// Test for the --autocompletion flag, which is an API used for shell // autocompletion. You may have to update tests in this file when you // add/modify flags, change HelpTexts or the values of some flags. // Some corner cases. // Just test that this doesn't crash: // RUN: %clang --autocomplete= // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=, // RUN: %clang --autocomplete== // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=,, // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=- // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-fsyn | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FSYN // FSYN: -fsyntax-only // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-std | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STD // STD: -std= Language standard to compile for // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=foo | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FOO // FOO-NOT: foo // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-stdlib=,l | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STDLIB // STDLIB: libc++ // STDLIB-NEXT: libstdc++ // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-stdlib= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STDLIBALL // STDLIBALL: libc++ // STDLIBALL-NEXT: libstdc++ // STDLIBALL-NEXT: platform // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-meabi,d | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MEABI // MEABI: default // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-meabi | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MEABIALL // MEABIALL: 4 // MEABIALL-NEXT: 5 // MEABIALL-NEXT: default // MEABIALL-NEXT: gnu // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-cl-std=,CL2 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CLSTD // CLSTD: CL2.0 // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-cl-std= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CLSTDALL // CLSTDALL: c++ // CLSTDALL-NEXT: cl // CLSTDALL-NEXT: CL // CLSTDALL-NEXT: cl1.1 // CLSTDALL-NEXT: CL1.1 // CLSTDALL-NEXT: cl1.2 // CLSTDALL-NEXT: CL1.2 // CLSTDALL-NEXT: cl2.0 // CLSTDALL-NEXT: CL2.0 // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-fno-sanitize-coverage=,f | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FNOSANICOVER // FNOSANICOVER: func // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-fno-sanitize-coverage= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FNOSANICOVERALL // FNOSANICOVERALL: 8bit-counters // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: bb // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: edge // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: func // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: indirect-calls // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: inline-8bit-counters // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: no-prune // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: trace-bb // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: trace-cmp // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: trace-div // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: trace-gep // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: trace-pc // FNOSANICOVERALL-NEXT: trace-pc-guard // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-ffp-contract= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FFPALL // FFPALL: fast // FFPALL-NEXT: off // FFPALL-NEXT: on // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-flto= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FLTOALL // FLTOALL: full // FLTOALL-NEXT: thin // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-fveclib= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FVECLIBALL // FVECLIBALL: Accelerate // FVECLIBALL-NEXT: none // FVECLIBALL-NEXT: SVML // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-fshow-overloads= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FSOVERALL // FSOVERALL: all // FSOVERALL-NEXT: best // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-fvisibility= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FVISIBILITYALL // FVISIBILITYALL: default // FVISIBILITYALL-NEXT: hidden // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-mfloat-abi= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MFLOATABIALL // MFLOATABIALL: hard // MFLOATABIALL-NEXT: soft // MFLOATABIALL-NEXT: softfp // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-mthread-model | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MTHREADMODELALL // MTHREADMODELALL: posix // MTHREADMODELALL-NEXT: single // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-mrelocation-model | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MRELOCMODELALL // MRELOCMODELALL: dynamic-no-pic // MRELOCMODELALL-NEXT: pic // MRELOCMODELALL-NEXT: ropi // MRELOCMODELALL-NEXT: ropi-rwpi // MRELOCMODELALL-NEXT: rwpi // MRELOCMODELALL-NEXT: static // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-Wma | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=WARNING // WARNING: -Wmacro-redefined // WARNING-NEXT: -Wmain // WARNING-NEXT: -Wmain-return-type // WARNING-NEXT: -Wmalformed-warning-check // WARNING-NEXT: -Wmany-braces-around-scalar-init // WARNING-NEXT: -Wmax-unsigned-zero // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-Wno-invalid-pp- | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=NOWARNING // NOWARNING: -Wno-invalid-pp-token // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-analyzer-checker | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ANALYZER // ANALYZER: unix.Malloc // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-std= | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=STDVAL // STDVAL: c99 // // Clang shouldn't autocomplete CC1 options unless -cc1 or -Xclang were provided // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-mrelocation-mode | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MRELOCMODEL_CLANG // MRELOCMODEL_CLANG-NOT: -mrelocation-model // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-Xclang,-mrelocation-mode | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MRELOCMODEL_CC1 // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=-cc1,-mrelocation-mode | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MRELOCMODEL_CC1 // MRELOCMODEL_CC1: -mrelocation-model // Make sure it ignores passed flags unlesss they are -Xclang or -cc1 // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=foo,bar,,-fsyn | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FSYN-CORON // FSYN-CORON: -fsyntax-only // Check if they can autocomplete values with coron // RUN: %clang --autocomplete=foo,bar,,,-fno-sanitize-coverage=,f | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=FNOSANICOVER-CORON // FNOSANICOVER-CORON: func