Repair and cleanup to the Propaganda Image Volumes ---------- From the ashes of oblivion, the Propaganda Image Collection rises once again! We've done some cleanup and additions to the original 15 volumes included in most distribitions. Two "lost" volumes by Naru Sundar have been added as Volumes 15 and 16, as well as a "Goodies" folder from Ira Abramov's website ( The final Volume listing includes: Volume: Propaganda for E Volume 1: Frozen Eagle Project Volume 2: The Menudo Conspiracy Volume 3: No Sympathy for Redmond Volume 4: One Nation - One Desktop Volume 5: Follow the Leader Volume 6: Silence Means Security Volume 7: Operation Magic Bus Volume 8: 10,000,000 Penguins Volume 9: Turn on Your Funk Motor Volume 10: 1999 Redmond Invasion Tour Volume 11: The Road to Victory Volume 12: No Sympathy for Redmond 2 Volume 13: Mickeysoft Appreciation Day Volume 14: Rebirth Volume 15: Forgery Researched by Naru Sundar Volume 16: Millenium Unfolding by Naru Sundar Random Goodies The image volumes that are part of this archive were derived from the original Propaganda "tarballs" distributed in 2000 and Ira Abramov's website. Two additional independent sources were used for reference: ---------- Ira Abramov's website: - - 19 Volumes plus a miscelaneous folder Original sources dating to 1999/2000, pulled from RPM Linux source files, in 3 tarballs: - Propaganda-EVERYTHING.tar.bz2 (Volumes 1 to 12, "For E") - Propaganda-Vol13.tar.bz2 - Propaganda-Vol14.tar.bz2 Michael Coyle's website: - - 15 volumes (Volumes 1 to 14, "For E") Bryan Olmstead's website: - - 15 volumes (Volumes 1 to 14, "For E") Comparison of the four sources: ---------- The image contents for all four sources were in agreement for 13 of the volumes: - Volumes 1 to 12 - Propaganda "For E" Michael Coyle's and Bryan Olmstead's websites' volume contents and that of the old RPM files were in agreement for all 15 volumes: - Volumes 1 to 14 - Propaganda "For E" - Internal dates for the 15 volumes are no later than year 2000. Ira Abramov's website differed from the other three sources for Volumes 13 to 17: - Volume 13 was an apparent duplicate of the "For E" volume. - Volume 15 was numbered as Volume 13 on the other sites. - Volume 16 was numbered as Volume 14 on the other sites. - Volumes 13.5 (Debian Special Edition), 14, and 17 were unique volumes not included in the other archives. - Volume 14, although new content, had a volume name of "Rebirth", the same volume name as the other three sources. Actions: ---------- For the volumes in agreement: - Volumes 1 to 12 stayed as-is - Volume "For E" stayed as-is For the differing volumes: - Volumes 13 and 14 (15 and 16 on Ira Abramov's site) retained the same contents as Michael Coyle's website. - Volume 13 from Ira Abramov's site was removed as a duplicate. - Volumes 14 and 17 from Ira Abramov's site were renumbered to 15 and 16, respectively. - the new Volume 15 was assigned the name "Forgery Researched", based on an educated guess from Ira Abramov's site. - The Random Goodies folder from Ira Abramov was integrated into this archive as well. - Volume 13.5 (Debian Special Edition) from Ira Abramov's site had many duplicates from other volumes; original material was moved to the Random Goodies folder. Fixes: - Removed stray files that somehow crept into the volumes. - Cleaned-up and integrated all of the HTML files; clicking on "Next Volume" or "Previous Volume" should now work for all links. - Added a table of contents (borrowed heavily from Ira Abramov). - Removed "index.html" and perl script files from volumes. - catalog.html files are simply duplicates of each volume's first image .html file.