/* $NetBSD: dispatch.h,v 2024/02/29 12:34:36 martin Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. */ #pragma once #include /***** ***** Module Info *****/ /*! \file dns/dispatch.h * \brief * DNS Dispatch Management * Shared UDP and single-use TCP dispatches for queries and responses. * * MP: * *\li All locking is performed internally to each dispatch. * Restrictions apply to dns_dispatch_done(). * * Reliability: * * Resources: * * Security: * *\li Depends on dns_message_t for prevention of buffer overruns. * * Standards: * *\li None. */ /*** *** Imports ***/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Add -DDNS_DISPATCH_TRACE=1 to CFLAGS for detailed reference tracing */ ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*% * This is a set of one or more dispatches which can be retrieved * round-robin fashion. */ struct dns_dispatchset { isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_dispatch_t **dispatches; int ndisp; int cur; isc_mutex_t lock; }; /* */ #define DNS_DISPATCHOPT_FIXEDID 0x00000001U isc_result_t dns_dispatchmgr_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_nm_t *nm, dns_dispatchmgr_t **mgrp); /*%< * Creates a new dispatchmgr object, and sets the available ports * to the default range (1024-65535). * * Requires: *\li 'mctx' be a valid memory context. * *\li 'nm' is a valid network manager. *\li mgrp != NULL && *mgrp == NULL * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all ok * *\li anything else -- failure */ #if DNS_DISPATCH_TRACE #define dns_dispatchmgr_ref(ptr) \ dns_dispatchmgr__ref(ptr, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define dns_dispatchmgr_unref(ptr) \ dns_dispatchmgr__unref(ptr, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define dns_dispatchmgr_attach(ptr, ptrp) \ dns_dispatchmgr__attach(ptr, ptrp, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define dns_dispatchmgr_detach(ptrp) \ dns_dispatchmgr__detach(ptrp, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) ISC_REFCOUNT_TRACE_DECL(dns_dispatchmgr); #else ISC_REFCOUNT_DECL(dns_dispatchmgr); #endif /*%< * Attach/Detach to a dispatch manager. */ void dns_dispatchmgr_setblackhole(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, dns_acl_t *blackhole); /*%< * Sets the dispatcher's "blackhole list," a list of addresses that will * be ignored by all dispatchers created by the dispatchmgr. * * Requires: * \li mgrp is a valid dispatchmgr * \li blackhole is a valid acl */ dns_acl_t * dns_dispatchmgr_getblackhole(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr); /*%< * Gets a pointer to the dispatcher's current blackhole list, * without incrementing its reference count. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr * Returns: *\li A pointer to the current blackhole list, or NULL. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatchmgr_setavailports(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_portset_t *v4portset, isc_portset_t *v6portset); /*%< * Sets a list of UDP ports that can be used for outgoing UDP messages. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr *\li v4portset is NULL or a valid port set *\li v6portset is NULL or a valid port set */ void dns_dispatchmgr_setstats(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, isc_stats_t *stats); /*%< * Sets statistics counter for the dispatchmgr. This function is expected to * be called only on zone creation (when necessary). * Once installed, it cannot be removed or replaced. Also, there is no * interface to get the installed stats from the zone; the caller must keep the * stats to reference (e.g. dump) it later. * * Requires: *\li mgr is a valid dispatchmgr with no managed dispatch. *\li stats is a valid statistics supporting resolver statistics counters * (see dns/stats.h). */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_createudp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, const isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); /*%< * Create a new UDP dispatch. * * Requires: *\li All pointer parameters be valid for their respective types. * *\li dispp != NULL && *disp == NULL * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success. * *\li Anything else -- failure. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_createtcp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, const isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, const isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); /*%< * Create a new TCP dns_dispatch. * * Requires: * *\li mgr is a valid dispatch manager. * *\li sock is a valid. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- success. * *\li Anything else -- failure. */ #if DNS_DISPATCH_TRACE #define dns_dispatch_ref(ptr) \ dns_dispatch__ref(ptr, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define dns_dispatch_unref(ptr) \ dns_dispatch__unref(ptr, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define dns_dispatch_attach(ptr, ptrp) \ dns_dispatch__attach(ptr, ptrp, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define dns_dispatch_detach(ptrp) \ dns_dispatch__detach(ptrp, __func__, __FILE__, __LINE__) ISC_REFCOUNT_TRACE_DECL(dns_dispatch); #else ISC_REFCOUNT_DECL(dns_dispatch); #endif /*%< * Attach/Detach to a dispatch handle. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. * *\li dispp != NULL && *dispp == NULL */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_connect(dns_dispentry_t *resp); /*%< * Connect to the remote server configured in 'resp' and run the * connect callback that was set up via dns_dispatch_add(). * * Requires: *\li 'resp' is valid. */ void dns_dispatch_send(dns_dispentry_t *resp, isc_region_t *r); /*%< * Send region 'r' using the socket in 'resp', then run the specified * callback. * * Requires: *\li 'resp' is valid. */ void dns_dispatch_resume(dns_dispentry_t *resp, uint16_t timeout); /*%< * Reset the read timeout in the socket associated with 'resp' and * continue reading. * * Requires: *\li 'resp' is valid. */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_gettcp(dns_dispatchmgr_t *mgr, const isc_sockaddr_t *destaddr, const isc_sockaddr_t *localaddr, dns_dispatch_t **dispp); /* * Attempt to connect to a existing TCP connection. */ typedef void (*dispatch_cb_t)(isc_result_t eresult, isc_region_t *region, void *cbarg); isc_result_t dns_dispatch_add(dns_dispatch_t *disp, unsigned int options, unsigned int timeout, const isc_sockaddr_t *dest, dispatch_cb_t connected, dispatch_cb_t sent, dispatch_cb_t response, void *arg, dns_messageid_t *idp, dns_dispentry_t **resp); /*%< * Add a response entry for this dispatch. * * "*idp" is filled in with the assigned message ID, and *resp is filled in * with the dispatch entry object. * * The 'connected' and 'sent' callbacks are run to inform the caller when * the connect and send functions are complete. The 'timedout' callback * is run to inform the caller that a read has timed out; it may optionally * reset the read timer. The 'response' callback is run for recv results * (response packets, timeouts, or cancellations). * * All the callback functions are sent 'arg' as a parameter. * * Requires: *\li "idp" be non-NULL. * *\li "response" and "arg" be set as appropriate. * *\li "dest" be non-NULL and valid. * *\li "resp" be non-NULL and *resp be NULL * * Ensures: * *\li <id, dest> is a unique tuple. That means incoming messages * are identifiable. * * Returns: * *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS -- all is well. *\li ISC_R_NOMEMORY -- memory could not be allocated. *\li ISC_R_NOMORE -- no more message ids can be allocated * for this destination. */ void dns_dispatch_done(dns_dispentry_t **respp); /*< * Disconnect a dispatch response entry from its dispatch, cancel all * pending connects and reads in a dispatch entry and shut it down. * * Requires: *\li "resp" != NULL and "*resp" contain a value previously allocated * by dns_dispatch_add(); */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getlocaladdress(dns_dispatch_t *disp, isc_sockaddr_t *addrp); /*%< * Return the local address for this dispatch. * This currently only works for dispatches using UDP sockets. * * Requires: *\li disp is valid. *\li addrp to be non NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ isc_result_t dns_dispentry_getlocaladdress(dns_dispentry_t *resp, isc_sockaddr_t *addrp); /*%< * Return the local address for this dispatch entry. * * Requires: *\li resp is valid. *\li addrp to be non NULL. * * Returns: *\li ISC_R_SUCCESS *\li ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED */ dns_dispatch_t * dns_dispatchset_get(dns_dispatchset_t *dset); /*%< * Retrieve the next dispatch from dispatch set 'dset', and increment * the round-robin counter. * * Requires: *\li dset != NULL */ isc_result_t dns_dispatchset_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_dispatch_t *source, dns_dispatchset_t **dsetp, int n); /*%< * Given a valid dispatch 'source', create a dispatch set containing * 'n' UDP dispatches, with the remainder filled out by clones of the * source. * * Requires: *\li source is a valid UDP dispatcher *\li dsetp != NULL, *dsetp == NULL */ void dns_dispatchset_destroy(dns_dispatchset_t **dsetp); /*%< * Dereference all the dispatches in '*dsetp', free the dispatchset * memory, and set *dsetp to NULL. * * Requires: *\li dset is valid */ isc_result_t dns_dispatch_getnext(dns_dispentry_t *resp); /*%< * Trigger the sending of the next item off the dispatch queue if present. * * Requires: *\li resp is valid */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS