Patch 1 (#1655) 15 April 1998 Description of the actions system: -------------------------------------------------------------------- All the actions have the syntax: action-name(boolean-expression, args) Where: action-name: Any string with a translation binding in the binary for the widget. boolean-expression: [{~}]variable-name|resource-name|constant-name[{&|^}[[{~}]variable-name|resource-name|constant-name]]... variable-name: Any string starting with a '$' character (actually it's not possible to mask this character; I'll fix it). Variables are actually created with the translations 'declare' and 'get-values'. Example: get-values(1, $x, x) declare(1, $armed, true) resource-name: Any resource name of the widget. Note that it requires a <TYPE> to string converter in the code (I added some on the patches), since all variables values are stored in a 'String' format. Example: borderWidth height font background constant-name: Special values. They aren't normally constants, but a special state not triggered with resources or variables (They have the highest precedence, so, to allow these strings as resource names I'll need to allow some sort of escape sequences). Examples: mine # event->xany.window == XtWindow(widget) faked # event->xany.send_event != 0 true # you know false # " " args: Special strings values interpreted by the translation binding. The operators (currently) understood are: ~ - NOT & - AND | - OR ^ - XOR ( - RP ) - LP The final result value is and'ed with 1. Sample translation to make a label widget behave like a button: <Map>:\ get-values(1, $fg, foreground, $bg, background)\n\ <Btn1Down>:\ set-values(1, foreground, yellow, background, gray30)\n\ <Btn1Up>:\ set-values(1, foreground, $fg, background, $bg)\n Description of the displayList system: -------------------------------------------------------------------- The display list has the syntax: [class-name:]function-name args[{;|\n}]... Where: class-name: Any registered set of functions. The code registers the class 'xlib', and if the class name is not specified, this class is assumed. function-name: A string binding to the correct function to be called. args: A set of converted and shareable arguments, to the function. The positioning/sizing arguments currently implemented have the syntax: {+-}<integer> or <integer>/<integer>. Examples: +0,+0 top, left -0,-0 bottom, right -+10,-+10 bottom+10, right+10 +0,1/2 left, vcenter All displayLists are shared by: widget->core.screen widget->core.colormap widget->core.depth I have added only partial code for handling non-windowed widgets (gadgets). I'll fix it. Example for drawing two lines crossing the widget: foreground black;\ line +0,+0,-0,-0;\ line +0,-0,-0,+0 Patch 2 (#1660) 19 April 1998 + More functions for displayList's + Fixes for simpleMenuWidget, xfontsel should work very better now. Try this with the newer patches to verify the changes: xfontsel -xrm '*XFontSel*SimpleMenu*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-1' + Small bug fix to boxWidget, viewres should work better now. Try this to verify the changes: viewres -xrm '*Viewres*Box.borderWidth: 1' + Small bug fix to panedWidget, when pressing in a gripWidget but not moving the pointer, or releasing at the same coordinates. Patch 3 (#1673) 25 April 1998 + Changes in layout code for the Form widget. To see the changes, run xcalc and resize it several times (try giving it a very small size and the restore the size). The new code uses a 'known' reference size/position to avoid integer rounding problems. + A optimization for the Form widget. Now it unmaps itself before resizing the child widgets. This way the layout process is very faster. + The List widget will try to fit in a 32767x32767 window size. It checks if the width or height will become bigger than 32767 and if will, changes the number of columns. This fixes xman (at least for me, that have several entries in the section 3 of the manpages). + New functions to displayList's and fixes to some bad bugs (I'm yet working on that file). + Change in the Scrollbar functionality. It was redrawing the thumb when triggering the MoveThumb action. This is bad because several programs choose to recalculate the thumb position with XawScrollbarSetThumb, causing screen flickering. Now it redraws the thumb when triggering the NotifyThumb action. To verify the changes, run xfm or xman and try to scroll past the end of a window; it will keep erasing and redrawing the thumb. + Other change in the Scrollbar is that it will only draw in the rectangle: 1, 1, core.width - 1, core.height - 1. It is better when creatting a 3d effect with displayList's. Patch 4 (#1678) 3 May 1998 Included the patches for the recent problems with libXaw. Several 'gratuitous' small changes, to compile cleanly with gcc -Wall. Some bug fixes for DisplayList.c. Colored pixmaps support. I'm building a abstraction layer for the colored pixmaps, so that it should be easy to support more pixmap formats (actually, only X bitmaps). Patch 5 (#1686) 11 May 1998 + Patch to libXmu, so that the StringToCursor converter will understand the string 'None', that means not to use a cursor. This is useful when overriding resource settings, and the user wants to use the parent window cursor, or the root window cursor. Any unrecognized name will generate a 'None' cursor, but then with a warning message. + SimpleWidget was modified to allow setting the cursor to none, when it was a valid cursor. + Modification in the Actions.c, from: typedef struct _XawActionVar { XrmQuark qname; String value; } XawActionVar; to: typedef struct _XawActionVar { XrmQuark qname; XrmQuark qvalue; } XawActionVar; This does not cause any problems, since the exported interface remains the same. This is required to avoid to much copies of the same string. + Values of action variables can start with '$'. + If a resource name clashes with a special constant name when evaluating a boolean expression (in the translations code), it's enough start the resource name with '\\' (it can always be used, but is only useful if there is a name clash :). + The only code that loads data files actually is the pixmap code. To avoid security problems, the code only loads files that are group readable, regular file, non suid and non sgid. + If the code to load a pixmap does not find a match, and the pixmap name has a extension, try without the extension. + Function 'line-with' added to displayList code. + Added DisplayListToString and PixmapToString converters. + Bug fixes in the pixmap name interpretation. Patch 6 (#1701) 24 May 1998 Xaw ------ + Allows setting the resources label_x and label_y inherited from labelWidget. This is useful for moving the contents of a button when it is pressed ( I included a simple test for it ) + Added OS/2 patches + The buffer overflow problems were resolved in a different way. I added a function XmuSnprintf, that is used by Xaw and Xmu. + Correction of a problem in SimpleMenu, when it tries to optimize the space used by the menu. Xmu ----- + Function XmuNCopyISOLatin1Lowered, defined in <X11/Xmu/CharSet.h> + Function XmuSnprintf, defined in <X11/Xmu/SysUtil.h> + All occurrences of sprintf were replaced by XmuSnprintf and all occurrences of XmuCopyISOLatin1Lowered were replaced by XmuNCopyISOLation1Lowered. Patch 7 (#1738) 21 June 1998 + Corrected problem with the Command widget, when it was made insensitive without calling the 'reset' action. + Rework of the SimpleMenu code for optimizing the space used. Now it really works as intended. + Fixed portability problems with my previous patches. + Corrected problem pointed by 'grano@cs.Helsinki.FI'. He have followed up a bug report to the devel mailing list. While the problem exist, his patch was not complete, so I did a rework of the AsciiSrc.c:Scan() and MultiSrc.c:Scan() functions. + I added clipping code to the {Ascii,Multi}Sink widgets, to allow use of displayList's as decoration. The best solution I found to avoid too much server requests, and keep full binary compatibility was to use the resize method of these widgets, to tell them to the parent widget have changed it's size. + Now the TextWidget has a xterm/emacs like cursor. And it is possible to especify a cursor color. + Fixed several problems caused by code assuming a line of text will be shown as one line in the TextWidget. This is not always true when it uses XawtextWrapLine or XawTextWrapWord, the most common problem was the cursor becoming invisible, after calling the function Text.c:_XawTextShowPosition() that is called to make sure it is visible ;) + Added code that it will not forget the cursor distance from the left of the window while moving the cursor one line up or down. + Ansification of the text code (not yet complete). Private routines now uses prototypes and wide parameters. External routines were kept as before (but with prototypes not masked by NeedFunctionPrototypes), to avoid binary compatibility problems. The bigger problem I found in the ansification was a function with 6 parameters being called with only 5. + Several routines were rewritten, sometimes from scratch. + The cursor navigation of the TextWidget was completely reviewed. It should be very familiar to Emacs users. The most Emacs like behaviour is when the cursor in move one line up or down and becomes invisible; the text will be scrolled so that the line with the cursor will be centered in the screen. Also, when doing page up, the cursor will be positioned in the bottom-left, instead of always in the top-left. Patch 8 (#1752) 27 June 1998 + There was a problem with the previous patch regarding to portability. The problem was strcasecmp. I was planning to provide the funcionality in libXmu, and forgot when creating the previous patch :(. There is already a strcasecmp equivalent in libXmu, that is Lower.c:XmuCompareISOLatin1(), so I used that function. + The previous patch was working correctly for viewing text, but there were some cases the text window could end not displaying correctly the text. This problem was fixed. + Now, the only real need of scrollbars is when doing long jumps on the text, because the cursor will be always visible since this new patch does horizontal scrolling automatically. Patch 9 (#1755) 28 June 1998 + Removed all my RCS idents in the files. + Declared functions as static in the prototype and in the definition (this basically reverts a previous patch, but should help when applying the patches sequentially). + Changed the code in Pixmap.c to use strtok instead of strsep, that is not portable. + Corrected problem with previous patch that would cause trouble when a text widget had more than 32K bytes, and would also cause offset mismatches if a program access private structures (AsciiSinkP.h). #1776 6 July 1998 Corrected problem when moving the cursor over a non-printing character, i.e. ^Q ^X Does not allow anymore scrolling of the text width Ctrl+Z if the text has only one line, or only one line of text. Several changes in the TextWidget. I did not gratuitously break binary compatibility. Source compatibility is only granted to programs that do not access private structures. This is required because there are several changes in the behaviour of the TextWidget, and if a program becomes non compilable, it is because it will not work properly with the changes in the text widget (please read below for a explanation) Better cursor navigation when moving line-up or line-down over a tab: cursor | v spaces | |#| | | |text tab | |text Move one line down: before: tab |# |text now: tab | |#ext There were several problems in the Text.c:_XawTextReplace(), when deleting a character and the cursor (should be) moved to the previous line. This problem was corrected. The text code was doing too much redrawing! When typing text, it would redraw all the current line at each character typed, and also redraw the entire window till the bottom. Now it only redraws the minimum necessary (and makes a minimum of requests for the Xserver, when clearing areas), most of these problems were related to Text.c:_XawTextReplace() (rewritten from scratch), Text.c:_BuildLineTable() (mostly rewritten) and Text.c:DisplayText() (mostly rewritten). Now, when selecting text, with: button1-down, button1-move, the window will be scrolled automatically, if the mouse is moved to the top or bottom of the text window, making it easier to extend selections. Added a set-keyboard-focus translation to the text code, and in the default translation, it is called when pressing the left mouse button over a text widget (so that the mouse does not need to be over the text window when typing) These are the changes to Xaw that made it not fully source compatible (I'm open to comments, to make it source compatible, but as I said above, if a program does not compile anymore, it is because it is not granted it will work properly): scrollMode set to WhenNeeded is not supported anymore. I spent several hours fighting side-effects caused when a scrollbar is created or destroyed 'on demand', and have (after tired of long debug sessions) chosen that it is not required (it saves a lot of potential unexpected conditions being found by a user). I changed the 'type' of the scroll mode to Boolean, so, to have a scrollbar, is enough to say: *Text.scrollVertical: True. Since the type now is Boolean, Xt will print warning messages when the scroll is set to 'Always', 'Never' or 'WhenNeeded' automatic resize is nonsense since the text does automatic horizontal scrolling. IMHO, to be useful, automatic resize should also shrink the text window when needed, anyway, it's not required anymore Comments: auto-fill mode does not work properly (never did) wrap-mode set to line may not work properly wrap-mode set to word does not work properly always (never did) the multiply should be setable to a variable value; the default value is 4, i.e. Ctrl+U <text+action> I will work on the items listed above, and I'm also planning: one level undo, for text actions C style indentation and 'jumping' the cursor to show matching '(', '[' and '{' other things that I don't remember now :) -- XMU -- Moved the code clipping code I have put in Text.c in my previous patch to Xmu/Clip.c. There was a bug in the code I have put in Text.c (this is what I get by cutting and pasting code under a #if 0 :(), but it was corrected. The code in the new file 'Clip.c' is very useful for creating clipiing lists and thus, avoiding too much server requests, or code for the same functionality (poorly) repeteated in several places around the library. This code is now heavily used by the TextWidget. -- XEDIT -- Removed a XDefineCursor in xedit.c:main(). There are several ways to specify a cursor for a program (most times inherited from the wm decoration window), so, it is better to let the user choose one. Before starting the main loop, now xedit sets the keyboard focus to the text window if a file was loaded, or to the prompt for a file name if none was especified in the command line (do not use the new xedit without the new Xaw library, or you will not be able to change the keyboard focus). Updated the Scrollbar configurations in #1788 12 July 1998 -- TextWidget -- + Corrected problem when moving the cursor over a non-printing character + Now, does not allow scroll with ^Z when there is only one line of text + Automatic resize was removed, it is not required with automatic horizontal scroll, but I will look for programs that rely on it; the only program affected (that I know) is xmh, because it popups dialogs of a small size, and expects that the text widget (with a warning message) do a geometry request. + Scroll mode set to "WhenNeeded" was removed. It generates several unespected conditions when editing text, and the new feature of automatic scrolling the text widget while typing is more useful. + Removed a leak in TextAction.c:AutoFill(), generated by the code text.ptr = (char *)XtMalloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * 2); that memory was never released, but the fix was simple, since the amount of memory requested is fixed. + Several optimizations in the redisplay of the text. + Now, wrap mode set to word or line is expected to work, while typing text. + AutoFill will only break lines in word boundaries now. + Added a set-keyboard-focus action to TextAction.c, so that when pressing the left button over a text widget, it will receive the keyboard focus. This behaviour is the default, but can be disabled, with something like: *Text.translations: #override\n<Btn1Down>: select-start()\n in your .Xdefaults. + Corrected several cases that would left the text widget showing incorrect data. All the problems should have been fixed, but in case you find one, a quick fix is: *Text.backgroundPixmap: black?foreground=<some-color> because it does not try to optimize the redrawing when using a background pixmap, and thus, avoid several possible problems. -- XAW -- + I had added a XawStackAlloc definition to "Private.h", to avoid a XtMalloc request for every character typed in TextAction.c:InsertChar(), but when syncing with 3.9Aj, saw that the file "XawAlloc.h" is no longer required. Please, remove XawAlloc.h from 3.9Aj. -- XMU -- + Added the file Clip.c, with clipping code, that, now is being used by the text widget, but can be used by other widgets. -- xedit -- + Removed a XDefineCursor from xedit.c:main() + I have added a XtSetKeyboardFocus in xedit.c:main(), but commented it because it would make xedit unusable with previous versions of Xaw, or with the Xaw replacements (Xaw3d, Xaw95 ...) Comments: I wrote a lot of code to work properly with italic fonts in the text widget, that code made the cursor do not erase portions of the text while moving the it, but it was failing at some places that would need that the TextWidget, and not only the {Ascii,Multi}SinkObject had access to the fonts, so I chose to left it to the future (and keep the sources simple, by now). The text widget is usable with italic fonts, but fonts with: f->per_char[<char> - f->min_char_or_byte2].rbearing > f->per_char[<char> - f->min_char_or_byte2].width or f->per_char[<char> - f->min_char_or_byte2].lbearing < 0 will not always be displayed correctly. I haved also added a xedit configuration file to this mail. #1842 27 July 1998 Fixed problem with the default macro for type conversion, where it was possible to the code tell the wrong size of a string, since it was returning the string size with 'strlen' but making the copy with strcpy. Complete ansification of Xaw (and Xmu). Corrected some problems caused due to an alteration in the text code, to make the cursor always visible when the wrap mode is 'line' or 'word'. Text.c:VJump() was made a bit smarter and a problem that would cause it to jump incorrectly was also corrected so that now the jumping should be very smooth. Corrected problem that would cause a coredump due to the Text.c:_XawTextReplace() deferencing a NULL pointer. Now ctx-> is initialized when the text widget is created, solving this problem. All the variables with name 'new' and 'class' where renamed to 'cnew' and 'cclass'. This allows even building Xaw with 'gcc -x c++'. Variables shadowing other variables or functions where also renamed. Static functions were changed to use wide parameters, where applicable. (Almost) every time a StringTo<Type> converter is installed in the class initialization of a widget, the code also installs a <Type>ToString converter since now editres seens to work better. Complete reestilization of the indentation. See the files Template*.{c,h}. Corrected problem with the 'virtual' function Layout of the Form widget. That function requires 4 parameters, but the Viewport widget (a Form subclass) was calling that function with only 3 parameters; the ansification flagred that error. TextTr.c was modified to have only one string. I believe that that weird thing was due to the inheritance of compatibility with some very old and probably buggy ld. Xaw is expected to be binary compatible with R6.3; there are some preprocessor macros that keeps binary compatibility, and unless the gains of breaking binary compatibility show worth enough (and people think) it is good that code would be made default, otherwise it will be forgotten. I have also added a XFree86 copyright notice to Text.c, since there is a very large amount of work in that file (and it is not yet ready). --------------------- -------- Xmu -------- Complete ansification of Xmu. Rework of EditresCom.c to allow editres working correctly. It was also added a new feature, that allows editres finding some extra child widgets, i.e. widgets that aren't a child of a subclass of composite and aren't in the popup list. This modification is not enough, since it does not find child widgets that don't a XtRWidget resource in the parent widget. Rework of ShapeWidg.c, so that it will give the correct feeling to the ellipse shape, and inversion of the oval, if shape is oval and height > width. To see these changes, run a program with: <prog> -xrm '*shapeStyle: ellipse' and/or <prog> -xrm '*shapeStyle: oval' Revision of DrRndRect.c to make the widget looks 'more correct' when using: <prog> -xrm '*shapeStyle: roundedRectangle' --------------------- ------ editres ------ Added small patch to bug in handler.c so that editres will correctly now. --------------------- ------- xedit ------- Changed the resources file, to avoid a problem when resizing xedit to a very small size and than restoring it's size. Probably the culprit is the Paned widget, but the new resource file is at least a good workaround for the problem. The resource file was also modified so that the default xedit size will give a 80x25 rows/columns when using the default font. --------------------- -------- xgc -------- Small patch to clear correctly the status text window, when pressing the 'Clear window' button. Note that this patch showed a bug in Xaw/{Ascii,Multi}Src.c; only apply this patch with the latest Xaw, or be sure that Xaw/{Ascii,Multi}Src.c:*SetValues() has something like: if (old_src->ascii_src.ascii_length != src->ascii_src.ascii_length) src->ascii_src.piece_size = src->ascii_src.ascii_length + 1; instead of: if (old_src->ascii_src.ascii_length != src->ascii_src.ascii_length) src->ascii_src.piece_size = src->ascii_src.ascii_length; or it will enter a infinite XtMalloc(0) loop :( also fixed a possible buffer overflow while searching the source of the bug described above. --------------------- #1945, 31 Aug 1998 -- XAW -- + Corrected bug in Viewport.c:ComputeLayout(), that would put the scrollbar in the incorrect position, if w->viewport.useright == True + Corrected bug in Converters.c:_XawCvtCARD32ToString(), so that now it will correctly format the converted value. + Corrected problem in {Ascii,Multi}Src.c:Search(), that would cause a incorrect offset to be returned, if the searched text (or a substring of it) were in a 'Piece' boundary. + Some small patches to other sections of the code, to reduce the number of warnings generated by gcc, when using more restrictive warning options. -- XMU -- + Corrected a problem in Atoms.c:GetAtomName(), to return a NULL pointer, instead of a const if the given atom is 0. + Corrected a typo in Xmu.h + Several 'ansification' patches, to get function definitions and avoid unnecessary definitions. #2028, 2033, 7 Oct 1998 -- Xaw -- Added a delete translation to the text widget, that deletes the current selection if any, else the backwards char. Corrected bug that would not update correctly the screen if page-up or page-down was pressed while there was an selection. Added a ^Q<any-char> translation to the text widget, to be able to insert any char in the text. Changed TextAction.c:Move() to set ctx->text.showposition, so that even if the cursor did not change the position, it will become visible. Corrected problem with the 'form-paragraph' translation, so that the text will be always correctly shown. Modified the automatic scrolling of the text to one line at a time, to make it easier to see what is being selected. Added a 'hack' to be able to type ^U<any-numeric-sequence> to be able set the multiply of the text widget. Since it is a hack (besides seens to work very well) it can be disabled with -DNO_NUMERIC_HACK Corrected a nasty bug in Text.c:CvtStringToScrollMode(); XtConvertAndStore can't be called from a type converter! added UNDO/REDO to the text widget. Please try it, I think it is very nice. Undo is enabled by the new resource 'enableUndo', and, by default is triggered with 'Ctrl+_'. -- editres -- Resubmitting a patch to editres/handler.c, to make editres work properly. -- xedit -- NOTE that with this patch, xedit probably will not work with Xaw3d, neXtaw... this surelly can be fixed, or in the xedit side or the *Xaw* side, but the patch seens to be necessary. Changed the defaults file to be more user friendly and previsible. Added some 'Emacs like' binding translations. Added file completion in the filename prompt. This is a very nice feature, but I'm not sure if the code is portable to all the XFree86 supported platforms (surely it will not work 'as is' with OS/2). #2083 18 Oct 1998 -- XAW -- Changed the functions {Ascii,Multi}Sink.c:CharWidth and PaintText, to improve speed, and avoid too much recalculations. On normal files, it became about 5:1 faster, but can go up to 20:1 when editing files with very large lines. Besides this speed improvement, I believe it can surely be made faster (based on comparison with some popular X editors). Changed the way the AsciiSink prints characters with value bigger than 126 decimal. Now it prints DEL as ^?, and the other characters as \XXX where 'X' is an octal digit. The MultiSink widget was unchanged in this respect, i.e. when calling xedit with something like: xedit -xrm '*international: true' Converted all calls to strncpy, in AsciiSrc.c to memcpy, so that the (ascii) text widget will work properly with data containing nulls. Added a experimental 'Xaw Scan Type' XawstAlphaNumeric, that should make edition of C (or any other language) easier in xedit (i.e. the text widget). It can be tested with Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right, by now. Changed the TextWidget to handle text lines that would result in more than 32767 pixels. Besides the text widget is not meant to be used in the edition of binary files, this change allows it. Changed Text.c:TextScroll() to be smarter when calculating the offset of the line table on scroll up. Added a nice feature, to show the matching '(', '[' or '{', when a ')', ']' or '}' is typed. Changed TextAction.c:FormParagraph() to generate only one undo/redo step. -- xedit -- Changed the defaults file to enable backups and made the backup suffix the character '~'. Replaced all instances of sprintf by XmuSnprintf. Changed xedit to set the label when saving a file also, to reflect what is being edited correctly. Corrected a bug in the new action 'file-completion', to replace correctly the home directory, and keep correctly whatever was after the '~'. This isn't the correct place to this code (xedit/commands.c), since there are several other file name prompt windows in Xaw, but since it is required another window to show the possible matches, I'll study a better way to implement it. Added a 'hints' feature to xedit. Instead of a 'dead' "Use Control-S and Control-R to Search." label, now it allows the label string being changed at user settable intervals. #2205 10 Nov 1998 -- xaw -- + Fixed some 16 bit overflows in AsciiSink.c and some cases where it would draw past the end of the text window (a no-op), the overflows were not a problem, but could left the text window with incorrect data. + Moved the undo/redo code to TextSrc.c, and some code/data from {Ascii,Multi}Src.c to TextSrc.c. The callback now is called when the source is changed, or becomes unchanged due to an undo/redo. Also changed the Scan procedure to be a bit faster. + The asciiTextWidget will now accept a source or sink object being set at creation time. + Fixed the 'struct XawDisplayList' being redefined when compiling Xaw under SunOS. + Several changes to the SimpleMenuWidget to make the geometry management work correctly when adding/removing/changing menu entries at run-time. + Added a 'kill-ring' feature to the TextWidget. The behaviour is identical to Emacs. Pressing C-K repeteadely will merge the lines being killed, so that a C-Y latter will paste all the killed lines. + Added the enough glue code (and as backwards compatible as possible) to allow the *src object be shared between several TextWidgets. My initial idea was to make the TextWidget be able to have more than one source, but, to be backwards compatible, I did the reverse (the source can have more than one TextWidget). + Fixed a automatic wrap bug (TextWidget) that could eat non white space characters (my previous patch to this problem was completely wrong). -- xedit -- + Added a split-window feature to xedit. To keep xedit simple, it only allows two windows at the same time: or subdivides in the vertical or horizontal. + Added more some key-bindings, that should do the same as Emacs. #2291 5 Dec 1998 -- Xaw (only changes to the 'text' code) -- + Changed the default 'piece size' from BUFSIZ to the value returned by the getpagesize() function (or keep BUFSIZ if that value is smaller). + Added a case sensitive option to the search popup. This is a 'hack' by now, but should not cause trouble to anybody. + Fixed a bug inserted when changing the code for the search, the only side effect I saw was that the jumping cursor to show the matching '(', '[' or '{' stopped working in my last patch. + Moved back my change to the function XawTextSetSource. The 'correct' function is _XawTextSetSource. This is only to make sure old code should compile cleanly. + Added line and column number calculation code (and a callback to tell when that information changed) to the TextWidget. This was not an easy task, because I tried to optimize as much as possible the code, and do relative calculations, instead of scanning the entire file to count the number of lines (there are several special cases, when removing/inserting text). + Added the selection type XawselectAlphaNumeric. This adds one step in the sequence word-line-all when doing multiclick in the text. + Fixed some bugs in the 'kill ring' feature added in the last patch. Now it is expected to never fail. + Corrected the indentation of TextP.h, and changed more some fields. The internal data of the TextWidget changed a lot, so it is not expected that program code read directly the private data, at the price of requiring the correct library version. + Fixed a small bug in the undo code, that would 'think' the file was unchanged in the incorrect position in the undo buffer. + Changed the default key bindings for delete/kill word functions to use the alpha numeric versions (this is better for coding, and more compatible with other text editors). -- xedit -- + Changed the labelWindow, to show the current line number (but it is also possible to show the current column number, offset or file size). + Fixed bug when saving the *scratch* buffer with a new name. + The 'changedBitmap' is now correctly displayed on all the windows showing a changed file. + Small changes to the xedit man page. #2371 8 Jan 1999 --- Xaw --- + More some changes to AsciiSrc.c:Scan(). This improves a bit the speed when scanning text. + Added sanity checking for AsciiSrc.c:Search(), to avoid the risk of deferecing a null pointer (or reading memory out of the text piece) if the searched text happens to be larger than a "piece size". + Fixed bug when trying to optimize line number calculation, due to a typo, while meaning XawTextWrapNever I wrote XawTextWrapLine. + Fixed a problem shown by xclipboard, when setting the "string" resource of the text source, the sink object was keeping the insertPosition in the old text contents, and then, when showing the cursor, it was incorrectly 'erasing' the old cursor position. + Fixed problem in XawTextReplace, that would not update correctly all the TextWidget's sharing the same source. + Added a kill ring list to the text code. This works like the emacs feature, but, unlike emacs, it is not required to press C-Y before M-Y, to start looping through the kill ring list. To use it, just press M-Y repeatedly, and all the text that was killed will be inserted, one at a time, so that you can choose one. Note that the text inserted from the kill ring list will also enter in the undo list. + Changed the Move{Backward,Forward}Paragraph actions to make the cursor always stop in a blank line. This makes only one step moving from a paragragh to another, instead of two. + Added code to check for overflows in the C-U<number> sequence. + Changed the FormParagraph action to keep the cursor at the correct position. + Changed the default translations in TextTr.c to get a more emacs like behaviour with the kill ring list. --- xedit --- + Added a few more resource settings to the Xedit-sample file. + Added some sanity checkings when trying to save a file. This avoids the case of saving a file with the name of a directory (but moving the directory to other name before). A possible case is: have a directory named 'dir', saves a file as 'dir', but before saving, renames the directory as 'dir~'. + Allows saving a file that xedit thinks is not changed (the file may have changed on the disk, but the user really wants to rewrite it). + Corrected several bugs in the FileCompletion action, and added a new feature, that is to complete the partial names, when there is a '/' or '.' after the cursor position. #2479 19 Feb 1999 -- Xaw -- + Fixed bug in the line numbering code, when removing lines before the top position. + Changed code to form regions to always show the cursor after formatting the text. -- xedit -- + Added code to keep the file mode, after saving. This is useful when editing scripts, so that the executable flag will not be lost after edition. #2544 12 Mar 1999 -- Xaw -- Mostly changes to add support to latin-* languages in the text code, when not using the international resource. Actions.c: + Corrected some bugs in the boolean expression parser. The old version would not parse correctly parenthized expressions, and was giving equal precedence to AND, OR and XOR (what is incorrect). AsciiSink.c: + Changed to display characters in the range 0x32-0x7e and 0xa0-0xff literally. The other characters are represented as control-codes, as before. This is better for edition of Latin-* text files. AsciiText.c: + Changed the code, so that even if the *international resource is not set, _XawImRegister and _XawImUnregister are called for the text widget. This is useful for latin-* locales, that use one byte wide characters, and makes Xaw more compatible with modern toolkits, like qt and gtk. List.c: + Added code to work correctly with a background pixmap. + Added a smarter code for list window size calculation, that is used if the number of columns is especified to be zero (automatic). MultiSink.c: + Fixed a core-dump problem caused when passing a null pointer to XwcTextEscapement. Text.c: + Removed the resource adjustScrollbars. This resource was not used, and its funcionality was not finished, and by now, it is not required. TextAction.c: + Does not call XLookpupString in InsertChar any more, but the new function _XawLookupString (in XawIm.c) to work correctly with composed characters. XawIm.c: + Added the private function _XawLookupString, that just calls XmbLookupString, or in case of any initialization error, XLookupString. -- xedit -- The most important change is the addition of a new functionality, that allows the user to navigate the file system, in a 'ls -a' like list widget, if the file is not a directory it is loaded for edition, else, the list widget is rebuilt with the contents of the selected directory. To test it, just type: C-X d, or tab when 'finding a file'. To exit the dirwindow without loading a file, type C-G or Escape. Xedit-sample: + Added more some resource entries, to use the new 'emacs dired like' feature. + Same as for Xedit-sample, but more important resource settings. commands.c: + The code now checks if the filename is a directory and calls the dirwindow code in that case, when trying to open a file. + Changed the function IsDir from static to global, to use it from xedit.c. + Most of the code for the filesystem navigation window was added to this file. util.c: + Fixed a bug that was causing core dump due to passing garbage to XtGetValues as the widget address. + Added the code for managing the dirwindow and its relationship with the text windows to this file. xedit.c: + Added the code for creation the dirwindow to this file. #2638 2 Apr 1999 -- Xaw -- + Added xpm pixmaps support to the library. This time, it is required to compile Xaw with -DUSE_XPM. + If the xpm image has a mask, the widget will be automatically reshaped to the pixmap mask. + Changed the kill_ring code in TextAction.c to always end in a text block of zero length, this way, it is easier to know when one traversed the entire kill ring (it may be interesting to forget the undo sequences while traversing the kill ring list). -- xedit -- + Changed the file to avoid overriding a translation that would make the search window do not respond to WM_DELETE_WINODW messages. + Fixed a core dump condition in the new code for listing files and directories, due to deferencing a null pointer. #2662 10 Apr 1999 -- Xaw -- + Corrected the problems generated in my last patch. I was compiling with -DUSE_XPM defined, and didn't realize that the patch would not compile without it. Just ifdef'ed again the code to avoid warnings or dead code. -- xedit -- + Added a ispell interface to xedit. Sorry for not documenting enough about it the man page, but here is a small explanation of the new funcionality: Replace: Replace's the selected word. All (right side of Replace button): Replaces all occurrences of the selected word. Undo: When this button is sensitive, allow undoing the last replace, this is useful when doing a incorrect "Replace All" action. Ignore: Ignore this word, and continues spell checking. All (right side of Ignore button): Ignore any further occurrences of the selected word. Add: Add's the selected word to the user's private dictionary. Suspend: Go back to text edition, but does not kill the ispell process, This is useful if you have a really big dictionary or slow machine. I believe it is mostly useful to keep in memory the words selected to be ignored, but that you don't want to add to your private dictionary. Close: Kill the ispell process, and go back to text edition. Automatically saves the user's private dictionary. When pressing the Add button, the word in the "Misspelled word:" field is added to the user private dictionary (normally ~/.ispell_*). When pressing the Replace button, the text in the "Replace with:" field is used. If no word is selected in the "Suggestions:" field, this mean that the selected word was not found in the ispell dictionary. #2716 24 Apr 1999 -- Xaw -- + Minor changes to AsciiSrc.c to try to get more speed in the FindPiece function. Xedit may become very slow when editing files bigger than 1M, and I'm studying ways to get more speed in the Scan and FindPiece functions. The FindPosition function in *Sink.c also can consume a lot of cpu time, and may need some rework. + Added submenus support to the SimpleMenuWidget. This is something essential to a widget toolkit. Just plugged in the code of a menu widget I wrote some time ago. Xedit uses submenus now. To use it, set the resource menuName of a SmeBSBObject to the name of the submenu. + Added code for text justification to the TextWidget. To use the justification, set the resources autoFill, leftColumn and rightColumn. If autoFill is set, and leftColumn is smaller than rightColumn, an alternate code will be used in the form-paragrpah action, normally triggered with M-Q. The values for justification can be left, right, center and full. + Added a overwrite mode to the TextWidget. The default translation is to press the Insert key, that will toggle the overwrite mode. + Made the TextWidget understand negative values for the multiply. This is like the emacs feature, to indent text to the left. To set a negative value to the multiply, just start the numeric sequence with a '-'. Like C-U -1. + The code for justification added several new functions to TextAction.c. Functions to tabify, untabify, get block boundaries, verify if a line is completely blank, and strip excess of spaces. + Added a indent action to the TextWidget. The default translation, only used by xedit, is C-X Tab, did this way, to make it fully compatible with emacs, but other translations can be used. The multiply value is used to calculate the amount of spaces to move to the left or right. + Corrected a very hard to find (and reproduce) bug in the undo code, that would easily cause core dumps. The problem would happen when starting editing exactly in the moment the redo automatically reverts to undo. + Added translations for toggling the overwriting mode with the Insert key, and to paste the selection with S-Insert. -- xedit -- + Corrected all the known bugs in the ispell code (including a memory leak). And added a compile time limit of 16 levels of undo, for all the actions, that include Add, Ignore and Replace. 16 levels is more than enough, but more than this can be done with the undo action, but then, only to revert replaced text, to remove added words that the undo code forgot, it is required to edit the personal dictionary file. The code now also understands root/affix combinations, that ispell normally returns when using the -m option. The ispell code should now also work when using the international resource of the edit window. + Added a new file, called options.c, that holds the code for the editMenu, to enabling setting the wrap, autoFill, justify, leftColumn, rightColumn, verticalScroll and horizontalScroll resources of the current edit window. #2746 1 May 1999 -- Xaw -- + Reverted most of the #if NeedWidePrototypes definitions, only two functions were kept, to not break some of the new features, but these functions aren't called by any program: XawTextSinkDisplayText and XawTextSinkClearToBackground. + Rewrite of the functions *Sink.c:FindPosition() and FindDistance() to try to get more speed. + Reworked the function Text.c:_BuildLineTable, to correct some strange code, and to avoid unnecessary recalculations. + Made negative values of the multiply work for all the actions, not only for negative indentations. This makes the TextWidget behaviour more compatible with emacs. + Optimization of the new code for text justification, to avoid a call to malloc on every char typed, when undo is enabled. + Reorganized the offsets of the fields of the TextWidget, trying to make xxgdb work again with the new Xaw code, but, unfortunately, the SimpleWidget (a subclass of the TextWidget) have growed by 4 bytes (a XawDisplayList*) added at the end of the structure, and xxgdb incorrectly reads the text.sink field. Old xxgdb binaries dont work with the current code. + Removed several XtIsSubclass checks in TextSrc.c. While those checks could be useful for debugging, the functions are called so frequently that it is a big waste of time for running programs. -- xedit -- + Added/Changed some translations to work correctly when CapsLock and/or NumLock are pressed. + Fixed some bugs in the ispell code. The biggest bug was that it was not correctly saving the Add'ed words in the user dictionary when pressing the Close button. #2764 8 May 1999 -- Xaw -- + Create two new private functions, to replace internally the public interfaces. These two functions are XawTextSinkClearToBackground and XawTextSinkDisplayText. These two functions use wide prototypes, and are required to support text lines that are represented by more than 32767 pixels. This was done to make sure that the public interfaces remain 100% backwards compatible. + Fixed the deferencing of a null pointer when the source object of a text widget is not initialized. I noticed this problem when recompiling xcolorsel. + Added a new type converter to Converters.c, that is Short -> String. + Added a new compile time option, called NO_BIN_COMPAT_HACK. If defined, it will break some programs that access private data. It only works with programs that access private data structures, but don't subclassify any widget. It fixed old binaries of chimera1, the Offix editor and xxgdb. There is no way to fix old binaries of chimera2, xcolorsel and xmh, these programs need to be recompiled. I would like to know of other programs that became broken, to try to fix them with the NO_BIN_COMPAT_HACK option. + Fixed some compile warnings, with shadowed, uninitialized and unused variables. + Fixed a inifite loop problem that could happen when the text widget window was resized to a very small width. + Reverted some of the text widget translations, to avoid conflicts when setting the input focus and programs that do so. -- xedit -- + Fixed a problem in the file-completion code, that would insert the partial match in the incorrect position, if the cursor was not at the end of the string. + Changed ispell.c to use only one hash for ignored and added words. Also changed the IspellSend function to not call itself recursively, what is a big problem when spell checking big files that are correct or have too few errors. -- editres -- + Changed in several places, to try to avoid resource setting problems. Most of them were changed to address more directly the resource, and avoid confusion. Also, added some new resource settings to configure the code I added to widgets.c. + Changed widgets.c to make sure the resource setting dialog is always entirely in the screen, and if it does not fit, scrollbars will be created. #2793 15 May 1999 -- Xaw -- + Changed AsciiSrc.c:LoadPieces to load the file incrementally, instead of allocating a big buffer. + Added several new functions to DisplayList.c. Almost all gc and painting related functions were mapped to displayList functions. There are several optimizations that can yet be done to the displayList code, and I'm working on it. That code is clearly not finished yet, but is stable. Also, changed some functions to be more exigent with it's parameters, because it is better to receive a warning message than see the program core dumping. The functions are documented in + Corrected a problem in the SimpleMenu code, to make the sub menus popup more 'visually' correct, when popping up in the left side. + Added a optimization in Text.c, to avoid unnecessarily recalculating the line and column number when scrolling text. A big speed up should be seen when scrolling large files. + Modified all code that expected TAB_SIZE to be equal to 8, to read the TextSink resources, and work properly with whatever value the program had set to the tab stops. + Fixed a very bad bug in the form-paragraph function. It was very hard to find because I was looking at the wrong places. If the text was already formatted, or did not need formatting, the code was not reenabling undo, making the undo/redo behaviour imprevisible. -- xedit -- + Added file, to show some of the new features of Xaw. Tried to keep it simple, but since it uses gradients, maybe it should better be called Xedit-TrueColor. The better way to see the functionality of this file is (if you don't have it already) add to your .Xdefaults: #ifdef COLOR *customization: -color #endif and make sure xrdb parses it. + Changed a bit, to work properly when Caps Lock is pressed. + Several changes to ispell.c. It should run very faster now, because the code keeps information about words already ignored or correct in the xedit side, instead of asking ispell every time. Added also a terseMode resource, and made the interface ask for user interaction always ispell does not say the word is completely correct; the terseMode resource makes ispell itself decide what words are correct or not. -- editres -- + Small patch to, to use a default text cursor color of 'Azure' in text fields, instead of the default 'black'. #2811 22 May 1999 -- Xaw -- + Removed the 'NO_NUMERIC_HACK' preprocessor definition, and renamed the 'doing_numeric_hack' field of the text widget to 'numeric'. + Changed the code to always create the horizontal scrollbar, if requested. + Small changes to TextPop.c, to automatically scroll horizontally the text window when the text found in a search/replace action is not visible. + Added a optimization when editing large files, to rebuild the line table if the region containing the text being added/replaced overlaps the field of the text widget. + Changed the undo code to also merge text typed when overwrite mode is active. The new behaviour is not like emacs (that generates a undo step for every character), but uses less memory, making only one undo/redo step. -- xedit -- + Added a new file, hook.c that is intended to be used for the addition of some new features to xedit, like auto indentation of program files. The first feature added is the 'autoReplace' resource, described in the xedit man page. + Corrected a bug in ispell.c, that would make the code allocate lots of memory unnecessarily, due to an uninitialized variable. Thanks to David Dawes that found the bug. The bug was not in 3.9Pn, but the solution in the later release was not completely correct. #2834 29 May 1999 -- Xaw -- + Added a ChangeSensitive function to Command.c, to avoid it creating an incorrect insensitive border if the button is set. This is a side effect of the function XawCommandToggle I added some time ago. The solution for the problem is not very elegant, since it copies almost verbatim the code from Simple.c, but it works as expected. + Moved some calls to _XawTextSetLineAndColumnNumber in Text.c to other places, to make sure it is safe to change the text when the positionCallback is called (like what is done by the new xedit file hook.c). + Another optimization was added to the undo/redo code. Now it also merge erases, needing yet less memory for undo, and this way, generating less undo/redo steps. + Removed the default translation to call the toggle-overwrite action from TextTr.c. Only the xedit edit windows calls this translation now, instead of every text widget. -- xedit -- + Changed the auto replace feature to be a bit more easier to use. The new behaviour is almost identical, but if the user types some text, and it is auto replaced, only one undo step is enough to correct it. Example: 1) user types 'nto.' 2) text is auto replaced by 'not.' 3) user call undo action 4) text is converted to 'nto.' It should be a very infrequent problem, but makes the xedit behaviour identical to a "well known text editor", from where this feature was borrowed. + Added a 'Check' button to the ispell interface. This button allows checking the word in the text field. This feature was borrowed from the spell checking interface of the Netscape html editor. + The ispell checking interface now also asks for user interaction if there are two identical words together. + Added a status bar to the ispell interface, to give feedback to the user about what is happening. + Added some new resources, to let easier customization of the ispell status bar strings. The new resources are documented in #2849 5 Jun 1999 -- Xaw -- + Add a OLDXAW define, to enable building a binary compatible version with 6.1, and changes to the Imakefile, to try to keep the changes only in Xaw. I hope it can be removed in the future. + Add a XawVendor define, with the value "XFree86". If this is not a good idea, please correct it an let me know. + Add a XawVersion define. The value for the new xaw is 7000L, and for the compatible one is 6700L (same comments as for the XawVendor define). + Bug fixes to the undo/redo code, and code to merge erases generated by ^H and ^D. Also, if the cursor is moved, it stops merging the text typed in the undo buffer. + Bug fixes to the Form widget geometry management code, to work correctly when child widgets are removed or added at run time. + Xaw now links with XPM by default, and the config files where changed to enable newly compiled programs to do so. + Added 16 pad bytes to every widget, to try to avoid binary compatibility problems in the future. + Added a displayList resource to the Tree Widget. + Added the functions XawTextGetSink and XawTextLastPosition, to enable a public way to get the <TextWidget>->text.sink and <TextWidget>->text.lastPos, since these are the most commonly private fields the programs access in the text widget. + Added the actions 'capitalize-word', 'donwcase-word' and 'upcase-word' to TextAction.c. The bindings are the same as of Emacs (and the way it works). + Corrected some problems with negative values of the <TextWidget>->text.mult. -- xedit -- + Correct possible problem in the file hook.c, when interpreting the auto replace list, that is, it was not checking the buffer size when finding the '\' character. + Updates for the configuration files. + Added a 'Look' button the the ispell interface, that will by default run "/usr/bin/bin/egrep -i '^<VALUE OF TEXT FIELD>.*$' /usr/share/dict/words" and put up to 256 returned words in the ispell list. The behavior is almost identical to the one in the terminal interface of ispell. + The ispell interface works correctly with aspell now. + Added some resources and a popup to enable changing the dictionaries in run time. + Added a toggle button to the ispell interface to allow changing the terse mode in run-time. + Added a 'Uncap' button, to allow adding an uncapitalized word to the private dictionary, and enough code to do the capitalization checks inside of xedit (to enable undo actions). + Added a "text mode" and a "html mode". The html mode is not yet completely finished. It must work correctly with some html specific things like converting internally "á" to "รก" and so on. I'm planning also, at least a nroff mode too. + The wordChars resource is set by dictionary now. To set the word chars for the br dictionary, write something like: *ispell* <VALUE> or *ispell*br.wordChars: <VALUE> or simply *ispell*wordChars: <VALUE> + The skipLines resource is set only for the text mode now. To set it, write something like: *ispell*options.formats.text.skipLines: <VALUE> or *ispell*options*text.skipLines: <VALUE> or simply *ispell*skipLines: <VALUE> #2877 12 Jun 1999 -- Xaw -- + Note: The compatible old version of Xaw is not fully compatible. There a few things that are not equal to the standard old Xaw. These are: + The cursor code in the *Sink.c files is not identical, and the field insertCursorOn (type Pixmap) was replaced by the field cursor_position (type XawTextPosition). + There are some changes in TextP.h, that include changes to the fields: options -> left_margin unrealize_callbacks -> pad1 updateFrom -> update updateTo -> pad2 numranges -> pad3 maxranges -> from_left copy_area_offsets -> pad4 + The text window does not increase its size when text is typed past the end of the window, instead of it, it is automatically scrolled horizontally, but this may not be enough to every usage of this feature; xmh uses that code to make the text widget auto resize warning popup widgets. I dont know what is better in this case, if re-enabling the auto resize code of changing xmh to use label widgets in the warning popups. It is very unlikely that exists code that will have problems with these changes in the fields of the TextWidget and the *SinkObject, but if any code that has trouble with it exists, I will promptly make the required changes to correct it (at least for the compatible version of Xaw). + Several optimizations for the code to redisplay the text window in the TextWidget. Including fixes for bugs in the XawTextScroll function, and making it really works. Previous versions of the library have made this function ineffective, because it was always redrawing everything when the text window was scrolled. The optimizations should be more noticeable when running some application that uses the TextWidget (like xedit) on slow hardware, or over slow connections. + Corrections for the FormWidget geometry management code, to work correctly in the old version of Xaw, and some bug fixes for the new Xaw. Also added 8 pad bytes to the FormConstraintsPart structure, to have space for extra information on possible future optimizations for the FormWidget geometry management code. + Some fixes for the OLDXAW define in the SimpleMenuWidget code, that was not hiding some of the new fields introduced in the new Xaw code. + Some corrections for the code handling the necessity of having scrollbars in the text widget, and bug fixes for cases where the scrollbars were not being updated when the text window contents were changed. + Re-enabled code to also process GraphicsExpose events in the text code. It became required due to the optimizations in the text redisplay code. + Several fixes in TextAction.c, for symbols that were not being included in the compatible version of the library, and for symbols that were being included with no need. + Fixes for the form-paragraph action, in the old Xaw code. -- xedit -- + Some bug fixes for the ispell undo code, to avoid deferencing a NULL pointer in the function IspellCheckUndo. + Added code to handle correctly &<VALUE>; in ispell.c, when using the html mode. + Fixed some compile time warnings, and updated the code for setting the scrollbars in options.c. #2899 19 Jun 1999 -- Xaw -- + Changed all the 'char pad[<number>]' to 'XtPointer pad[<number>/4]' to make sure 64 bit machines will not have binary compatibility problems before the 32 bit ones. + Added a new static function 'WritePiecesToFile' to AsciiSrc.c, to avoid allocation of temporary memory. This is useful when editing very large files (I have some people using xedit on text files that can have up to 80,000 lines). + Added more some optimizations to AsciiSrc.c:Scan, to try to get the maximum speed of this function. + Added a new function to the displayList's, called 'image', that will tile pixmaps on the widget. It is documented in + Several widget classes did not have a 'extension' field. I added it to them. The first usage of this field that I'm planning is to extend the *Src and *Sink objects to handle formatted text, and add text properties, like foreground, background, font and so on. + Fixed a bug in MultiSrc.c, that was crashing Xaw after the first character was typed, or if text was removed. + Some minor changes to SimpleMenu.c, to work properly with very large menus. + Fixed some bugs that were caused by my previous optimizations of the text redisplay code. + Bug fixes and optimizations to TextPop.c, there were some cases that the function XawTextDisableRediplay was being called, but XawTextEnableRedisplay was not being called later because of a error condition (the error conditions were only warnings). + Updates to -- xedit -- + Fixed a memory leak when freeing list widget strings. The code was not releasing the memory of the string at offset 0, in the list. + Changed the way the ispell undo code handles the terse mode, to not need to make the toggle button insensitive. + Updated #2932 26 Jun 1999 -- Xaw -- + Added a new tip resource to the SimpleWidget. This may also be seen as a test of the binary compatibility issues. Besides of being a new feature, it cannot cause problems with old binaries, because the code is only called if the tip resource is set to any SimpleWidget subclass. If the tip resource is set or reset, the SimpleWidget code will call one of the two new functions XawTipEnable or XawTipDisable. + Added 3 new files: Tip.c, Tip.h and TipP.h. These files are used only by the new Xaw. + Updates to, including a problem with accented characters on SunOS. -- xedit -- + Added resource configurations to show the new tip code in Xaw. + Some fixes to ispell.c, to make it more previsible/user-friendly. + Fixes to avoid problems with accented characters. #2964 3 Jul 1999 -- Xaw -- + Fix for problem found in the search/replace dialog when using split windows in xedit. + Added initialization for the display_list field of the Tree widget. -- xedit -- + Fixed some problems in the undo code of ispell interface. #2999 10 Jul 1999 -- Xaw -- + Added code to check the return value of XAllocColor and XAllocNamedColor in Pixmap.c. + Reverted back some code, and did a careful review of the code in TextPop.c to avoid the possibility of calling XawTextDisableRedisplay, and not calling XawTextEnableRedisplay later (due to errors or end of file reached). + Added code to TextSrc.c, to use two static variables, that represent a new line in 8 bits and wchar_t, to avoid allocating memory in the undo buffers to store only a new line. + Small change in the behavior of the Tip widget, to not unmap the tip window when the cursor is moved. -- Xmu -- + Fixed a bug and a typo in the XmuToupper macro. -- xedit -- + Small update to the Xedit-sample file. + Fixed a bug in the ispell code that checks for repeated words. #3122 14 Aug 1999 -- Xaw -- + Mixed fonts and colors can be used in the text widget (currently only in the Ascii*Object). + Added the XawTextAnchor, XawTextEntity, XawTextProperty, XawTextPropertyList, XawTextPaintStruct, XawTextPaintList and XawTextPropertyInfo structures to Xaw, to be used in the new text code. + Added the functions XawTextSourceAddAnchor, XawTextSourceNextAnchor, XawTextSourcePrevAnchor, XawTextSourceRemoveAnchor and XawTextSinkConvertPropertyList, that probably should not be used outside of Xaw. + Added the functions XawTextSourceFindAnchor, XawTextSourceAnchorAndEntity, XawTextSourceAddEntity, XawTextSourceClearEntities and XawTextSinkGetProperty that are probably the ones that should be most used in programs. + Italic fonts should be always displayed correctly. + The text widget cursor is now displayed with a gc with the Xor function, to avoid unnecessary computation/redrawing. + Most changes were done in the {Ascii,Text}{Src,Sink}Object, but the text widget was also a bit modified for things like automatically changing the number of lines in the line table when needed. -- Xmu -- + Fixed bug in Clip.c, that could cause a SEGV. -- xedit -- + Added the file c-mode.c, to interface with the new Xaw text code, and show what can be done when interfacing that new code. + Added the necessary code to util.c and options.c to let the user select if he or she wants to use the color/font syntax highlight in the C/C++ mode. # 26 Aug 1999 --Xaw-- + Added initial support for two new XawTextEntity attributes, that enable hidden text and replaced text. This initial support was the minimum required to get the new html mode in xedit working. A lot of code does math with text positions, and became broken with the addition of these two attributes. Since only code that knows about these two attributes should use it, it is only a question to fix the remaining code in Xaw/xedit. + Bug fixes to AsciiSink.c:PreparePaint to work correctly with tabs and the two new entity attributes. + Disabled the translation "c<Key>q,<Key>Tab" of the search/replace popup. This action is already done by the translation "<Ctrl>Q,<Key>" that I added to TextTr.c. Disabling that translation has the advantage that now it is possible to replace ^Ms by nothing. + Added some new functions to TextSink.c. The functions XawTextSinkCopyProperty, XawTextSinkAddProperty and XawTextSinkCombineProperty are candidates to being public in the future, but, there is a problem when using XawTextSinkCombineProperty, that requires the AsciiSinkObject having the correct XawTextPropertyList, what can generate a "chicken and egg" like problem (I did some hacks in xedit to have the first html-mode version working). + Added several new flags to the XawTextProperty attributes, and a new field, called xlfd_mask. + Some bug fixes to XawTextSourceReplace and to the code to manage the XawTextAnchor e XawTextEntity structures. The form-paragraph, called with M-Q does several consecutive text changes, and was very useful to find bugs. + The flag XAW_TENTF_REPLACE is a hack for XawTextSourceAddEntity currently. The function XawTextSourceAddEntity will probably change its parameters to receive a structure pointer, or a pointer parameter. --xedit-- + Fixed some bugs in c-mode.c. Again, this patch fixes all the bugs I have found. + Added the html-mode.c file to xedit. The html-mode is in its initial steps. It is not usable yet, but should not core-dump or leak memory (unless you try to edit the file, then, I cannot say what will happen). The html mode should be used only to see a rendered version of the file, but, there are several markups not implemented. To be usable, it must yet understand at least <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <dl>, <dd>, <hr> and the table tags. $XFree86: xc/lib/Xaw/Changelog,v 3.31 1999/08/15 13:00:31 dawes Exp $