// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp -x c++ -emit-llvm %s -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -o - -femit-all-decls -disable-llvm-passes | FileCheck %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp -x c++ -std=c++11 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -emit-pch -o %t %s -femit-all-decls -disable-llvm-passes // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp -x c++ -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -std=c++11 -include-pch %t -verify %s -emit-llvm -o - -femit-all-decls -disable-llvm-passes | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-LOAD %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c++ -emit-llvm %s -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -o - -femit-all-decls -disable-llvm-passes | FileCheck --check-prefix SIMD-ONLY0 %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp-simd -x c++ -std=c++11 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -emit-pch -o %t %s -femit-all-decls -disable-llvm-passes // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fopenmp-simd -x c++ -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -std=c++11 -include-pch %t -verify %s -emit-llvm -o - -femit-all-decls -disable-llvm-passes | FileCheck --check-prefix SIMD-ONLY0 %s // SIMD-ONLY0-NOT: {{__kmpc|__tgt}} // expected-no-diagnostics #ifndef HEADER #define HEADER // CHECK: [[SSS_INT:.+]] = type { i32 } // CHECK-LOAD: [[SSS_INT:.+]] = type { i32 } // CHECK: add void add(short &out, short &in) {} #pragma omp declare reduction(my_add : short : add(omp_out, omp_in)) // CHECK: define internal void @. // CHECK: call void @{{.+}}add{{.+}}( // CHECK: ret void // CHECK: foo_reduction_array void foo_reduction_array() { short y[1]; // CHECK: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call( #pragma omp parallel for reduction(my_add : y) for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { } } // CHECK: define internal void @ #pragma omp declare reduction(+ : int, char : omp_out *= omp_in) // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK: [[MUL:%.+]] = mul nsw i32 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[MUL]], i32* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: [[MUL:%.+]] = mul nsw i32 // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i32 [[MUL]], i32* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i8* noalias, i8* noalias) // CHECK: sext i8 // CHECK: sext i8 // CHECK: [[MUL:%.+]] = mul nsw i32 // CHECK-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[MUL]] to i8 // CHECK-NEXT: store i8 [[TRUNC]], i8* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i8* noalias, i8* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: sext i8 // CHECK-LOAD: sext i8 // CHECK-LOAD: [[MUL:%.+]] = mul nsw i32 // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[MUL]] to i8 // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i8 [[TRUNC]], i8* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } template struct SSS { T a; SSS() : a() {} #pragma omp declare reduction(fun : T : omp_out ^= omp_in) initializer(omp_priv = 24 + omp_orig) }; SSS d; // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK: [[XOR:%.+]] = xor i32 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[XOR]], i32* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK: [[ADD:%.+]] = add nsw i32 24, // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD]], i32* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[INIT:@[^(]+]]([[SSS_INT]]* // CHECK-LOAD: define {{.*}}void [[INIT:@[^(]+]]([[SSS_INT]]* void init(SSS &lhs, SSS &rhs) {} #pragma omp declare reduction(fun : SSS < int > : omp_out = omp_in) initializer(init(omp_priv, omp_orig)) // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}([[SSS_INT]]* noalias, [[SSS_INT]]* noalias) // CHECK: call void @llvm.memcpy // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}([[SSS_INT]]* noalias, [[SSS_INT]]* noalias) // CHECK: call {{.*}}void [[INIT]]( // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}([[SSS_INT]]* noalias, [[SSS_INT]]* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: call void @llvm.memcpy // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}([[SSS_INT]]* noalias, [[SSS_INT]]* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: call {{.*}}void [[INIT]]( // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } template T foo(T a) { #pragma omp declare reduction(fun : T : omp_out += omp_in) initializer(omp_priv = 15 * omp_orig) { #pragma omp declare reduction(fun : T : omp_out /= omp_in) initializer(omp_priv = 11 - omp_orig) } return a; } struct Summary { void merge(const Summary& other) {} }; template void work() { Summary global_summary; #pragma omp declare reduction(+ : Summary : omp_out.merge(omp_in)) #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : global_summary) for (int k = 1; k <= 100; ++k) { } } struct A {}; // CHECK-LABEL: @main int main() { int i = 0; SSS sss; #pragma omp parallel reduction(SSS < int > ::fun : i) { i += 1; } #pragma omp parallel reduction(::fun : sss) { } #pragma omp declare reduction(fun : SSS < int > : init(omp_out, omp_in)) #pragma omp parallel reduction(fun : sss) { } // CHECK: call {{.*}}void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call( // CHECK: call {{.*}}void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call( // CHECK: call {{.*}}void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call({{[^@]*}} @{{[^@]*}}[[REGION:@[^ ]+]] // CHECK-LABEL: work work(); // CHECK-LABEL: foo return foo(15); } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void [[REGION]]( // CHECK: [[SSS_PRIV:%.+]] = alloca %struct.SSS, // CHECK: invoke {{.*}} @_ZN3SSSIiEC1Ev(%struct.SSS* [[SSS_PRIV]]) // CHECK-NOT: {{call |invoke }} // CHECK: call {{.*}}i32 @__kmpc_reduce_nowait( // CHECK-LABEL: i32 @{{.+}}foo{{[^(].+}}(i32 // CHECK-LOAD-LABEL: i32 @{{.+}}foo{{[^(].+}}(i32 // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: [[XOR:%.+]] = xor i32 // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i32 [[XOR]], i32* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: [[ADD:%.+]] = add nsw i32 24, // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD]], i32* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK: [[ADD:%.+]] = add nsw i32 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD]], i32* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: [[ADD:%.+]] = add nsw i32 // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD]], i32* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK: [[MUL:%.+]] = mul nsw i32 15, // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[MUL]], i32* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: [[MUL:%.+]] = mul nsw i32 15, // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i32 [[MUL]], i32* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK: [[DIV:%.+]] = sdiv i32 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[DIV]], i32* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: [[DIV:%.+]] = sdiv i32 // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i32 [[DIV]], i32* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } // CHECK: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK: [[SUB:%.+]] = sub nsw i32 11, // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[SUB]], i32* // CHECK-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-NEXT: } // CHECK-LOAD: define internal {{.*}}void @{{[^(]+}}(i32* noalias, i32* noalias) // CHECK-LOAD: [[SUB:%.+]] = sub nsw i32 11, // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: store i32 [[SUB]], i32* // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: ret void // CHECK-LOAD-NEXT: } #endif