int len; unsigned int cap; } typenames; /*- * The transition table below was rewritten by hand from lx's output, given * the following definitions. lx is Katherine Flavel's lexer generator. * * O = /[0-7]/; D = /[0-9]/; NZ = /[1-9]/; * H = /[a-f0-9]/i; B = /[0-1]/; HP = /0x/i; * BP = /0b/i; E = /e[+\-]?/i D+; P = /p[+\-]?/i D+; * FS = /[fl]/i; IS = /u/i /(l|L|ll|LL)/? | /(l|L|ll|LL)/ /u/i?; * * D+ E FS? -> $float; * D* "." D+ E? FS? -> $float; * D+ "." E? FS? -> $float; HP H+ IS? -> $int; * HP H+ P FS? -> $float; NZ D* IS? -> $int; * HP H* "." H+ P FS? -> $float; "0" O* IS? -> $int; * HP H+ "." P FS -> $float; BP B+ IS? -> $int; */ /* INDENT OFF */ static const unsigned char lex_number_state[][26] = { /* examples: 00 s 0xx t 00xaa a 11 101100xxa.. r 11ee0001101lbuuxx.a.pp t.01.e+008bLuxll0Ll.aa.p+0 states: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ */ [0] = "uuiifuufiuuiiuiiiiiuiuuuuu", /* (other) */ [1] = "CEIDEHHHIJQ U Q VUVVZZZ", /* 0 */ [2] = "DEIDEHHHIJQ U Q VUVVZZZ", /* 1 */ [3] = "DEIDEHHHIJ U VUVVZZZ", /* 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ [4] = "DEJDEHHHJJ U VUVVZZZ", /* 8 9 */ [5] = " U VUVV ", /* A a C c D d */ [6] = " K U VUVV ", /* B b */ [7] = " FFF FF U VUVV ", /* E e */ [8] = " f f U VUVV f", /* F f */ [9] = " LLf fL PR Li L f", /* L */ [10] = " OOf fO S P O i O f", /* l */ [11] = " FFX ", /* P p */ [12] = " MM M i iiM M ", /* U u */ [13] = " N ", /* X x */ [14] = " G Y ", /* + - */ [15] = "B EE EE T W ", /* . */ /* ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ */ }; /* INDENT ON */ static const unsigned char lex_number_row[] = { ['0'] = 1, ['1'] = 2, ['2'] = 3, ['3'] = 3, ['4'] = 3, ['5'] = 3, ['6'] = 3, ['7'] = 3, ['8'] = 4, ['9'] = 4, ['A'] = 5, ['a'] = 5, ['C'] = 5, ['c'] = 5, ['D'] = 5, ['d'] = 5, ['B'] = 6, ['b'] = 6, ['E'] = 7, ['e'] = 7, ['F'] = 8, ['f'] = 8, ['L'] = 9, ['l'] = 10, ['P'] = 11, ['p'] = 11, ['U'] = 12, ['u'] = 12, ['X'] = 13, ['x'] = 13, ['+'] = 14, ['-'] = 14, ['.'] = 15, }; static bool is_identifier_start(char ch) { return ch_isalpha(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$'; } static bool is_identifier_part(char ch) { return ch_isalnum(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$'; } static void token_add_char(char ch) { buf_add_char(&token, ch); } static bool skip_line_continuation(void) { if (in.p[0] == '\\' && in.p[1] == '\n') { in.p++; inp_skip(); in.token_end_line++; return true; } return false; } static void lex_number(void) { for (unsigned char s = 'A'; s != 'f' && s != 'i' && s != 'u';) { unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)*in.p; if (skip_line_continuation()) continue; if (ch >= array_length(lex_number_row) || lex_number_row[ch] == 0) break; unsigned char row = lex_number_row[ch]; if (lex_number_state[row][s - 'A'] == ' ') { // lex_number_state[0][s - 'A'] now indicates the type: // f = floating, i = integer, u = unknown return; } s = lex_number_state[row][s - 'A']; token_add_char(inp_next()); } } static void lex_word(void) { for (;;) { if (is_identifier_part(*in.p)) token_add_char(*in.p++); else if (skip_line_continuation()) continue; else return; } } static void lex_char_or_string(void) { for (char delim = token.s[token.len - 1];;) { if (*in.p == '\n') { diag(1, "Unterminated literal"); return; } token_add_char(*in.p++); if (token.s[token.len - 1] == delim) return; if (token.s[token.len - 1] == '\\') { if (*in.p == '\n') in.token_end_line++; token_add_char(inp_next()); } } } /* Guess whether the current token is a declared type. */ static bool probably_typename(void) { if (ps.prev_lsym == lsym_modifier) return true; if (ps.in_init) return false; if (ps.in_stmt_or_decl) /* XXX: this condition looks incorrect */ return false; if (ps.prev_lsym == lsym_semicolon || ps.prev_lsym == lsym_lbrace || ps.prev_lsym == lsym_rbrace) { if (in.p[0] == '*' && in.p[1] != '=') return true; /* XXX: is_identifier_start */ if (ch_isalpha(in.p[0])) return true; } return false; } static int bsearch_typenames(const char *key) { const char **arr = typenames.items; unsigned lo = 0; unsigned hi = typenames.len; while (lo < hi) { unsigned mid = (lo + hi) / 2; int cmp = strcmp(arr[mid], key); if (cmp < 0) lo = mid + 1; else if (cmp > 0) hi = mid; else return (int)mid; } return -1 - (int)lo; } static bool is_typename(void) { if (ps.prev_lsym == lsym_tag) return true; if (opt.auto_typedefs && token.len >= 2 && memcmp(token.s + token.len - 2, "_t", 2) == 0) return true; return bsearch_typenames(token.s) >= 0; } void register_typename(const char *name) { if (typenames.len >= typenames.cap) { typenames.cap = 16 + 2 * typenames.cap; typenames.items = nonnull(realloc(typenames.items, sizeof(typenames.items[0]) * typenames.cap)); } int pos = bsearch_typenames(name); if (pos >= 0) return; /* already in the list */ pos = -1 - pos; memmove(typenames.items + pos + 1, typenames.items + pos, sizeof(typenames.items[0]) * (typenames.len++ - (unsigned)pos)); typenames.items[pos] = nonnull(strdup(name)); } static int cmp_keyword_by_name(const void *key, const void *elem) { return strcmp(key, ((const struct keyword *)elem)->name); } /* * Looking at the '(', guess whether this starts a function definition or a * function declaration. */ static bool probably_function_definition(const char *p) { // TODO: Don't look at characters in comments, see lsym_funcname.c. int paren_level = 0; for (; *p != '\n'; p++) { if (*p == '(') paren_level++; if (*p == ')' && --paren_level == 0) { p++; while (*p != '\n' && (ch_isspace(*p) || is_identifier_part(*p))) p++; /* '__dead' or '__unused' */ if (*p == '\n') /* func(...) */ break; if (*p == ';') /* func(...); */ return false; if (*p == ',') /* double abs(), pi; */ return false; if (*p == '(') /* func(...) __attribute__((...)) */ paren_level++; /* func(...) __printflike(...) */ else break; /* func(...) { ... */ } if (paren_level == 1 && p[0] == '*' && p[1] == ',') return false; } /* * To further reduce the cases where indent wrongly treats an * incomplete function declaration as a function definition, thus * adding a newline before the function name, it may be worth looking * for parameter names, as these are often omitted in function * declarations and only included in function definitions. Or just * increase the lookahead to more than just the current line of input, * until the next '{'. */ return true; } static lexer_symbol lexi_alnum(void) { if (ch_isdigit(in.p[0]) || (in.p[0] == '.' && ch_isdigit(in.p[1]))) { lex_number(); } else if (is_identifier_start(in.p[0])) { lex_word(); if (token.len == 1 && token.s[0] == 'L' && (in.p[0] == '"' || in.p[0] == '\'')) { token_add_char(*in.p++); lex_char_or_string(); ps.next_unary = false; return lsym_word; } } else return lsym_eof; /* just as a placeholder */ while (ch_isblank(*in.p)) in.p++; ps.next_unary = ps.prev_lsym == lsym_tag || ps.prev_lsym == lsym_typedef || (ps.prev_lsym == lsym_modifier && *in.p == '*'); if (ps.prev_lsym == lsym_tag && ps.paren.len == 0) return lsym_type; if (ps.spaced_expr_psym == psym_for_exprs && ps.prev_lsym == lsym_lparen && ps.paren.len == 1 && *in.p == '*') { ps.next_unary = true; return lsym_type; } token_add_char('\0'); // Terminate in non-debug mode as well. token.len--; const struct keyword *kw = bsearch(token.s, keywords, array_length(keywords), sizeof(keywords[0]), cmp_keyword_by_name); lexer_symbol lsym = lsym_word; if (kw != NULL) { lsym = kw->lsym; ps.next_unary = true; if (lsym == lsym_tag || lsym == lsym_type) goto found_typename; return lsym; } if (is_typename()) { lsym = lsym_type; ps.next_unary = true; found_typename: if (ps.prev_lsym != lsym_period && ps.prev_lsym != lsym_unary_op) { if (lsym == lsym_tag) return lsym_tag; if (ps.paren.len == 0) return lsym_type; } } const char *p = in.p; if (*p == ')') p++; if (*p == '(' && ps.psyms.len < 3 && ps.ind_level == 0 && !ps.in_func_def_params && !ps.in_init) { bool maybe_function_definition = *in.p == ')' ? ps.paren.len == 1 && ps.prev_lsym != lsym_unary_op : ps.paren.len == 0; if (maybe_function_definition && probably_function_definition(p)) { ps.line_has_func_def = true; if (ps.in_decl) ps.in_func_def_params = true; return lsym_funcname; } } else if (ps.paren.len == 0 && probably_typename()) { ps.next_unary = true; return lsym_type; } return lsym; } static void check_parenthesized_function_definition(void) { const char *p = in.p; while (ch_isblank(*p)) p++; if (is_identifier_start(*p)) while (is_identifier_part(*p)) p++; while (ch_isblank(*p)) p++; if (*p == ')') { p++; while (ch_isblank(*p)) p++; if (*p == '(' && probably_function_definition(p)) ps.line_has_func_def = true; } } static bool is_asterisk_unary(void) { const char *p = in.p; while (*p == '*' || ch_isblank(*p)) p++; if (*p == ')') return true; if (ps.next_unary || ps.in_func_def_params) return true; if (ps.prev_lsym == lsym_word || ps.prev_lsym == lsym_rparen || ps.prev_lsym == lsym_rbracket) return false; return ps.in_decl && ps.paren.len > 0; } static bool probably_in_function_definition(void) { for (const char *p = in.p; *p != '\n';) { if (ch_isspace(*p)) p++; else if (is_identifier_start(*p)) { p++; while (is_identifier_part(*p)) p++; } else return *p == '('; } return false; } static void lex_asterisk_unary(void) { while (*in.p == '*' || ch_isspace(*in.p)) { if (*in.p == '*') token_add_char('*'); if (*in.p == '\n') in.token_end_line++; inp_skip(); } if (ps.in_decl && probably_in_function_definition()) ps.line_has_func_def = true; } static bool skip(const char **pp, const char *s) { size_t len = strlen(s); while (ch_isblank(**pp)) (*pp)++; if (strncmp(*pp, s, len) == 0) { *pp += len; return true; } return false; } static void lex_indent_comment(void) { const char *p = in.line.s; if (skip(&p, "/*") && skip(&p, "INDENT")) { enum indent_enabled enabled; if (skip(&p, "ON") || *p == '*') enabled = indent_last_off_line; else if (skip(&p, "OFF")) enabled = indent_off; else return; if (skip(&p, "*/\n")) { if (lab.len > 0 || code.len > 0 || com.len > 0) output_line(); indent_enabled = enabled; } } } /* Reads the next token, placing it in the global variable "token". */ lexer_symbol lexi(void) { buf_clear(&token); for (;;) { if (ch_isblank(*in.p)) in.p++; else if (skip_line_continuation()) continue; else break; } in.token_start_line = in.token_end_line; lexer_symbol alnum_lsym = lexi_alnum(); if (alnum_lsym != lsym_eof) return alnum_lsym; /* Scan a non-alphanumeric token */ token_add_char(inp_next()); lexer_symbol lsym; bool next_unary; switch (token.s[token.len - 1]) { case '#': lsym = lsym_preprocessing; next_unary = ps.next_unary; break; case '\n': /* if data has been exhausted, the '\n' is a dummy. */ lsym = had_eof ? lsym_eof : lsym_newline; next_unary = ps.next_unary; break; /* INDENT OFF */ case ')': lsym = lsym_rparen; next_unary = false; break; case '[': lsym = lsym_lbracket; next_unary = true; break; case ']': lsym = lsym_rbracket; next_unary = false; break; case '{': lsym = lsym_lbrace; next_unary = true; break; case '}': lsym = lsym_rbrace; next_unary = true; break; case '.': lsym = lsym_period; next_unary = false; break; case '?': lsym = lsym_question; next_unary = true; break; case ',': lsym = lsym_comma; next_unary = true; break; case ';': lsym = lsym_semicolon; next_unary = true; break; /* INDENT ON */ case '(': if (in.p == in.line.s + 1) check_parenthesized_function_definition(); lsym = lsym_lparen; next_unary = true; break; case '+': case '-': lsym = ps.next_unary ? lsym_unary_op : lsym_binary_op; next_unary = true; /* '++' or '--' */ if (*in.p == token.s[token.len - 1]) { token_add_char(*in.p++); if (ps.prev_lsym == lsym_word || ps.prev_lsym == lsym_rparen || ps.prev_lsym == lsym_rbracket) { lsym = ps.next_unary ? lsym_unary_op : lsym_postfix_op; next_unary = false; } } else if (*in.p == '=') { /* '+=' or '-=' */ token_add_char(*in.p++); } else if (*in.p == '>') { /* '->' */ token_add_char(*in.p++); lsym = lsym_unary_op; next_unary = false; ps.want_blank = false; } break; case ':': lsym = ps.quest_level > 0 ? (ps.quest_level--, lsym_question_colon) : ps.in_var_decl ? lsym_other_colon : lsym_label_colon; next_unary = true; break; case '*': if (*in.p == '=') { token_add_char(*in.p++); lsym = lsym_binary_op; } else if (is_asterisk_unary()) { lex_asterisk_unary(); lsym = lsym_unary_op; } else lsym = lsym_binary_op; next_unary = true; break; case '=': if (ps.in_var_decl) ps.in_init = true; if (*in.p == '=') token_add_char(*in.p++); lsym = lsym_binary_op; next_unary = true; break; case '>': case '<': case '!': /* ops like <, <<, <=, !=, etc. */ if (*in.p == '>' || *in.p == '<' || *in.p == '=') token_add_char(*in.p++); if (*in.p == '=') token_add_char(*in.p++); lsym = ps.next_unary ? lsym_unary_op : lsym_binary_op; next_unary = true; break; case '\'': case '"': lex_char_or_string(); lsym = lsym_word; next_unary = false; break; default: if (token.s[token.len - 1] == '/' && (*in.p == '*' || *in.p == '/')) { enum indent_enabled prev = indent_enabled; lex_indent_comment(); if (prev == indent_on && indent_enabled == indent_off) buf_clear(&out.indent_off_text); token_add_char(*in.p++); lsym = lsym_comment; next_unary = ps.next_unary; break; } /* punctuation like '%', '&&', '/', '^', '||', '~' */ lsym = ps.next_unary ? lsym_unary_op : lsym_binary_op; if (*in.p == token.s[token.len - 1]) token_add_char(*in.p++), lsym = lsym_binary_op; if (*in.p == '=') token_add_char(*in.p++), lsym = lsym_binary_op; next_unary = true; } ps.next_unary = next_unary; return lsym; }