//===- Tooling.cpp - Running clang standalone tools -----------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements functions to run clang tools standalone instead // of running them as a plugin. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h" #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h" #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h" #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h" #include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h" #include "clang/Basic/FileSystemOptions.h" #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h" #include "clang/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.h" #include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h" #include "clang/Driver/Driver.h" #include "clang/Driver/Job.h" #include "clang/Driver/Options.h" #include "clang/Driver/Tool.h" #include "clang/Driver/ToolChain.h" #include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h" #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h" #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h" #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h" #include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h" #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearchOptions.h" #include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h" #include "clang/Tooling/ArgumentsAdjusters.h" #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h" #include "llvm/Option/OptTable.h" #include "llvm/Option/Option.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Support/Host.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_TYPE "clang-tooling" using namespace clang; using namespace tooling; ToolAction::~ToolAction() = default; FrontendActionFactory::~FrontendActionFactory() = default; // FIXME: This file contains structural duplication with other parts of the // code that sets up a compiler to run tools on it, and we should refactor // it to be based on the same framework. /// Builds a clang driver initialized for running clang tools. static driver::Driver *newDriver( DiagnosticsEngine *Diagnostics, const char *BinaryName, IntrusiveRefCntPtr VFS) { driver::Driver *CompilerDriver = new driver::Driver(BinaryName, llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(), *Diagnostics, std::move(VFS)); CompilerDriver->setTitle("clang_based_tool"); return CompilerDriver; } /// Retrieves the clang CC1 specific flags out of the compilation's jobs. /// /// Returns nullptr on error. static const llvm::opt::ArgStringList *getCC1Arguments( DiagnosticsEngine *Diagnostics, driver::Compilation *Compilation) { // We expect to get back exactly one Command job, if we didn't something // failed. Extract that job from the Compilation. const driver::JobList &Jobs = Compilation->getJobs(); if (Jobs.size() != 1 || !isa(*Jobs.begin())) { SmallString<256> error_msg; llvm::raw_svector_ostream error_stream(error_msg); Jobs.Print(error_stream, "; ", true); Diagnostics->Report(diag::err_fe_expected_compiler_job) << error_stream.str(); return nullptr; } // The one job we find should be to invoke clang again. const auto &Cmd = cast(*Jobs.begin()); if (StringRef(Cmd.getCreator().getName()) != "clang") { Diagnostics->Report(diag::err_fe_expected_clang_command); return nullptr; } return &Cmd.getArguments(); } namespace clang { namespace tooling { /// Returns a clang build invocation initialized from the CC1 flags. CompilerInvocation *newInvocation( DiagnosticsEngine *Diagnostics, const llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args) { assert(!CC1Args.empty() && "Must at least contain the program name!"); CompilerInvocation *Invocation = new CompilerInvocation; CompilerInvocation::CreateFromArgs( *Invocation, CC1Args.data() + 1, CC1Args.data() + CC1Args.size(), *Diagnostics); Invocation->getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = false; Invocation->getCodeGenOpts().DisableFree = false; return Invocation; } bool runToolOnCode(FrontendAction *ToolAction, const Twine &Code, const Twine &FileName, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps) { return runToolOnCodeWithArgs(ToolAction, Code, std::vector(), FileName, "clang-tool", std::move(PCHContainerOps)); } } // namespace tooling } // namespace clang static std::vector getSyntaxOnlyToolArgs(const Twine &ToolName, const std::vector &ExtraArgs, StringRef FileName) { std::vector Args; Args.push_back(ToolName.str()); Args.push_back("-fsyntax-only"); Args.insert(Args.end(), ExtraArgs.begin(), ExtraArgs.end()); Args.push_back(FileName.str()); return Args; } namespace clang { namespace tooling { bool runToolOnCodeWithArgs( FrontendAction *ToolAction, const Twine &Code, llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr VFS, const std::vector &Args, const Twine &FileName, const Twine &ToolName, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps) { SmallString<16> FileNameStorage; StringRef FileNameRef = FileName.toNullTerminatedStringRef(FileNameStorage); llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr Files( new FileManager(FileSystemOptions(), VFS)); ArgumentsAdjuster Adjuster = getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster(); ToolInvocation Invocation( getSyntaxOnlyToolArgs(ToolName, Adjuster(Args, FileNameRef), FileNameRef), ToolAction, Files.get(), std::move(PCHContainerOps)); return Invocation.run(); } bool runToolOnCodeWithArgs( FrontendAction *ToolAction, const Twine &Code, const std::vector &Args, const Twine &FileName, const Twine &ToolName, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps, const FileContentMappings &VirtualMappedFiles) { llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr OverlayFileSystem( new vfs::OverlayFileSystem(vfs::getRealFileSystem())); llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr InMemoryFileSystem( new vfs::InMemoryFileSystem); OverlayFileSystem->pushOverlay(InMemoryFileSystem); SmallString<1024> CodeStorage; InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(FileName, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer( Code.toNullTerminatedStringRef(CodeStorage))); for (auto &FilenameWithContent : VirtualMappedFiles) { InMemoryFileSystem->addFile( FilenameWithContent.first, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(FilenameWithContent.second)); } return runToolOnCodeWithArgs(ToolAction, Code, OverlayFileSystem, Args, FileName, ToolName); } std::string getAbsolutePath(StringRef File) { StringRef RelativePath(File); // FIXME: Should '.\\' be accepted on Win32? if (RelativePath.startswith("./")) { RelativePath = RelativePath.substr(strlen("./")); } SmallString<1024> AbsolutePath = RelativePath; std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute(AbsolutePath); assert(!EC); (void)EC; llvm::sys::path::native(AbsolutePath); return AbsolutePath.str(); } void addTargetAndModeForProgramName(std::vector &CommandLine, StringRef InvokedAs) { if (!CommandLine.empty() && !InvokedAs.empty()) { bool AlreadyHasTarget = false; bool AlreadyHasMode = false; // Skip CommandLine[0]. for (auto Token = ++CommandLine.begin(); Token != CommandLine.end(); ++Token) { StringRef TokenRef(*Token); AlreadyHasTarget |= (TokenRef == "-target" || TokenRef.startswith("-target=")); AlreadyHasMode |= (TokenRef == "--driver-mode" || TokenRef.startswith("--driver-mode=")); } auto TargetMode = driver::ToolChain::getTargetAndModeFromProgramName(InvokedAs); if (!AlreadyHasMode && TargetMode.DriverMode) { CommandLine.insert(++CommandLine.begin(), TargetMode.DriverMode); } if (!AlreadyHasTarget && TargetMode.TargetIsValid) { CommandLine.insert(++CommandLine.begin(), {"-target", TargetMode.TargetPrefix}); } } } } // namespace tooling } // namespace clang namespace { class SingleFrontendActionFactory : public FrontendActionFactory { FrontendAction *Action; public: SingleFrontendActionFactory(FrontendAction *Action) : Action(Action) {} FrontendAction *create() override { return Action; } }; } // namespace ToolInvocation::ToolInvocation( std::vector CommandLine, ToolAction *Action, FileManager *Files, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps) : CommandLine(std::move(CommandLine)), Action(Action), OwnsAction(false), Files(Files), PCHContainerOps(std::move(PCHContainerOps)) {} ToolInvocation::ToolInvocation( std::vector CommandLine, FrontendAction *FAction, FileManager *Files, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps) : CommandLine(std::move(CommandLine)), Action(new SingleFrontendActionFactory(FAction)), OwnsAction(true), Files(Files), PCHContainerOps(std::move(PCHContainerOps)) {} ToolInvocation::~ToolInvocation() { if (OwnsAction) delete Action; } void ToolInvocation::mapVirtualFile(StringRef FilePath, StringRef Content) { SmallString<1024> PathStorage; llvm::sys::path::native(FilePath, PathStorage); MappedFileContents[PathStorage] = Content; } bool ToolInvocation::run() { std::vector Argv; for (const std::string &Str : CommandLine) Argv.push_back(Str.c_str()); const char *const BinaryName = Argv[0]; IntrusiveRefCntPtr DiagOpts = new DiagnosticOptions(); unsigned MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount; std::unique_ptr Opts = driver::createDriverOptTable(); llvm::opt::InputArgList ParsedArgs = Opts->ParseArgs( ArrayRef(Argv).slice(1), MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount); ParseDiagnosticArgs(*DiagOpts, ParsedArgs); TextDiagnosticPrinter DiagnosticPrinter( llvm::errs(), &*DiagOpts); DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics( IntrusiveRefCntPtr(new DiagnosticIDs()), &*DiagOpts, DiagConsumer ? DiagConsumer : &DiagnosticPrinter, false); const std::unique_ptr Driver( newDriver(&Diagnostics, BinaryName, Files->getVirtualFileSystem())); // Since the input might only be virtual, don't check whether it exists. Driver->setCheckInputsExist(false); const std::unique_ptr Compilation( Driver->BuildCompilation(llvm::makeArrayRef(Argv))); if (!Compilation) return false; const llvm::opt::ArgStringList *const CC1Args = getCC1Arguments( &Diagnostics, Compilation.get()); if (!CC1Args) return false; std::unique_ptr Invocation( newInvocation(&Diagnostics, *CC1Args)); // FIXME: remove this when all users have migrated! for (const auto &It : MappedFileContents) { // Inject the code as the given file name into the preprocessor options. std::unique_ptr Input = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(It.getValue()); Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(It.getKey(), Input.release()); } return runInvocation(BinaryName, Compilation.get(), std::move(Invocation), std::move(PCHContainerOps)); } bool ToolInvocation::runInvocation( const char *BinaryName, driver::Compilation *Compilation, std::shared_ptr Invocation, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps) { // Show the invocation, with -v. if (Invocation->getHeaderSearchOpts().Verbose) { llvm::errs() << "clang Invocation:\n"; Compilation->getJobs().Print(llvm::errs(), "\n", true); llvm::errs() << "\n"; } return Action->runInvocation(std::move(Invocation), Files, std::move(PCHContainerOps), DiagConsumer); } bool FrontendActionFactory::runInvocation( std::shared_ptr Invocation, FileManager *Files, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagConsumer) { // Create a compiler instance to handle the actual work. CompilerInstance Compiler(std::move(PCHContainerOps)); Compiler.setInvocation(std::move(Invocation)); Compiler.setFileManager(Files); // The FrontendAction can have lifetime requirements for Compiler or its // members, and we need to ensure it's deleted earlier than Compiler. So we // pass it to an std::unique_ptr declared after the Compiler variable. std::unique_ptr ScopedToolAction(create()); // Create the compiler's actual diagnostics engine. Compiler.createDiagnostics(DiagConsumer, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false); if (!Compiler.hasDiagnostics()) return false; Compiler.createSourceManager(*Files); const bool Success = Compiler.ExecuteAction(*ScopedToolAction); Files->clearStatCaches(); return Success; } ClangTool::ClangTool(const CompilationDatabase &Compilations, ArrayRef SourcePaths, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps, IntrusiveRefCntPtr BaseFS) : Compilations(Compilations), SourcePaths(SourcePaths), PCHContainerOps(std::move(PCHContainerOps)), OverlayFileSystem(new vfs::OverlayFileSystem(std::move(BaseFS))), InMemoryFileSystem(new vfs::InMemoryFileSystem), Files(new FileManager(FileSystemOptions(), OverlayFileSystem)) { OverlayFileSystem->pushOverlay(InMemoryFileSystem); appendArgumentsAdjuster(getClangStripOutputAdjuster()); appendArgumentsAdjuster(getClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster()); appendArgumentsAdjuster(getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster()); } ClangTool::~ClangTool() = default; void ClangTool::mapVirtualFile(StringRef FilePath, StringRef Content) { MappedFileContents.push_back(std::make_pair(FilePath, Content)); } void ClangTool::appendArgumentsAdjuster(ArgumentsAdjuster Adjuster) { ArgsAdjuster = combineAdjusters(std::move(ArgsAdjuster), std::move(Adjuster)); } void ClangTool::clearArgumentsAdjusters() { ArgsAdjuster = nullptr; } static void injectResourceDir(CommandLineArguments &Args, const char *Argv0, void *MainAddr) { // Allow users to override the resource dir. for (StringRef Arg : Args) if (Arg.startswith("-resource-dir")) return; // If there's no override in place add our resource dir. Args.push_back("-resource-dir=" + CompilerInvocation::GetResourcesPath(Argv0, MainAddr)); } int ClangTool::run(ToolAction *Action) { // Exists solely for the purpose of lookup of the resource path. // This just needs to be some symbol in the binary. static int StaticSymbol; std::string InitialDirectory; if (llvm::ErrorOr CWD = OverlayFileSystem->getCurrentWorkingDirectory()) { InitialDirectory = std::move(*CWD); } else { llvm::report_fatal_error("Cannot detect current path: " + Twine(CWD.getError().message())); } // First insert all absolute paths into the in-memory VFS. These are global // for all compile commands. if (SeenWorkingDirectories.insert("/").second) for (const auto &MappedFile : MappedFileContents) if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(MappedFile.first)) InMemoryFileSystem->addFile( MappedFile.first, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(MappedFile.second)); bool ProcessingFailed = false; bool FileSkipped = false; for (const auto &SourcePath : SourcePaths) { std::string File(getAbsolutePath(SourcePath)); // Currently implementations of CompilationDatabase::getCompileCommands can // change the state of the file system (e.g. prepare generated headers), so // this method needs to run right before we invoke the tool, as the next // file may require a different (incompatible) state of the file system. // // FIXME: Make the compilation database interface more explicit about the // requirements to the order of invocation of its members. std::vector CompileCommandsForFile = Compilations.getCompileCommands(File); if (CompileCommandsForFile.empty()) { llvm::errs() << "Skipping " << File << ". Compile command not found.\n"; FileSkipped = true; continue; } for (CompileCommand &CompileCommand : CompileCommandsForFile) { // FIXME: chdir is thread hostile; on the other hand, creating the same // behavior as chdir is complex: chdir resolves the path once, thus // guaranteeing that all subsequent relative path operations work // on the same path the original chdir resulted in. This makes a // difference for example on network filesystems, where symlinks might be // switched during runtime of the tool. Fixing this depends on having a // file system abstraction that allows openat() style interactions. if (OverlayFileSystem->setCurrentWorkingDirectory( CompileCommand.Directory)) llvm::report_fatal_error("Cannot chdir into \"" + Twine(CompileCommand.Directory) + "\n!"); // Now fill the in-memory VFS with the relative file mappings so it will // have the correct relative paths. We never remove mappings but that // should be fine. if (SeenWorkingDirectories.insert(CompileCommand.Directory).second) for (const auto &MappedFile : MappedFileContents) if (!llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(MappedFile.first)) InMemoryFileSystem->addFile( MappedFile.first, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(MappedFile.second)); std::vector CommandLine = CompileCommand.CommandLine; if (ArgsAdjuster) CommandLine = ArgsAdjuster(CommandLine, CompileCommand.Filename); assert(!CommandLine.empty()); // Add the resource dir based on the binary of this tool. argv[0] in the // compilation database may refer to a different compiler and we want to // pick up the very same standard library that compiler is using. The // builtin headers in the resource dir need to match the exact clang // version the tool is using. // FIXME: On linux, GetMainExecutable is independent of the value of the // first argument, thus allowing ClangTool and runToolOnCode to just // pass in made-up names here. Make sure this works on other platforms. injectResourceDir(CommandLine, "clang_tool", &StaticSymbol); // FIXME: We need a callback mechanism for the tool writer to output a // customized message for each file. LLVM_DEBUG({ llvm::dbgs() << "Processing: " << File << ".\n"; }); ToolInvocation Invocation(std::move(CommandLine), Action, Files.get(), PCHContainerOps); Invocation.setDiagnosticConsumer(DiagConsumer); if (!Invocation.run()) { // FIXME: Diagnostics should be used instead. llvm::errs() << "Error while processing " << File << ".\n"; ProcessingFailed = true; } // Return to the initial directory to correctly resolve next file by // relative path. if (OverlayFileSystem->setCurrentWorkingDirectory(InitialDirectory.c_str())) llvm::report_fatal_error("Cannot chdir into \"" + Twine(InitialDirectory) + "\n!"); } } return ProcessingFailed ? 1 : (FileSkipped ? 2 : 0); } namespace { class ASTBuilderAction : public ToolAction { std::vector> &ASTs; public: ASTBuilderAction(std::vector> &ASTs) : ASTs(ASTs) {} bool runInvocation(std::shared_ptr Invocation, FileManager *Files, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagConsumer) override { std::unique_ptr AST = ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocation( Invocation, std::move(PCHContainerOps), CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(&Invocation->getDiagnosticOpts(), DiagConsumer, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false), Files); if (!AST) return false; ASTs.push_back(std::move(AST)); return true; } }; } // namespace int ClangTool::buildASTs(std::vector> &ASTs) { ASTBuilderAction Action(ASTs); return run(&Action); } namespace clang { namespace tooling { std::unique_ptr buildASTFromCode(const Twine &Code, const Twine &FileName, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps) { return buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(Code, std::vector(), FileName, "clang-tool", std::move(PCHContainerOps)); } std::unique_ptr buildASTFromCodeWithArgs( const Twine &Code, const std::vector &Args, const Twine &FileName, const Twine &ToolName, std::shared_ptr PCHContainerOps, ArgumentsAdjuster Adjuster) { SmallString<16> FileNameStorage; StringRef FileNameRef = FileName.toNullTerminatedStringRef(FileNameStorage); std::vector> ASTs; ASTBuilderAction Action(ASTs); llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr OverlayFileSystem( new vfs::OverlayFileSystem(vfs::getRealFileSystem())); llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr InMemoryFileSystem( new vfs::InMemoryFileSystem); OverlayFileSystem->pushOverlay(InMemoryFileSystem); llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr Files( new FileManager(FileSystemOptions(), OverlayFileSystem)); ToolInvocation Invocation( getSyntaxOnlyToolArgs(ToolName, Adjuster(Args, FileNameRef), FileNameRef), &Action, Files.get(), std::move(PCHContainerOps)); SmallString<1024> CodeStorage; InMemoryFileSystem->addFile(FileNameRef, 0, llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer( Code.toNullTerminatedStringRef(CodeStorage))); if (!Invocation.run()) return nullptr; assert(ASTs.size() == 1); return std::move(ASTs[0]); } } // namespace tooling } // namespace clang