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Test::Docker::Image - It's new $module, this can handle a Docker image for tests.


    use Test::Docker::Image;

    my $mysql_image_guard = Test::Docker::Image->new(
        container_ports => [3306],
        tag             => 'iwata/centos6-mysql51-q4m-hs',

    my $port = $mysql_image_guard->port(3306);
    my $host = $mysql_image_guard->host;

    `mysql -uroot -h$host -P$port -e 'show plugins'`;
    undef $mysql_image_guard; # destroy a guard object and execute docker kill and rm the container.

    # for Mac OSX
    `boot2docker up`;
    my $mysql_image_guard = Test::Docker::Image->new(
        container_ports => [3306],
        tag             => 'iwata/centos6-mysql51-q4m-hs',
        boot            => 'Test::Docker::Image::Boot::Boot2docker',

    my $port = $mysql_image_guard->port(3306);
    my $host = $mysql_image_guard->host;


Test::Docker::Image is a module to handle a Docker image.


## `new`

return an instance of Test::Docker::Image, this instance is used as a guard object.

- `tag`

    This is a required parameter. This specify a tag of Docker image for docker run.

- `container_ports`

    This is a required parameter. This specify some port numbers that publish a container's port to the host.

- `boot`

    This is an optional parameter. You set a boot module name.
    The boot looks like Boot2docker for Mac OSX that use docker via CoreOS on VirtualBox.
    It needs `DOCKER_HOST` environment variable.
    `Boot` module must extend Test::Docker::Image::Boot.

- `sleep_sec`

    This is a optional parameter. Wait seconds after docker run, because you can't access container immediately.

## `port`

Return a port number, this Docker image use number for port forwarding.

## `host`

Return a IP address, if you launch Docker service via boot2docker on OSX, this address means CoreOS's IP on VirtualBox.


Copyright (C) iwata-motonori.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Motonori Iwata <gootonroi+github@gmail.com>