LibCVS Version Perl-1.00.00 (1.0000_0)

This is alpha software.  Use at your own risk. 


LibCVS provides access to CVS working directories and repositories.  This is
the Perl version of LibCVS.  See

Take a look at the example script: examples/lcvs-example.

A lot of effort has been putinto the documentation, so please use perldoc.  If
something isn't clear in the docs, please report it, so we can fix it up.


At present LibCVS can only connect to local CVS repositories.  No pserver, no
ssh.  This will change in the next release.  I'm pushing it out without these
abilities to get across the idea that it is early alpha, so that you don't try
it out on production repositories just yet.  Right now I want feedback.

The tests are not yet thorough.  The only tests are for the script lcvs-st.

Performance is poor.

The example script, lcvs-st, could have a lot more features.

The interface _will_ change.  I will change function signatures, and object


* You will need Perl installed.  I've developed with Perl 5.6.1, but it will
  probably work with others too.

* You will need CVS installed.  I've developed with CVS 1.11.6, but it will
  probably work with others too.  (


    $ ./Makefile.PL

    $ make test

    # make install

Or, possibly, use the CPAN shell:

  # perl -MCPAN -e shell
  cpan> install VCS::LibCVS


This is a first release so there are no changes.


Lots!  For the next release I want to deal with all of the major limitations
listed above.

The complete list of Todo's is on the issue section of