This directory contains a cut-down XFree86 2.1 source tree suitable for building only the servers. XFree86-2.1-so-nopex.tar.gz-aa PEX not included XFree86-2.1-so-nopex.tar.gz-ab XFree86-2.1-so-nopex.tar.gz-ac XFree86-2.1-so.tar.gz-aa includes PEX XFree86-2.1-so.tar.gz-ab XFree86-2.1-so.tar.gz-ac To use the source here, extract the appropriate set of files: cat XFree86-2.1-so-nopex.tar.gz-?? | gzip -d -c | tar vxf - To upgrade this to version 2.1.1, get the 2.1-2.1.1.diff.gz patch from /XFree86, and apply it from the directory you extracted the above in: gunzip -c 2.1-2.1.1.diff.gz | patch -p -E Remember to set 'BuildServersOnly' to YES in mit/config/site.def. For details about compiling the source, refer to the INSTALL file in mit/server/ddx/x386/. Space requirements: source without PEX: 11MB source without PEX + binaries 30MB source with PEX: 13MB source with PEX + binaries 35MB Note: the "+ binaries" figures may vary depending on the OS used.