// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fsyntax-only -Wno-private-extern %s extern int l0 __attribute__((used)); // expected-warning {{'used' attribute ignored}} __private_extern__ int l1 __attribute__((used)); // expected-warning {{'used' attribute ignored}} struct __attribute__((used)) s { // expected-warning {{'used' attribute only applies to variables with non-local storage, functions, and Objective-C methods}} int x; }; int a __attribute__((used)); static void __attribute__((used)) f0(void) { } void f1() { static int a __attribute__((used)); int b __attribute__((used)); // expected-warning {{'used' attribute only applies to variables with non-local storage, functions, and Objective-C methods}} } static void __attribute__((used)) f0(void);