// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -std=c++11 %s template struct complex { complex(T = T(), T = T()); void operator+=(complex); T a, b; }; void std_example() { complex z; z = { 1, 2 }; z += { 1, 2 }; int a, b; a = b = { 1 }; a = { 1 } = b; // expected-error {{initializer list cannot be used on the left hand side of operator '='}} a = a + { 4 }; // expected-error {{initializer list cannot be used on the right hand side of operator '+'}} a = { 3 } * { 4 }; // expected-error {{initializer list cannot be used on the left hand side of operator '*'}} \ expected-error {{initializer list cannot be used on the right hand side of operator '*'}} } struct S { constexpr S(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) {} int a, b; }; struct T { constexpr int operator=(S s) const { return s.a; } constexpr int operator+=(S s) const { return s.b; } }; static_assert((T() = {4, 9}) == 4, ""); static_assert((T() += {4, 9}) == 9, ""); int k1 = T() = { 1, 2 } = { 3, 4 }; // expected-error {{initializer list cannot be used on the left hand side of operator '='}} int k2 = T() = { 1, 2 } + 1; // expected-error {{initializer list cannot be used on the left hand side of operator '+'}}