#	$NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2015/03/07 16:38:07 christos Exp $
#	from: @(#)Makefile	8.2 (Berkeley) 3/21/94

# Makefile for kernel tags files, init_sysent, etc.

.include <bsd.own.mk>		# for HOST_SH

	@echo "make tags, links, init_sysent.c, or vnode_if.c only"

SYSCALLSRC = makesyscalls.sh syscalls.conf syscalls.master
init_sysent.c syscalls.c systrace_args.c ../sys/syscall.h ../sys/syscallargs.h: ${SYSCALLSRC}
	${HOST_SH} makesyscalls.sh syscalls.conf syscalls.master

VNODEIFSRC = vnode_if.sh vnode_if.src
vnode_if.c ../sys/vnode_if.h: ${VNODEIFSRC}
	${HOST_SH} vnode_if.sh vnode_if.src

subr_vmem: subr_vmem.c
	$(CC) -DVMEM_SANITY -g -Wall -o subr_vmem subr_vmem.c

# Kernel tags:
# Tags files are built in the top-level directory for each architecture,
# with a makefile listing the architecture-dependent files, etc.  The list
# of common files is in ./Make.tags.inc.  Links to the correct tags file
# are placed in each source directory.  We need to have links to tags files
# from the generic directories that are relative to the machine type, even
# via remote mounts; therefore we use symlinks to $SYSTAGS, which points at
# ${SYSDIR}/arch/${MACHINE}/tags.

# Note: only a couple of architectures are currently working right. Add more
# to ARCH as you fix them. Use the i386 as a model.

ARCH=	i386 mac68k


.ifmake links
# Directories in which to place tags links (other than machine-dependent):
# The invocation below returns every directory that contains sources, the idea
# being, in the face of a constantly varying source tree, that this will be
# easier to maintain than a fixed list.
DGEN!=	(cd ${SYSDIR};							\
	    find -H . -name arch -prune -o -name "*.[chs]" -print |	\
	    ${TOOL_SED} -e 's@^\./@@' -e 's@/[^/]*\..*@@' | sort -t / -u )

	-for i in ${ARCH}; do \
	    (cd ../arch/$$i && ${MAKE} ${MFLAGS} tags); done

	rm -f ${SYSTAGS}
	ln -s ${SYSDIR}/arch/${MACHINE}/tags ${SYSTAGS}
	-for i in ${DGEN}; do \
	    (cd ../$$i && { rm -f tags; ln -s ${SYSTAGS} tags; }); done
	-for i in ${ARCH}; do \
	    (cd ../arch/$$i && ${MAKE} ${MFLAGS} SYSTAGS=${SYSTAGS} links); done

.include <bsd.files.mk>