// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s -fblocks -std=c++1y extern "C" int exit(int); typedef struct { unsigned long ps[30]; int qs[30]; } BobTheStruct; int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { BobTheStruct inny; BobTheStruct outty; BobTheStruct (^copyStruct)(BobTheStruct); int i; for(i=0; i<30; i++) { inny.ps[i] = i * i * i; inny.qs[i] = -i * i * i; } copyStruct = ^(BobTheStruct aBigStruct){ return aBigStruct; }; // pass-by-value intrinsically copies the argument outty = copyStruct(inny); if ( &inny == &outty ) { exit(1); } for(i=0; i<30; i++) { if ( (inny.ps[i] != outty.ps[i]) || (inny.qs[i] != outty.qs[i]) ) { exit(1); } } return 0; } namespace rdar8134521 { void foo() { int (^P)(int) = reinterpret_cast(1); P = (int(^)(int))(1); P = reinterpret_cast((void*)1); P = (int(^)(int))((void*)1); } } namespace rdar11055105 { struct A { void foo(); }; template void foo(T &x) noexcept(noexcept(x.foo())); void (^block)() = ^{ A a; foo(a); }; } namespace LocalDecls { void f() { (void) ^{ extern int a; // expected-note {{previous}} extern int b(); // expected-note {{previous}} }; } void g() { (void) ^{ extern float a; // expected-error {{different type}} extern float b(); // expected-error {{cannot be overloaded}} }; } }