README for Pod::HTML2Pod
                                        Time-stamp: "2000-10-04 01:51:28 MDT"

[Excerpted from the POD...]

     Pod::HTML2Pod -- translate HTML into POD

       # Use the program 'html2pod' that comes in this dist, or:
       use Pod::HTML2Pod;
       print Pod::HTML2Pod::convert(
         'file' => 'my_stuff.html',  # input file
         'a_href' => 1,  # try converting links

     Larry Wall once said (1999-08-27, on the pod-people list, I
     do believe): "The whole point of pod is to get people to
     document stuff they wouldn't document in any other form."

     To that end, I wrote this module so that people who are
     unpracticed with POD but in a hurry to simply document their
     programs or modules, could write their documentation in
     simple HTML, and convert that to POD.  That's what this
     module does.

     Specifically, this module bends over backwards to try to
     turn even vaguely plausable HTML into POD -- and when in
     doubt, it simply ignores things that it doesn't know about,
     or can't render.

[end POD excerpt]


This suite requires Perl 5; I've only used it under Perl 5.004, so for
anything lower, you're on your own.

Pod::HTML2Pod alse requires HTML::TreeBuilder and HTML::Element 3.05
or later (to be found in the HTML-Tree dist at CPAN).  It also
requires a few other modules, but they're either all standard, or
required by HTML::TreeBuilder.


You install Pod::HTML2Pod, as you would install any Perl module
library, by running these commands:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

If you want to install a private copy of Pod::HTML2Pod in your home
directory, then you should try to produce the initial Makefile with
something like this command:

  perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/perl


POD-format documentation is included in  POD is readable
with the 'perldoc' utility.  See ChangeLog for recent changes.


Don't bother with the makefiles.  Just make a Pod directory in your
MacPerl site_lib or lib directory, and move into there.


Questions, bug reports, useful code bits, and suggestions for
Pod::HTML2Pod should just be sent to me at


The latest version of Pod::HTML2Pod is available from the
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN).  Visit
<> to find a CPAN site near you.

Copyright (c) 2000 Sean M. Burke.  All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

     Sean M. Burke,