// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -fsyntax-only -Wc++11-narrowing -Wmicrosoft -verify -fms-extensions -std=c++11 // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple i686-pc-win32 -fsyntax-only -Wc++11-narrowing -Wmicrosoft -verify -fms-extensions -std=c++11 -fms-compatibility -DMS_COMPAT struct A { unsigned int a; }; int b = 3; A var = { b }; // expected-warning {{ cannot be narrowed }} expected-note {{insert an explicit cast to silence this issue}} namespace PR13433 { struct S; S make(); template auto x(F f) -> decltype(f(make())); #ifndef MS_COMPAT // expected-error@-2{{calling 'make' with incomplete return type 'PR13433::S'}} // expected-note@-5{{'make' declared here}} // expected-note@-7{{forward declaration of 'PR13433::S'}} #endif }