/* * Copyright 1990,91 by Thomas Roell, Dinkelscherben, Germany. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Thomas Roell not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Thomas Roell makes no representations * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided * "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THOMAS ROELL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL THOMAS ROELL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994-2003 by The XFree86 Project, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR AUTHOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holder(s) * and author(s) shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote * the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written * authorization from the copyright holder(s) and author(s). */ /* [JCH-96/01/21] Extended std reverse map to four buttons. */ #ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include "misc.h" #include "xf86.h" #include "xf86Priv.h" #define XF86_OS_PRIVS #include "xf86_OSlib.h" #include <X11/keysym.h> #ifdef XFreeXDGA #include "dgaproc.h" #endif #include <X11/extensions/XI.h> #include <X11/extensions/XIproto.h> #include "inputstr.h" #include "xf86Xinput.h" #include "mi.h" #include "mipointer.h" #include "xkbsrv.h" #include "xkbstr.h" #ifdef DPMSExtension #include <X11/extensions/dpmsconst.h> #include "dpmsproc.h" #endif #include "xf86platformBus.h" #include "systemd-logind.h" extern void (*xf86OSPMClose) (void); static void xf86VTSwitch(void); /* * Allow arbitrary drivers or other XFree86 code to register with our main * Wakeup handler. */ typedef struct x_IHRec { int fd; InputHandlerProc ihproc; void *data; Bool enabled; Bool is_input; struct x_IHRec *next; } IHRec, *IHPtr; static IHPtr InputHandlers = NULL; /* * TimeSinceLastInputEvent -- * Function used for screensaver purposes by the os module. Returns the * time in milliseconds since there last was any input. */ int TimeSinceLastInputEvent(void) { if (xf86Info.lastEventTime == 0) { xf86Info.lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); } return GetTimeInMillis() - xf86Info.lastEventTime; } /* * SetTimeSinceLastInputEvent -- * Set the lastEventTime to now. */ void SetTimeSinceLastInputEvent(void) { xf86Info.lastEventTime = GetTimeInMillis(); } /* * ProcessInputEvents -- * Retrieve all waiting input events and pass them to DIX in their * correct chronological order. Only reads from the system pointer * and keyboard. */ void ProcessInputEvents(void) { int x, y; mieqProcessInputEvents(); /* FIXME: This is a problem if we have multiple pointers */ miPointerGetPosition(inputInfo.pointer, &x, &y); xf86SetViewport(xf86Info.currentScreen, x, y); } /* * Handle keyboard events that cause some kind of "action" * (i.e., server termination, video mode changes, VT switches, etc.) */ void xf86ProcessActionEvent(ActionEvent action, void *arg) { DebugF("ProcessActionEvent(%d,%p)\n", (int) action, arg); switch (action) { case ACTION_TERMINATE: if (!xf86Info.dontZap) { xf86Msg(X_INFO, "Server zapped. Shutting down.\n"); GiveUp(0); } break; case ACTION_NEXT_MODE: if (!xf86Info.dontZoom) xf86ZoomViewport(xf86Info.currentScreen, 1); break; case ACTION_PREV_MODE: if (!xf86Info.dontZoom) xf86ZoomViewport(xf86Info.currentScreen, -1); break; case ACTION_SWITCHSCREEN: if (!xf86Info.dontVTSwitch && arg) { int vtno = *((int *) arg); if (vtno != xf86Info.vtno) { if (!xf86VTActivate(vtno)) { ErrorF("Failed to switch from vt%02d to vt%02d: %s\n", xf86Info.vtno, vtno, strerror(errno)); } } } break; case ACTION_SWITCHSCREEN_NEXT: if (!xf86Info.dontVTSwitch) { if (!xf86VTActivate(xf86Info.vtno + 1)) { /* If first try failed, assume this is the last VT and * try wrapping around to the first vt. */ if (!xf86VTActivate(1)) { ErrorF("Failed to switch from vt%02d to next vt: %s\n", xf86Info.vtno, strerror(errno)); } } } break; case ACTION_SWITCHSCREEN_PREV: if (!xf86Info.dontVTSwitch && xf86Info.vtno > 0) { if (!xf86VTActivate(xf86Info.vtno - 1)) { /* Don't know what the maximum VT is, so can't wrap around */ ErrorF("Failed to switch from vt%02d to previous vt: %s\n", xf86Info.vtno, strerror(errno)); } } break; default: break; } } /* * xf86Wakeup -- * Os wakeup handler. */ /* ARGSUSED */ void xf86Wakeup(void *blockData, int err) { if (xf86VTSwitchPending()) xf86VTSwitch(); } /* * xf86ReadInput -- * input thread handler */ static void xf86ReadInput(int fd, int ready, void *closure) { InputInfoPtr pInfo = closure; pInfo->read_input(pInfo); } /* * xf86AddEnabledDevice -- * */ void xf86AddEnabledDevice(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { InputThreadRegisterDev(pInfo->fd, xf86ReadInput, pInfo); } /* * xf86RemoveEnabledDevice -- * */ void xf86RemoveEnabledDevice(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { InputThreadUnregisterDev(pInfo->fd); } /* * xf86PrintBacktrace -- * Print a stack backtrace for debugging purposes. */ void xf86PrintBacktrace(void) { xorg_backtrace(); } static void xf86ReleaseKeys(DeviceIntPtr pDev) { KeyClassPtr keyc; int i; if (!pDev || !pDev->key) return; keyc = pDev->key; /* * Hmm... here is the biggest hack of every time ! * It may be possible that a switch-vt procedure has finished BEFORE * you released all keys necessary to do this. That peculiar behavior * can fool the X-server pretty much, cause it assumes that some keys * were not released. TWM may stuck almost completely.... * OK, what we are doing here is after returning from the vt-switch * explicitly unrelease all keyboard keys before the input-devices * are re-enabled. */ for (i = keyc->xkbInfo->desc->min_key_code; i < keyc->xkbInfo->desc->max_key_code; i++) { if (key_is_down(pDev, i, KEY_POSTED)) { input_lock(); QueueKeyboardEvents(pDev, KeyRelease, i); input_unlock(); } } } void xf86DisableInputDeviceForVTSwitch(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { if (!pInfo->dev) return; if (!pInfo->dev->enabled) pInfo->flags |= XI86_DEVICE_DISABLED; xf86ReleaseKeys(pInfo->dev); ProcessInputEvents(); DisableDevice(pInfo->dev, TRUE); } void xf86EnableInputDeviceForVTSwitch(InputInfoPtr pInfo) { if (pInfo->dev && (pInfo->flags & XI86_DEVICE_DISABLED) == 0) EnableDevice(pInfo->dev, TRUE); pInfo->flags &= ~XI86_DEVICE_DISABLED; } /* * xf86UpdateHasVTProperty -- * Update a flag property on the root window to say whether the server VT * is currently the active one as some clients need to know this. */ static void xf86UpdateHasVTProperty(Bool hasVT) { Atom property_name; int32_t value = hasVT ? 1 : 0; int i; property_name = MakeAtom(HAS_VT_ATOM_NAME, sizeof(HAS_VT_ATOM_NAME) - 1, FALSE); if (property_name == BAD_RESOURCE) FatalError("Failed to retrieve \"HAS_VT\" atom\n"); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { dixChangeWindowProperty(serverClient, xf86ScrnToScreen(xf86Screens[i])->root, property_name, XA_INTEGER, 32, PropModeReplace, 1, &value, TRUE); } } void xf86VTLeave(void) { int i; InputInfoPtr pInfo; IHPtr ih; DebugF("xf86VTSwitch: Leaving, xf86Exiting is %s\n", BOOLTOSTRING((dispatchException & DE_TERMINATE) ? TRUE : FALSE)); #ifdef DPMSExtension if (DPMSPowerLevel != DPMSModeOn) DPMSSet(serverClient, DPMSModeOn); #endif for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { if (!(dispatchException & DE_TERMINATE)) if (xf86Screens[i]->EnableDisableFBAccess) (*xf86Screens[i]->EnableDisableFBAccess) (xf86Screens[i], FALSE); } /* * Keep the order: Disable Device > LeaveVT * EnterVT > EnableDevice */ for (ih = InputHandlers; ih; ih = ih->next) { if (ih->is_input) xf86DisableInputHandler(ih); else xf86DisableGeneralHandler(ih); } for (pInfo = xf86InputDevs; pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->next) xf86DisableInputDeviceForVTSwitch(pInfo); input_lock(); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) xf86Screens[i]->LeaveVT(xf86Screens[i]); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumGPUScreens; i++) xf86GPUScreens[i]->LeaveVT(xf86GPUScreens[i]); if (systemd_logind_controls_session()) { systemd_logind_drop_master(); } if (!xf86VTSwitchAway()) goto switch_failed; if (xf86OSPMClose) xf86OSPMClose(); xf86OSPMClose = NULL; for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { /* * zero all access functions to * trap calls when switched away. */ xf86Screens[i]->vtSema = FALSE; } if (xorgHWAccess) xf86DisableIO(); xf86UpdateHasVTProperty(FALSE); return; switch_failed: DebugF("xf86VTSwitch: Leave failed\n"); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { if (!xf86Screens[i]->EnterVT(xf86Screens[i])) FatalError("EnterVT failed for screen %d\n", i); } for (i = 0; i < xf86NumGPUScreens; i++) { if (!xf86GPUScreens[i]->EnterVT(xf86GPUScreens[i])) FatalError("EnterVT failed for gpu screen %d\n", i); } if (!(dispatchException & DE_TERMINATE)) { for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { if (xf86Screens[i]->EnableDisableFBAccess) (*xf86Screens[i]->EnableDisableFBAccess) (xf86Screens[i], TRUE); } } dixSaveScreens(serverClient, SCREEN_SAVER_FORCER, ScreenSaverReset); for (pInfo = xf86InputDevs; pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->next) xf86EnableInputDeviceForVTSwitch(pInfo); for (ih = InputHandlers; ih; ih = ih->next) { if (ih->is_input) xf86EnableInputHandler(ih); else xf86EnableGeneralHandler(ih); } input_unlock(); } void xf86VTEnter(void) { int i; InputInfoPtr pInfo; IHPtr ih; DebugF("xf86VTSwitch: Entering\n"); if (!xf86VTSwitchTo()) return; xf86OSPMClose = xf86OSPMOpen(); if (xorgHWAccess) xf86EnableIO(); for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { xf86Screens[i]->vtSema = TRUE; if (!xf86Screens[i]->EnterVT(xf86Screens[i])) FatalError("EnterVT failed for screen %d\n", i); } for (i = 0; i < xf86NumGPUScreens; i++) { xf86GPUScreens[i]->vtSema = TRUE; if (!xf86GPUScreens[i]->EnterVT(xf86GPUScreens[i])) FatalError("EnterVT failed for gpu screen %d\n", i); } for (i = 0; i < xf86NumScreens; i++) { if (xf86Screens[i]->EnableDisableFBAccess) (*xf86Screens[i]->EnableDisableFBAccess) (xf86Screens[i], TRUE); } /* Turn screen saver off when switching back */ dixSaveScreens(serverClient, SCREEN_SAVER_FORCER, ScreenSaverReset); for (pInfo = xf86InputDevs; pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->next) { /* Devices with server managed fds get enabled on logind resume */ if (!(pInfo->flags & XI86_SERVER_FD)) xf86EnableInputDeviceForVTSwitch(pInfo); } for (ih = InputHandlers; ih; ih = ih->next) { if (ih->is_input) xf86EnableInputHandler(ih); else xf86EnableGeneralHandler(ih); } #ifdef XSERVER_PLATFORM_BUS /* check for any new output devices */ xf86platformVTProbe(); #endif xf86UpdateHasVTProperty(TRUE); input_unlock(); } /* * xf86VTSwitch -- * Handle requests for switching the vt. */ static void xf86VTSwitch(void) { DebugF("xf86VTSwitch()\n"); #ifdef XFreeXDGA if (!DGAVTSwitch()) return; #endif /* * Since all screens are currently all in the same state it is sufficient * check the first. This might change in future. * * VTLeave is always handled here (VT_PROCESS guarantees this is safe), * if we use systemd_logind xf86VTEnter() gets called by systemd-logind.c * once it has resumed all drm nodes. */ if (xf86VTOwner()) xf86VTLeave(); else if (!systemd_logind_controls_session()) xf86VTEnter(); } /* Input handler registration */ static void xf86InputHandlerNotify(int fd, int ready, void *data) { IHPtr ih = data; if (ih->enabled && ih->fd >= 0 && ih->ihproc) { ih->ihproc(ih->fd, ih->data); } } static void * addInputHandler(int fd, InputHandlerProc proc, void *data) { IHPtr ih; if (fd < 0 || !proc) return NULL; ih = calloc(sizeof(*ih), 1); if (!ih) return NULL; ih->fd = fd; ih->ihproc = proc; ih->data = data; ih->enabled = TRUE; if (!SetNotifyFd(fd, xf86InputHandlerNotify, X_NOTIFY_READ, ih)) { free(ih); return NULL; } ih->next = InputHandlers; InputHandlers = ih; return ih; } void * xf86AddInputHandler(int fd, InputHandlerProc proc, void *data) { IHPtr ih = addInputHandler(fd, proc, data); if (ih) ih->is_input = TRUE; return ih; } void * xf86AddGeneralHandler(int fd, InputHandlerProc proc, void *data) { IHPtr ih = addInputHandler(fd, proc, data); return ih; } /** * Set the handler for the console's fd. Replaces (and returns) the previous * handler or NULL, whichever appropriate. * proc may be NULL if the server should not handle events on the console. */ InputHandlerProc xf86SetConsoleHandler(InputHandlerProc proc, void *data) { static IHPtr handler = NULL; InputHandlerProc old_proc = NULL; if (handler) { old_proc = handler->ihproc; xf86RemoveGeneralHandler(handler); } handler = xf86AddGeneralHandler(xf86Info.consoleFd, proc, data); return old_proc; } static void removeInputHandler(IHPtr ih) { IHPtr p; if (ih->fd >= 0) RemoveNotifyFd(ih->fd); if (ih == InputHandlers) InputHandlers = ih->next; else { p = InputHandlers; while (p && p->next != ih) p = p->next; if (ih) p->next = ih->next; } free(ih); } int xf86RemoveInputHandler(void *handler) { IHPtr ih; int fd; if (!handler) return -1; ih = handler; fd = ih->fd; removeInputHandler(ih); return fd; } int xf86RemoveGeneralHandler(void *handler) { IHPtr ih; int fd; if (!handler) return -1; ih = handler; fd = ih->fd; removeInputHandler(ih); return fd; } void xf86DisableInputHandler(void *handler) { IHPtr ih; if (!handler) return; ih = handler; ih->enabled = FALSE; if (ih->fd >= 0) RemoveNotifyFd(ih->fd); } void xf86DisableGeneralHandler(void *handler) { IHPtr ih; if (!handler) return; ih = handler; ih->enabled = FALSE; if (ih->fd >= 0) RemoveNotifyFd(ih->fd); } void xf86EnableInputHandler(void *handler) { IHPtr ih; if (!handler) return; ih = handler; ih->enabled = TRUE; if (ih->fd >= 0) SetNotifyFd(ih->fd, xf86InputHandlerNotify, X_NOTIFY_READ, ih); } void xf86EnableGeneralHandler(void *handler) { IHPtr ih; if (!handler) return; ih = handler; ih->enabled = TRUE; if (ih->fd >= 0) SetNotifyFd(ih->fd, xf86InputHandlerNotify, X_NOTIFY_READ, ih); } void DDXRingBell(int volume, int pitch, int duration) { xf86OSRingBell(volume, pitch, duration); } Bool xf86VTOwner(void) { /* at system startup xf86Screens[0] won't be set - but we will own the VT */ if (xf86NumScreens == 0) return TRUE; return xf86Screens[0]->vtSema; }