//===- unittest/Tooling/CleanupTest.cpp - Include insertion/deletion tests ===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Tooling/Inclusions/HeaderIncludes.h" #include "../Tooling/ReplacementTest.h" #include "../Tooling/RewriterTestContext.h" #include "clang/Format/Format.h" #include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" using clang::tooling::ReplacementTest; using clang::tooling::toReplacements; namespace clang { namespace tooling { namespace { class HeaderIncludesTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: std::string insert(llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::StringRef Header) { HeaderIncludes Includes(FileName, Code, Style); assert(Header.startswith("\"") || Header.startswith("<")); auto R = Includes.insert(Header.trim("\"<>"), Header.startswith("<")); if (!R) return Code; auto Result = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replacements(*R)); EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(Result)); return *Result; } std::string remove(llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::StringRef Header) { HeaderIncludes Includes(FileName, Code, Style); assert(Header.startswith("\"") || Header.startswith("<")); auto Replaces = Includes.remove(Header.trim("\"<>"), Header.startswith("<")); auto Result = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces); EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(Result)); return *Result; } const std::string FileName = "fix.cpp"; IncludeStyle Style = format::getLLVMStyle().IncludeStyle; }; TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, NoExistingIncludeWithoutDefine) { std::string Code = "int main() {}"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "int main() {}"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"a.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, NoExistingIncludeWithDefine) { std::string Code = "#ifndef A_H\n" "#define A_H\n" "class A {};\n" "#define MMM 123\n" "#endif"; std::string Expected = "#ifndef A_H\n" "#define A_H\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "class A {};\n" "#define MMM 123\n" "#endif"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"b.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertBeforeCategoryWithLowerPriority) { std::string Code = "#ifndef A_H\n" "#define A_H\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "#include \n" "class A {};\n" "#define MMM 123\n" "#endif"; std::string Expected = "#ifndef A_H\n" "#define A_H\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \n" "class A {};\n" "#define MMM 123\n" "#endif"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"a.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertAfterMainHeader) { std::string Code = "#include \"fix.h\"\n" "\n" "int main() {}"; std::string Expected = "#include \"fix.h\"\n" "#include \n" "\n" "int main() {}"; Style = format::getGoogleStyle(format::FormatStyle::LanguageKind::LK_Cpp) .IncludeStyle; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertBeforeSystemHeaderLLVM) { std::string Code = "#include \n" "\n" "int main() {}"; std::string Expected = "#include \"z.h\"\n" "#include \n" "\n" "int main() {}"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"z.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertAfterSystemHeaderGoogle) { std::string Code = "#include \n" "\n" "int main() {}"; std::string Expected = "#include \n" "#include \"z.h\"\n" "\n" "int main() {}"; Style = format::getGoogleStyle(format::FormatStyle::LanguageKind::LK_Cpp) .IncludeStyle; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"z.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertOneIncludeLLVMStyle) { std::string Code = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "#include \"clang/Format/Format.h\"\n" "#include \n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "#include \"clang/Format/Format.h\"\n" "#include \"llvm/x/y.h\"\n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"llvm/x/y.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertIntoBlockSorted) { std::string Code = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "#include \n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"b.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertIntoFirstBlockOfSameKind) { std::string Code = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "#include \"e.h\"\n" "#include \"f.h\"\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \"m.h\"\n" "#include \"n.h\"\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "#include \"d.h\"\n" "#include \"e.h\"\n" "#include \"f.h\"\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \"m.h\"\n" "#include \"n.h\"\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"d.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertIntoSystemBlockSorted) { std::string Code = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "#include \n" "#include \n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, InsertNewSystemIncludeGoogleStyle) { std::string Code = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "\n" "#include \"y/a.h\"\n" "#include \"z/b.h\"\n"; // FIXME: inserting after the empty line following the main header might be // preferred. std::string Expected = "#include \"x/fix.h\"\n" "#include \n" "\n" "#include \"y/a.h\"\n" "#include \"z/b.h\"\n"; Style = format::getGoogleStyle(format::FormatStyle::LanguageKind::LK_Cpp) .IncludeStyle; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, NotConfusedByDefine) { std::string Code = "void f() {}\n" "#define A \\\n" " int i;"; std::string Expected = "#include \n" "void f() {}\n" "#define A \\\n" " int i;"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, SkippedTopComment) { std::string Code = "// comment\n" "\n" " // comment\n"; std::string Expected = "// comment\n" "\n" " // comment\n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, SkippedMixedComments) { std::string Code = "// comment\n" "// comment \\\n" " comment continued\n" "/*\n" "* comment\n" "*/\n"; std::string Expected = "// comment\n" "// comment \\\n" " comment continued\n" "/*\n" "* comment\n" "*/\n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, MultipleBlockCommentsInOneLine) { std::string Code = "/*\n" "* comment\n" "*/ /* comment\n" "*/\n" "\n\n" "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n"; std::string Expected = "/*\n" "* comment\n" "*/ /* comment\n" "*/\n" "\n\n" "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, CodeAfterComments) { std::string Code = "/*\n" "* comment\n" "*/ /* comment\n" "*/\n" "\n\n" "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n" "\n" "int x;\n"; std::string Expected = "/*\n" "* comment\n" "*/ /* comment\n" "*/\n" "\n\n" "/* c1 */ /*c2 */\n" "\n" "#include \n" "int x;\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, FakeHeaderGuardIfDef) { std::string Code = "// comment \n" "#ifdef X\n" "#define X\n"; std::string Expected = "// comment \n" "#include \n" "#ifdef X\n" "#define X\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, RealHeaderGuardAfterComments) { std::string Code = "// comment \n" "#ifndef X\n" "#define X\n" "int x;\n" "#define Y 1\n"; std::string Expected = "// comment \n" "#ifndef X\n" "#define X\n" "#include \n" "int x;\n" "#define Y 1\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, IfNDefWithNoDefine) { std::string Code = "// comment \n" "#ifndef X\n" "int x;\n" "#define Y 1\n"; std::string Expected = "// comment \n" "#include \n" "#ifndef X\n" "int x;\n" "#define Y 1\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, FakeHeaderGuard) { std::string Code = "// comment \n" "#ifndef X\n" "#define 1\n"; std::string Expected = "// comment \n" "#include \n" "#ifndef X\n" "#define 1\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, HeaderGuardWithComment) { std::string Code = "// comment \n" "#ifndef X // comment\n" "// comment\n" "/* comment\n" "*/\n" "/* comment */ #define X\n" "int x;\n" "#define Y 1\n"; std::string Expected = "// comment \n" "#ifndef X // comment\n" "// comment\n" "/* comment\n" "*/\n" "/* comment */ #define X\n" "#include \n" "int x;\n" "#define Y 1\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, EmptyCode) { std::string Code = ""; std::string Expected = "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, NoNewLineAtTheEndOfCode) { std::string Code = "#include "; std::string Expected = "#include \n#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, SkipExistingHeaders) { std::string Code = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"a.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, AddIncludesWithDifferentForms) { std::string Code = "#include \n"; // FIXME: this might not be the best behavior. std::string Expected = "#include \"vector\"\n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"vector\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, NoInsertionAfterCode) { std::string Code = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "void f() {}\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "void f() {}\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"c.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, NoInsertionInStringLiteral) { std::string Code = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "const char[] = R\"(\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" ")\";\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "const char[] = R\"(\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" ")\";\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"c.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, NoInsertionAfterOtherDirective) { std::string Code = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#ifdef X\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "#endif\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n" "#ifdef X\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "#endif\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"c.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, CanInsertAfterLongSystemInclude) { std::string Code = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "// comment\n\n" "#include \n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "// comment\n\n" "#include \n" "#include \n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, CanInsertAfterComment) { std::string Code = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "// Comment\n" "\n" "/* Comment */\n" "// Comment\n" "\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "// Comment\n" "\n" "/* Comment */\n" "// Comment\n" "\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "#include \"c.h\"\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"c.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, LongCommentsInTheBeginningOfFile) { std::string Code = "// Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment\n" "// Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment\n" "// Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n"; std::string Expected = "// Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment\n" "// Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment\n" "// Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "\n" "#include \"a.h\"\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n" "#include \"third.h\"\n"; Style = format::getGoogleStyle(format::FormatStyle::LanguageKind::LK_Cpp) .IncludeStyle; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, insert(Code, "\"third.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, SimpleDeleteInclude) { std::string Code = "#include \"abc.h\"\n" "#include \"xyz.h\" // comment\n" "int x;\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"abc.h\"\n" "int x;\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, remove(Code, "\"xyz.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, DeleteQuotedOnly) { std::string Code = "#include \"abc.h\"\n" "#include \n" "int x;\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \n" "int x;\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, remove(Code, "\"abc.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, DeleteAllCode) { std::string Code = "#include \"xyz.h\"\n"; std::string Expected = ""; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, remove(Code, "\"xyz.h\"")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, DeleteOnlyIncludesWithSameQuote) { std::string Code = "#include \"xyz.h\"\n" "#include \"xyz\"\n" "#include \n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"xyz.h\"\n" "#include \"xyz\"\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, remove(Code, "")); } TEST_F(HeaderIncludesTest, CanDeleteAfterCode) { std::string Code = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "void f() {}\n" "#include \"b.h\"\n"; std::string Expected = "#include \"a.h\"\n" "void f() {}\n"; EXPECT_EQ(Expected, remove(Code, "\"b.h\"")); } } // namespace } // namespace tooling } // namespace clang