#!/usr/pkg/bin/ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Michael Neumann <neumann@s-direktnet.de> # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $Id: sqlsh.rb,v 1.3 2002/07/03 16:48:35 mneumann Exp $ # require "dbi" begin require "readline" $use_readline = true rescue LoadError $use_readline = false end require "irb" require "irb/completion" $irb_completion = Readline.completion_proc require "getoptlong" class ReadlineControl attr_accessor :keywords def initialize @keywords = [] set_prompt initCompletion end def initCompletion if $use_readline Readline.completion_proc = proc {|str| complete(str) } end end def complete(str) @keywords.grep(/^#{Regexp.escape(str)}/i) end def set_prompt(prompt="> ") @prompt = prompt end def readline if $use_readline Readline.readline(@prompt, true) else print @prompt $stdin.readline end end end class Command include DBI::SQL::BasicBind def readCommand line = "" $rd.set_prompt(PROMPT) begin if $input.nil? # no source file to read from l = $rd.readline else # source file has still data l = $input.gets if l.nil? $input = nil next end end next if l.strip.empty? l = l.chomp + "\n" line << l puts $file + INPUT + l unless $input.nil? $rd.set_prompt(PROMPT_CONT) end until complete?(line) return line.strip end private def complete?(line) line =~ /^\s*\\/ or (tokens(line).last || "") =~ /;\s*$/ end end class Actions ACTIONS = [ [ /^\\q(uit)?\s*$/i, :quit ], [ /^\\h(elp)?\s*$/i, :help ], [ /^\\t(ables)?/i, :tables ], [ /^\\dt/i, :describeTable ], [ /^\\s(elect)?/i, :select ], [ /^\\rb/i, :ruby ], [ /^\\irb/i, :irb ], [ /^\\c(ommit)?\s*$/i, :commit ], [ /^\\r(ollback)?\s*$/i, :rollback ], [ /^\\a(utocommit)?(\s+(on|off)?)?\s*$/i, :autocommit ], [ /^\\i(nput)?/i, :input ], [ /^\\o(utput)?/i, :output ], [ /^\\pl/i, :pageLength ], [ //, :unknownCommand ] ] def dispatchCommand(line) ACTIONS.each do |regexp, action| if line =~ regexp then send(action, $~) return end end end def quit(match) puts puts "BYE" puts begin Conn.disconnect rescue DBI::Error => err puts puts err.message p err.backtrace if $DEBUG puts end exit end def help(match) head = %w(Function Description) rows = [ ["\\h[elp]", "Display this help screen"], ["", ""], ["\\t[ables]", "Display all available tables"], ["\\dt table", "Describe columns of 'table'"], ["\\s[elect] table", "short for SELECT * FROM 'table'"], ["", ""], ["\\c[ommit]", "Commits the current transaction"], ["\\r[ollback]", "Rolls back the current transaction"], ["\\a[utocommit]", "Show current autocommit mode"], ["\\a[utocommit] on|off", "Switch autocommit mode on/off"], ["", ""], ["\\i[nput] filename", "Read and execute lines from 'filename'"], ["\\o[utput]", "Disable output"], ["\\o[utput] filename", "Store SQL statments the user inputs into 'filename'"], ["", ""], ["\\pl n", "Set page length to 'n'"], ["", ""], ["\\rb ...", "Execute the rest of the line as Ruby sourcecode"], ["\\irb", "Execute irb within this context"], ["", ""], ["\\q[uit]", "Quit this program"] ] puts puts "Help: " output_table(head, rows) puts end def tables(match) head = ["Table name"] rows = Conn.tables.collect {|name| [name]} puts puts "Tables: " output_table(head, rows) puts end def describeTable(match) table = match.post_match.strip head = %w(name type_name precision scale default nullable indexed primary unique) rows = Conn.columns(table).collect {|col| head.collect{|a| col[a]} } puts puts "Table '#{table}': " output_table(head, rows) puts end def select(match) executeSQL("SELECT * FROM #{match.post_match};") end def commit(match) Conn.commit puts puts "COMMIT" puts end def rollback(match) Conn.rollback puts puts "ROLLBACK" puts end def autocommit(match) mode = match[3] if mode =~ /on/i Conn['AutoCommit'] = true puts puts "AUTOCOMMIT IS NOW ON" puts elsif mode =~ /off/i Conn['AutoCommit'] = false puts puts "AUTOCOMMIT IS NOW OFF" puts else puts if Conn['AutoCommit'] == true puts "AUTOCOMMIT is currently switched ON" elsif Conn['AutoCommit'] == false puts "AUTOCOMMIT is currently switched OFF" else puts "AUTOCOMMIT is in unknown state" end puts end end def input(match) puts $file = match.post_match.strip begin $input = File.open($file) puts "EXECUTE file #{$file}" puts rescue puts "Couldn't read from file #{$file}" puts end end def output(match) puts file = match.post_match.strip if file.empty? $output.close if $output $output = nil puts "Disabled OUTPUT" puts else begin $output = File.new(file, "w+") puts "Set OUTPUT to file #{file}" puts rescue puts "Couldn't set OUTPUT to file #{file}" puts end end end def pageLength(match) puts $page_len = match.post_match.strip.to_i $page_len = DEFAULT_PAGE_LENGTH if $page_len <= 0 puts "New page length is #{$page_len}." puts end def irb(match) Readline.completion_proc = $irb_completion puts puts "================================== IRB ===============================" begin IRB.start rescue SystemExit end puts "======================================================================" $rd.initCompletion end def ruby(match) puts eval match.post_match puts end def unknownCommand(match) puts puts "Unknown command!" puts end end def output_table(header, rows) DBI::Utils::TableFormatter.ascii(header, rows, nil, nil, nil, nil, $page_len) do break if $stdin.readline.chomp == "a" end end def executeSQL(sql) sql = $` if sql =~ /;\s*$/ start = ::Time.now stmt = Conn.execute(sql) head = stmt.column_names # DDL, DCL if head.empty? puts nr = stmt.rows if nr == 0 puts " No rows affected" elsif nr == 1 puts " 1 row affected" else puts " #{nr} rows affected" end puts else rows = stmt.fetch_all tm = ::Time.now - start puts output_table(head, rows || []) print " " if rows.nil? print "No rows in set" elsif rows.size == 1 print "1 row in set" else print "#{rows.size} rows in set" end puts " (#{(tm.to_f*1000).to_i / 1000.0} sec)" puts end $rd.keywords = SQL_KEYWORDS + Conn.tables end DEFAULT_PAGE_LENGTH = 37 $output = nil $input = nil $page_len = DEFAULT_PAGE_LENGTH PROMPT = "dbi => " PROMPT_CONT = "dbi -> " INPUT = " >> " SQL_KEYWORDS = %w( INSERT DELETE UPDATE SELECT FROM WHERE IN LIKE SET VALUES INTO CREATE TABLE DROP COMMIT ROLLBACK CHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR2 INT INTEGER NUMBER FLOAT REAL LONG CLOB BLOB DECIMAL DBCLOB DBBLOB ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- opts = GetoptLong.new( ["--file", "-f", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ] ) opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when "--file" $input_file_name = arg end end if ARGV.size < 1 or ARGV.size > 3 puts puts "USAGE: #{$0} [--file file] driver_url [user [password] ]" puts puts "Available driver and datasources:" puts for driver in DBI.available_drivers do puts driver begin ds = DBI.data_sources(driver) for datasource in ds puts " " + datasource end rescue => err end puts end puts exit 1 else DRIVER_URL = ARGV.shift USER = ARGV.shift PASS = ARGV.shift end puts begin Conn = DBI.connect(DRIVER_URL, USER, PASS) print "CONNECT TO #{DRIVER_URL} " print "USER #{USER} " unless USER.nil? print "PASS #{PASS} " unless PASS.nil? print "\n" rescue DBI::Error, DBI::Warning => err p err exit end puts $rd = ReadlineControl.new $rd.keywords = SQL_KEYWORDS + Conn.tables cmd = Command.new act = Actions.new # --file option if $input_file_name def $input_file_name.post_match $input_file_name end act.input($input_file_name) end # Main-Loop ----------------------------------- loop do line = cmd.readCommand $output.puts line unless $output.nil? begin if line =~ /^\\/ then # Internal Command act.dispatchCommand(line) else # SQL Command executeSQL(line) end rescue DBI::Error => err puts puts err.message p err.backtrace if $DEBUG puts end end