// PowerPC supports VLAs. // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm-bc %s -o %t-ppc-host-ppc.bc // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm %s -fopenmp-is-device -fopenmp-host-ir-file-path %t-ppc-host-ppc.bc -o %t-ppc-device.ll // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm-bc %s -o %t-ppc-host-ppc.bc // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm %s -fopenmp-is-device -fopenmp-host-ir-file-path %t-ppc-host-ppc.bc -o %t-ppc-device.ll // Nvidia GPUs don't support VLAs. // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -emit-llvm-bc %s -o %t-ppc-host-nvptx.bc // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -DNO_VLA -fopenmp -x c++ -triple nvptx64-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -emit-llvm %s -fopenmp-is-device -fopenmp-host-ir-file-path %t-ppc-host-nvptx.bc -o %t-nvptx-device.ll // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c++ -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -emit-llvm-bc %s -o %t-ppc-host-nvptx.bc #ifndef NO_VLA // expected-no-diagnostics #endif #pragma omp declare target void declare(int arg) { int a[2]; #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+2 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif int vla[arg]; } void declare_parallel_reduction(int arg) { int a[2]; #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: a) { } #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: a[0:2]) { } #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+3 {{cannot generate code for reduction on array section, which requires a variable length array}} // expected-note@+2 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: a[0:arg]) { } } #pragma omp end declare target template void target_template(int arg) { #pragma omp target { #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+2 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif T vla[arg]; } } void target(int arg) { #pragma omp target { #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+2 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif int vla[arg]; } #pragma omp target { #pragma omp parallel { #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+2 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif int vla[arg]; } } target_template(arg); } void teams_reduction(int arg) { int a[2]; int vla[arg]; #pragma omp target map(a) #pragma omp teams reduction(+: a) { } #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+4 {{cannot generate code for reduction on variable length array}} // expected-note@+3 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(vla) #pragma omp teams reduction(+: vla) { } #pragma omp target map(a[0:2]) #pragma omp teams reduction(+: a[0:2]) { } #pragma omp target map(vla[0:2]) #pragma omp teams reduction(+: vla[0:2]) { } #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+4 {{cannot generate code for reduction on array section, which requires a variable length array}} // expected-note@+3 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(a[0:arg]) #pragma omp teams reduction(+: a[0:arg]) { } #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+4 {{cannot generate code for reduction on array section, which requires a variable length array}} // expected-note@+3 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(vla[0:arg]) #pragma omp teams reduction(+: vla[0:arg]) { } } void parallel_reduction(int arg) { int a[2]; int vla[arg]; #pragma omp target map(a) #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: a) { } #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+4 {{cannot generate code for reduction on variable length array}} // expected-note@+3 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(vla) #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: vla) { } #pragma omp target map(a[0:2]) #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: a[0:2]) { } #pragma omp target map(vla[0:2]) #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: vla[0:2]) { } #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+4 {{cannot generate code for reduction on array section, which requires a variable length array}} // expected-note@+3 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(a[0:arg]) #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: a[0:arg]) { } #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+4 {{cannot generate code for reduction on array section, which requires a variable length array}} // expected-note@+3 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(vla[0:arg]) #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: vla[0:arg]) { } } void for_reduction(int arg) { int a[2]; int vla[arg]; #pragma omp target map(a) #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for reduction(+: a) for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) ; #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+5 {{cannot generate code for reduction on variable length array}} // expected-note@+4 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(vla) #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for reduction(+: vla) for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) ; #pragma omp target map(a[0:2]) #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for reduction(+: a[0:2]) for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) ; #pragma omp target map(vla[0:2]) #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for reduction(+: vla[0:2]) for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) ; #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+5 {{cannot generate code for reduction on array section, which requires a variable length array}} // expected-note@+4 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(a[0:arg]) #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for reduction(+: a[0:arg]) for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) ; #ifdef NO_VLA // expected-error@+5 {{cannot generate code for reduction on array section, which requires a variable length array}} // expected-note@+4 {{variable length arrays are not supported for the current target}} #endif #pragma omp target map(vla[0:arg]) #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for reduction(+: vla[0:arg]) for (int i = 0; i < arg; i++) ; }