/* $NetBSD: send_to_kdc.c,v 2023/08/11 13:40:01 martin Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2002 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Portions Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "krb5_locl.h" #include "send_to_kdc_plugin.h" /** * @section send_to_kdc Locating and sending packets to the KDC * * The send to kdc code is responsible to request the list of KDC from * the locate-kdc subsystem and then send requests to each of them. * * - Each second a new hostname is tried. * - If the hostname have several addresses, the first will be tried * directly then in turn the other will be tried every 3 seconds * (host_timeout). * - UDP requests are tried 3 times, and it tried with a individual timeout of kdc_timeout / 3. * - TCP and HTTP requests are tried 1 time. * * Total wait time shorter then (number of addresses * 3) + kdc_timeout seconds. * */ static int init_port(const char *s, int fallback) { int tmp; if (s && sscanf(s, "%d", &tmp) == 1) return htons(tmp); return fallback; } struct send_via_plugin_s { krb5_const_realm realm; krb5_krbhst_info *hi; time_t timeout; const krb5_data *send_data; krb5_data *receive; }; static krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL kdccallback(krb5_context context, const void *plug, void *plugctx, void *userctx) { const krb5plugin_send_to_kdc_ftable *service = (const krb5plugin_send_to_kdc_ftable *)plug; struct send_via_plugin_s *ctx = userctx; if (service->send_to_kdc == NULL) return KRB5_PLUGIN_NO_HANDLE; return service->send_to_kdc(context, plugctx, ctx->hi, ctx->timeout, ctx->send_data, ctx->receive); } static krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL realmcallback(krb5_context context, const void *plug, void *plugctx, void *userctx) { const krb5plugin_send_to_kdc_ftable *service = (const krb5plugin_send_to_kdc_ftable *)plug; struct send_via_plugin_s *ctx = userctx; if (service->send_to_realm == NULL) return KRB5_PLUGIN_NO_HANDLE; return service->send_to_realm(context, plugctx, ctx->realm, ctx->timeout, ctx->send_data, ctx->receive); } static krb5_error_code kdc_via_plugin(krb5_context context, krb5_krbhst_info *hi, time_t timeout, const krb5_data *send_data, krb5_data *receive) { struct send_via_plugin_s userctx; userctx.realm = NULL; userctx.hi = hi; userctx.timeout = timeout; userctx.send_data = send_data; userctx.receive = receive; return _krb5_plugin_run_f(context, "krb5", KRB5_PLUGIN_SEND_TO_KDC, KRB5_PLUGIN_SEND_TO_KDC_VERSION_0, 0, &userctx, kdccallback); } static krb5_error_code realm_via_plugin(krb5_context context, krb5_const_realm realm, time_t timeout, const krb5_data *send_data, krb5_data *receive) { struct send_via_plugin_s userctx; userctx.realm = realm; userctx.hi = NULL; userctx.timeout = timeout; userctx.send_data = send_data; userctx.receive = receive; return _krb5_plugin_run_f(context, "krb5", KRB5_PLUGIN_SEND_TO_KDC, KRB5_PLUGIN_SEND_TO_KDC_VERSION_2, 0, &userctx, realmcallback); } struct krb5_sendto_ctx_data { int flags; int type; krb5_sendto_ctx_func func; void *data; char *hostname; krb5_krbhst_handle krbhst; /* context2 */ const krb5_data *send_data; krb5_data response; heim_array_t hosts; int stateflags; #define KRBHST_COMPLETED 1 /* prexmit */ krb5_sendto_prexmit prexmit_func; void *prexmit_ctx; /* stats */ struct { struct timeval start_time; struct timeval name_resolution; struct timeval krbhst; unsigned long sent_packets; unsigned long num_hosts; } stats; unsigned int stid; }; static void dealloc_sendto_ctx(void *ptr) { krb5_sendto_ctx ctx = (krb5_sendto_ctx)ptr; if (ctx->hostname) free(ctx->hostname); heim_release(ctx->hosts); heim_release(ctx->krbhst); } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_ctx_alloc(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx *ctx) { *ctx = heim_alloc(sizeof(**ctx), "sendto-context", dealloc_sendto_ctx); if (*ctx == NULL) return krb5_enomem(context); (*ctx)->hosts = heim_array_create(); return 0; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_ctx_add_flags(krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, int flags) { ctx->flags |= flags; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION int KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_ctx_get_flags(krb5_sendto_ctx ctx) { return ctx->flags; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_ctx_set_type(krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, int type) { ctx->type = type; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_ctx_set_func(krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, krb5_sendto_ctx_func func, void *data) { ctx->func = func; ctx->data = data; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL _krb5_sendto_ctx_set_prexmit(krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, krb5_sendto_prexmit prexmit, void *data) { ctx->prexmit_func = prexmit; ctx->prexmit_ctx = data; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_set_hostname(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, const char *hostname) { if (ctx->hostname == NULL) free(ctx->hostname); ctx->hostname = strdup(hostname); if (ctx->hostname == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } return 0; } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL _krb5_sendto_ctx_set_krb5hst(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, krb5_krbhst_handle handle) { heim_release(ctx->krbhst); ctx->krbhst = heim_retain(handle); } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_ctx_free(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx) { heim_release(ctx); } KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL _krb5_kdc_retry(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, void *data, const krb5_data *reply, int *action) { krb5_error_code ret; KRB_ERROR error; if(krb5_rd_error(context, reply, &error)) return 0; ret = krb5_error_from_rd_error(context, &error, NULL); krb5_free_error_contents(context, &error); switch(ret) { case KRB5KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG: { if (krb5_sendto_ctx_get_flags(ctx) & KRB5_KRBHST_FLAGS_LARGE_MSG) break; krb5_sendto_ctx_add_flags(ctx, KRB5_KRBHST_FLAGS_LARGE_MSG); *action = KRB5_SENDTO_RESET; break; } case KRB5KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE: *action = KRB5_SENDTO_CONTINUE; break; } return 0; } /* * */ struct host; struct host_fun { krb5_error_code (*prepare)(krb5_context, struct host *, const krb5_data *); krb5_error_code (*send_fn)(krb5_context, struct host *); krb5_error_code (*recv_fn)(krb5_context, struct host *, krb5_data *); int ntries; }; struct host { enum host_state { CONNECT, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, WAITING_REPLY, DEAD } state; krb5_krbhst_info *hi; struct addrinfo *ai; rk_socket_t fd; struct host_fun *fun; unsigned int tries; time_t timeout; krb5_data data; unsigned int tid; }; static void debug_host(krb5_context context, int level, struct host *host, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 4, 5))); static void debug_host(krb5_context context, int level, struct host *host, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *proto = "unknown"; const char *state; char name[NI_MAXHOST], port[NI_MAXSERV]; char *text = NULL; va_list ap; int ret; if (!_krb5_have_debug(context, 5)) return; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = vasprintf(&text, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (ret == -1 || text == NULL) return; if (host->hi->proto == KRB5_KRBHST_HTTP) proto = "http"; else if (host->hi->proto == KRB5_KRBHST_TCP) proto = "tcp"; else if (host->hi->proto == KRB5_KRBHST_UDP) proto = "udp"; if (getnameinfo(host->ai->ai_addr, host->ai->ai_addrlen, name, sizeof(name), port, sizeof(port), NI_NUMERICHOST) != 0) name[0] = '\0'; switch (host->state) { case CONNECT: state = "CONNECT"; break; case CONNECTING: state = "CONNECTING"; break; case CONNECTED: state = "CONNECTED"; break; case WAITING_REPLY: state = "WAITING_REPLY"; break; case DEAD: state = "DEAD"; break; default: state = "unknown"; break; } _krb5_debug(context, level, "%s: %s %s:%s (%s) state=%s tid: %08x", text, proto, name, port, host->hi->hostname, state, host->tid); free(text); } static void deallocate_host(void *ptr) { struct host *host = ptr; if (!rk_IS_BAD_SOCKET(host->fd)) rk_closesocket(host->fd); krb5_data_free(&host->data); host->ai = NULL; } static void host_dead(krb5_context context, struct host *host, const char *msg) { debug_host(context, 5, host, "%s", msg); rk_closesocket(host->fd); host->fd = rk_INVALID_SOCKET; host->state = DEAD; } static krb5_error_code send_stream(krb5_context context, struct host *host) { ssize_t len; len = krb5_net_write(context, &host->fd, host->data.data, host->data.length); if (len < 0) return errno; else if (len < host->data.length) { host->data.length -= len; memmove(host->data.data, ((uint8_t *)host->data.data) + len, host->data.length - len); return -1; } else { krb5_data_free(&host->data); return 0; } } static krb5_error_code recv_stream(krb5_context context, struct host *host) { krb5_error_code ret; size_t oldlen; ssize_t sret; int nbytes; if (rk_SOCK_IOCTL(host->fd, FIONREAD, &nbytes) != 0 || nbytes <= 0) return HEIM_NET_CONN_REFUSED; if (context->max_msg_size - host->data.length < nbytes) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5KRB_ERR_FIELD_TOOLONG, N_("TCP message from KDC too large %d", ""), (int)(host->data.length + nbytes)); return KRB5KRB_ERR_FIELD_TOOLONG; } oldlen = host->data.length; ret = krb5_data_realloc(&host->data, oldlen + nbytes + 1 /* NUL */); if (ret) return ret; sret = krb5_net_read(context, &host->fd, ((uint8_t *)host->data.data) + oldlen, nbytes); if (sret <= 0) { ret = errno; return ret; } host->data.length = oldlen + sret; /* zero terminate for http transport */ ((uint8_t *)host->data.data)[host->data.length] = '\0'; return 0; } /* * */ static void host_next_timeout(krb5_context context, struct host *host) { host->timeout = context->kdc_timeout / host->fun->ntries; if (host->timeout == 0) host->timeout = 1; host->timeout += time(NULL); } /* * connected host */ static void host_connected(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, struct host *host) { krb5_error_code ret; host->state = CONNECTED; /* * Now prepare data to send to host */ if (ctx->prexmit_func) { krb5_data data; krb5_data_zero(&data); ret = ctx->prexmit_func(context, host->hi->proto, ctx->prexmit_ctx, host->fd, &data); if (ret == 0) { if (data.length == 0) { host_dead(context, host, "prexmit function didn't send data"); return; } ret = host->fun->prepare(context, host, &data); krb5_data_free(&data); } } else { ret = host->fun->prepare(context, host, ctx->send_data); } if (ret) debug_host(context, 5, host, "failed to prexmit/prepare"); } /* * connect host */ static void host_connect(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, struct host *host) { krb5_krbhst_info *hi = host->hi; struct addrinfo *ai = host->ai; debug_host(context, 5, host, "connecting to host"); if (connect(host->fd, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen) < 0) { #ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) errno = EINPROGRESS; #endif /* HAVE_WINSOCK */ if (errno == EINPROGRESS && (hi->proto == KRB5_KRBHST_HTTP || hi->proto == KRB5_KRBHST_TCP)) { debug_host(context, 5, host, "connecting to %d", host->fd); host->state = CONNECTING; } else { host_dead(context, host, "failed to connect"); } } else { host_connected(context, ctx, host); } host_next_timeout(context, host); } /* * HTTP transport */ static krb5_error_code prepare_http(krb5_context context, struct host *host, const krb5_data *data) { char *str = NULL, *request = NULL; krb5_error_code ret; int len; heim_assert(host->data.length == 0, "prepare_http called twice"); len = rk_base64_encode(data->data, data->length, &str); if(len < 0) return ENOMEM; if (context->http_proxy) ret = asprintf(&request, "GET http://%s/%s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", host->hi->hostname, str); else ret = asprintf(&request, "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", str); free(str); if(ret < 0 || request == NULL) return ENOMEM; host->data.data = request; host->data.length = strlen(request); return 0; } static krb5_error_code recv_http(krb5_context context, struct host *host, krb5_data *data) { krb5_error_code ret; unsigned long rep_len; size_t len; char *p; /* * recv_stream returns a NUL terminated stream */ ret = recv_stream(context, host); if (ret) return ret; p = strstr(host->data.data, "\r\n\r\n"); if (p == NULL) return -1; p += 4; len = host->data.length - (p - (char *)host->data.data); if (len < 4) return -1; _krb5_get_int(p, &rep_len, 4); if (len < rep_len) return -1; p += 4; memmove(host->data.data, p, rep_len); host->data.length = rep_len; *data = host->data; krb5_data_zero(&host->data); return 0; } /* * TCP transport */ static krb5_error_code prepare_tcp(krb5_context context, struct host *host, const krb5_data *data) { krb5_error_code ret; krb5_storage *sp; heim_assert(host->data.length == 0, "prepare_tcp called twice"); sp = krb5_storage_emem(); if (sp == NULL) return ENOMEM; ret = krb5_store_data(sp, *data); if (ret) { krb5_storage_free(sp); return ret; } ret = krb5_storage_to_data(sp, &host->data); krb5_storage_free(sp); return ret; } static krb5_error_code recv_tcp(krb5_context context, struct host *host, krb5_data *data) { krb5_error_code ret; unsigned long pktlen; ret = recv_stream(context, host); if (ret) return ret; if (host->data.length < 4) return -1; _krb5_get_int(host->data.data, &pktlen, 4); if (pktlen > host->data.length - 4) return -1; memmove(host->data.data, ((uint8_t *)host->data.data) + 4, host->data.length - 4); host->data.length -= 4; *data = host->data; krb5_data_zero(&host->data); return 0; } /* * UDP transport */ static krb5_error_code prepare_udp(krb5_context context, struct host *host, const krb5_data *data) { return krb5_data_copy(&host->data, data->data, data->length); } static krb5_error_code send_udp(krb5_context context, struct host *host) { if (send(host->fd, host->data.data, host->data.length, 0) < 0) return errno; return 0; } static krb5_error_code recv_udp(krb5_context context, struct host *host, krb5_data *data) { krb5_error_code ret; int nbytes; if (rk_SOCK_IOCTL(host->fd, FIONREAD, &nbytes) != 0 || nbytes <= 0) return HEIM_NET_CONN_REFUSED; if (context->max_msg_size < nbytes) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5KRB_ERR_FIELD_TOOLONG, N_("UDP message from KDC too large %d", ""), (int)nbytes); return KRB5KRB_ERR_FIELD_TOOLONG; } ret = krb5_data_alloc(data, nbytes); if (ret) return ret; ret = recv(host->fd, data->data, data->length, 0); if (ret < 0) { ret = errno; krb5_data_free(data); return ret; } data->length = ret; return 0; } static struct host_fun http_fun = { prepare_http, send_stream, recv_http, 1 }; static struct host_fun tcp_fun = { prepare_tcp, send_stream, recv_tcp, 1 }; static struct host_fun udp_fun = { prepare_udp, send_udp, recv_udp, 3 }; /* * Host state machine */ static int eval_host_state(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, struct host *host, int readable, int writeable) { krb5_error_code ret; if (host->state == CONNECT) { /* check if its this host time to connect */ if (host->timeout < time(NULL)) host_connect(context, ctx, host); return 0; } if (host->state == CONNECTING && writeable) host_connected(context, ctx, host); if (readable) { debug_host(context, 5, host, "reading packet"); ret = host->fun->recv_fn(context, host, &ctx->response); if (ret == -1) { /* not done yet */ } else if (ret == 0) { /* if recv_foo function returns 0, we have a complete reply */ debug_host(context, 5, host, "host completed"); return 1; } else { host_dead(context, host, "host disconnected"); } } /* check if there is anything to send, state might DEAD after read */ if (writeable && host->state == CONNECTED) { ctx->stats.sent_packets++; debug_host(context, 5, host, "writing packet"); ret = host->fun->send_fn(context, host); if (ret == -1) { /* not done yet */ } else if (ret) { host_dead(context, host, "host dead, write failed"); } else host->state = WAITING_REPLY; } return 0; } /* * */ static krb5_error_code submit_request(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, krb5_krbhst_info *hi) { unsigned long submitted_host = 0; krb5_boolean freeai = FALSE; struct timeval nrstart, nrstop; krb5_error_code ret; struct addrinfo *ai = NULL, *a; struct host *host; ret = kdc_via_plugin(context, hi, context->kdc_timeout, ctx->send_data, &ctx->response); if (ret == 0) { return 0; } else if (ret != KRB5_PLUGIN_NO_HANDLE) { _krb5_debug(context, 5, "send via plugin failed %s: %d", hi->hostname, ret); return ret; } /* * If we have a proxy, let use the address of the proxy instead of * the KDC and let the proxy deal with the resolving of the KDC. */ gettimeofday(&nrstart, NULL); if (hi->proto == KRB5_KRBHST_HTTP && context->http_proxy) { char *proxy2 = strdup(context->http_proxy); char *el, *proxy = proxy2; struct addrinfo hints; char portstr[NI_MAXSERV]; unsigned short nport; if (proxy == NULL) return ENOMEM; if (strncmp(proxy, "http://", 7) == 0) proxy += 7; /* check for url terminating slash */ el = strchr(proxy, '/'); if (el != NULL) *el = '\0'; /* check for port in hostname, used below as port */ el = strchr(proxy, ':'); if(el != NULL) *el++ = '\0'; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* On some systems ntohs(foo(..., htons(...))) causes shadowing */ nport = init_port(el, htons(80)); snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", ntohs(nport)); ret = getaddrinfo(proxy, portstr, &hints, &ai); free(proxy2); if (ret) return krb5_eai_to_heim_errno(ret, errno); freeai = TRUE; } else { ret = krb5_krbhst_get_addrinfo(context, hi, &ai); if (ret) return ret; } /* add up times */ gettimeofday(&nrstop, NULL); timevalsub(&nrstop, &nrstart); timevaladd(&ctx->stats.name_resolution, &nrstop); ctx->stats.num_hosts++; for (a = ai; a != NULL; a = a->ai_next) { rk_socket_t fd; fd = socket(a->ai_family, a->ai_socktype | SOCK_CLOEXEC, a->ai_protocol); if (rk_IS_BAD_SOCKET(fd)) continue; rk_cloexec(fd); #ifndef NO_LIMIT_FD_SETSIZE if (fd >= FD_SETSIZE) { _krb5_debug(context, 0, "fd too large for select"); rk_closesocket(fd); continue; } #endif socket_set_nonblocking(fd, 1); host = heim_alloc(sizeof(*host), "sendto-host", deallocate_host); if (host == NULL) { if (freeai) freeaddrinfo(ai); rk_closesocket(fd); return ENOMEM; } host->hi = hi; host->fd = fd; host->ai = a; /* next version of stid */ host->tid = ctx->stid = (ctx->stid & 0xffff0000) | ((ctx->stid & 0xffff) + 1); host->state = CONNECT; switch (host->hi->proto) { case KRB5_KRBHST_HTTP : host->fun = &http_fun; break; case KRB5_KRBHST_TCP : host->fun = &tcp_fun; break; case KRB5_KRBHST_UDP : host->fun = &udp_fun; break; default: heim_abort("undefined http transport protocol: %d", (int)host->hi->proto); } host->tries = host->fun->ntries; /* * Connect directly next host, wait a host_timeout for each next address. * We try host_connect() here, checking the return code because as we do * non-blocking connects, any error here indicates that the address is just * offline. That is, it's something like "No route to host" which is not * worth retrying. And so, we fail directly and immediately to the next * address for this host without enqueueing the address for retries. */ if (submitted_host == 0) { host_connect(context, ctx, host); if (host->state == DEAD) continue; } else { debug_host(context, 5, host, "Queuing host in future (in %ds), its the %lu address on the same name", (int)(context->host_timeout * submitted_host), submitted_host + 1); host->timeout = time(NULL) + (submitted_host * context->host_timeout); } heim_array_append_value(ctx->hosts, host); heim_release(host); submitted_host++; } if (freeai) freeaddrinfo(ai); if (submitted_host == 0) return KRB5_KDC_UNREACH; return 0; } struct wait_ctx { krb5_context context; krb5_sendto_ctx ctx; fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; rk_socket_t max_fd; int got_reply; time_t timenow; }; static void wait_setup(heim_object_t obj, void *iter_ctx, int *stop) { struct wait_ctx *wait_ctx = iter_ctx; struct host *h = (struct host *)obj; if (h->state == CONNECT) { if (h->timeout >= wait_ctx->timenow) return; host_connect(wait_ctx->context, wait_ctx->ctx, h); } /* skip dead hosts */ if (h->state == DEAD) return; /* if host timed out, dec tries and (retry or kill host) */ if (h->timeout < wait_ctx->timenow) { heim_assert(h->tries != 0, "tries should not reach 0"); h->tries--; if (h->tries == 0) { host_dead(wait_ctx->context, h, "host timed out"); return; } else { debug_host(wait_ctx->context, 5, h, "retrying sending to"); host_next_timeout(wait_ctx->context, h); host_connected(wait_ctx->context, wait_ctx->ctx, h); } } #ifndef NO_LIMIT_FD_SETSIZE heim_assert(h->fd < FD_SETSIZE, "fd too large"); #endif switch (h->state) { case WAITING_REPLY: FD_SET(h->fd, &wait_ctx->rfds); break; case CONNECTING: case CONNECTED: FD_SET(h->fd, &wait_ctx->rfds); FD_SET(h->fd, &wait_ctx->wfds); break; default: debug_host(wait_ctx->context, 5, h, "invalid sendto host state"); heim_abort("invalid sendto host state"); } if (h->fd > wait_ctx->max_fd || wait_ctx->max_fd == rk_INVALID_SOCKET) wait_ctx->max_fd = h->fd; } static int wait_filter_dead(heim_object_t obj, void *ctx) { struct host *h = (struct host *)obj; return (int)((h->state == DEAD) ? true : false); } static void wait_accelerate(heim_object_t obj, void *ctx, int *stop) { struct host *h = (struct host *)obj; if (h->state == CONNECT && h->timeout > 0) h->timeout--; } static void wait_process(heim_object_t obj, void *ctx, int *stop) { struct wait_ctx *wait_ctx = ctx; struct host *h = (struct host *)obj; int readable, writeable; heim_assert(h->state != DEAD, "dead host resurected"); #ifndef NO_LIMIT_FD_SETSIZE heim_assert(h->fd < FD_SETSIZE, "fd too large"); #endif readable = FD_ISSET(h->fd, &wait_ctx->rfds); writeable = FD_ISSET(h->fd, &wait_ctx->wfds); if (readable || writeable || h->state == CONNECT) wait_ctx->got_reply |= eval_host_state(wait_ctx->context, wait_ctx->ctx, h, readable, writeable); /* if there is already a reply, just fall though the array */ if (wait_ctx->got_reply) *stop = 1; } static krb5_error_code wait_response(krb5_context context, int *action, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx) { struct wait_ctx wait_ctx; struct timeval tv; int ret; wait_ctx.context = context; wait_ctx.ctx = ctx; FD_ZERO(&wait_ctx.rfds); FD_ZERO(&wait_ctx.wfds); wait_ctx.max_fd = rk_INVALID_SOCKET; /* oh, we have a reply, it must be a plugin that got it for us */ if (ctx->response.length) { *action = KRB5_SENDTO_FILTER; return 0; } wait_ctx.timenow = time(NULL); heim_array_iterate_f(ctx->hosts, &wait_ctx, wait_setup); heim_array_filter_f(ctx->hosts, &wait_ctx, wait_filter_dead); if (heim_array_get_length(ctx->hosts) == 0) { if (ctx->stateflags & KRBHST_COMPLETED) { _krb5_debug(context, 5, "no more hosts to send/recv packets to/from " "trying to pulling more hosts"); *action = KRB5_SENDTO_FAILED; } else { _krb5_debug(context, 5, "no more hosts to send/recv packets to/from " "and no more hosts -> failure"); *action = KRB5_SENDTO_TIMEOUT; } return 0; } if (wait_ctx.max_fd == rk_INVALID_SOCKET) { /* * If we don't find a host which can make progress, then * we accelerate the process by moving all of the contestants * up by 1s. */ _krb5_debug(context, 5, "wait_response: moving the contestants forward"); heim_array_iterate_f(ctx->hosts, &wait_ctx, wait_accelerate); return 0; } tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(wait_ctx.max_fd + 1, &wait_ctx.rfds, &wait_ctx.wfds, NULL, &tv); if (ret < 0) return errno; if (ret == 0) { *action = KRB5_SENDTO_TIMEOUT; return 0; } wait_ctx.got_reply = 0; heim_array_iterate_f(ctx->hosts, &wait_ctx, wait_process); if (wait_ctx.got_reply) *action = KRB5_SENDTO_FILTER; else *action = KRB5_SENDTO_CONTINUE; return 0; } static void reset_context(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx) { krb5_data_free(&ctx->response); heim_release(ctx->hosts); ctx->hosts = heim_array_create(); ctx->stateflags = 0; } /* * */ KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sendto_context(krb5_context context, krb5_sendto_ctx ctx, const krb5_data *send_data, krb5_const_realm realm, krb5_data *receive) { krb5_error_code ret = 0; krb5_krbhst_handle handle = NULL; struct timeval nrstart, nrstop, stop_time; int type, freectx = 0; int action; int numreset = 0; krb5_data_zero(receive); if (ctx == NULL) { ret = krb5_sendto_ctx_alloc(context, &ctx); if (ret) goto out; freectx = 1; } ctx->stid = (context->num_kdc_requests++) << 16; memset(&ctx->stats, 0, sizeof(ctx->stats)); gettimeofday(&ctx->stats.start_time, NULL); type = ctx->type; if (type == 0) { if ((ctx->flags & KRB5_KRBHST_FLAGS_MASTER) || context->use_admin_kdc) type = KRB5_KRBHST_ADMIN; else type = KRB5_KRBHST_KDC; } ctx->send_data = send_data; if ((int)send_data->length > context->large_msg_size) ctx->flags |= KRB5_KRBHST_FLAGS_LARGE_MSG; /* loop until we get back a appropriate response */ action = KRB5_SENDTO_INITIAL; while (action != KRB5_SENDTO_DONE && action != KRB5_SENDTO_FAILED) { krb5_krbhst_info *hi; switch (action) { case KRB5_SENDTO_INITIAL: ret = realm_via_plugin(context, realm, context->kdc_timeout, send_data, &ctx->response); if (ret == 0 || ret != KRB5_PLUGIN_NO_HANDLE) { action = KRB5_SENDTO_DONE; break; } action = KRB5_SENDTO_KRBHST; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case KRB5_SENDTO_KRBHST: if (ctx->krbhst == NULL) { ret = krb5_krbhst_init_flags(context, realm, type, ctx->flags, &handle); if (ret) goto out; if (ctx->hostname) { ret = krb5_krbhst_set_hostname(context, handle, ctx->hostname); if (ret) goto out; } } else { handle = heim_retain(ctx->krbhst); } action = KRB5_SENDTO_TIMEOUT; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case KRB5_SENDTO_TIMEOUT: /* * If we completed, just got to next step */ if (ctx->stateflags & KRBHST_COMPLETED) { action = KRB5_SENDTO_CONTINUE; break; } /* * Pull out next host, if there is no more, close the * handle and mark as completed. * * Collect time spent in krbhst (dns, plugin, etc) */ gettimeofday(&nrstart, NULL); ret = krb5_krbhst_next(context, handle, &hi); gettimeofday(&nrstop, NULL); timevalsub(&nrstop, &nrstart); timevaladd(&ctx->stats.krbhst, &nrstop); action = KRB5_SENDTO_CONTINUE; if (ret == 0) { _krb5_debug(context, 5, "submitting new requests to new host"); if (submit_request(context, ctx, hi) != 0) action = KRB5_SENDTO_TIMEOUT; } else { _krb5_debug(context, 5, "out of hosts, waiting for replies"); ctx->stateflags |= KRBHST_COMPLETED; } break; case KRB5_SENDTO_CONTINUE: ret = wait_response(context, &action, ctx); if (ret) goto out; break; case KRB5_SENDTO_RESET: /* start over */ _krb5_debug(context, 5, "krb5_sendto trying over again (reset): %d", numreset); reset_context(context, ctx); if (handle) { krb5_krbhst_free(context, handle); handle = NULL; } numreset++; if (numreset >= 3) action = KRB5_SENDTO_FAILED; else action = KRB5_SENDTO_KRBHST; break; case KRB5_SENDTO_FILTER: /* default to next state, the filter function might modify this */ action = KRB5_SENDTO_DONE; if (ctx->func) { ret = (*ctx->func)(context, ctx, ctx->data, &ctx->response, &action); if (ret) goto out; } break; case KRB5_SENDTO_FAILED: ret = KRB5_KDC_UNREACH; break; case KRB5_SENDTO_DONE: ret = 0; break; default: heim_abort("invalid krb5_sendto_context state"); } } out: gettimeofday(&stop_time, NULL); timevalsub(&stop_time, &ctx->stats.start_time); if (ret == 0 && ctx->response.length) { *receive = ctx->response; krb5_data_zero(&ctx->response); } else { krb5_data_free(&ctx->response); krb5_clear_error_message (context); ret = KRB5_KDC_UNREACH; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("unable to reach any KDC in realm %s", ""), realm); } _krb5_debug(context, 1, "%s %s done: %d hosts %lu packets %lu:" " wc: %jd.%06lu nr: %jd.%06lu kh: %jd.%06lu tid: %08x", __func__, realm, ret, ctx->stats.num_hosts, ctx->stats.sent_packets, (intmax_t)stop_time.tv_sec, (unsigned long)stop_time.tv_usec, (intmax_t)ctx->stats.name_resolution.tv_sec, (unsigned long)ctx->stats.name_resolution.tv_usec, (intmax_t)ctx->stats.krbhst.tv_sec, (unsigned long)ctx->stats.krbhst.tv_usec, ctx->stid); if (freectx) krb5_sendto_ctx_free(context, ctx); else reset_context(context, ctx); if (handle) krb5_krbhst_free(context, handle); return ret; }