NAME SQL::Preproc - Source Filter supporting embedded SQL for Perl. INSTALLATION Unzip and untar the archive, cd to the distribution directory and enter the following commands: For *nix: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install For Win32: perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake test nmake install USAGE just add "use SQL::Preproc;" to your perl script, embed some SQL, and have fun! Be sure to read the included Preproc.pod for all the nitty gritty details. DEPENDENCIES Requires - Perl 5.8 - Filter::Simple 0.78 - Text::Balanced 1.65 - DBI 1.42 - a DBI driver for your target DBMS - (optional) DBD::CSV for baseline testing - (optional) DBD::Teradata for advanced testing - (optional) DBIx::Chart 0.02, DBD::Chart 0.81 to test subclasses - (optional) a synrax extension module for your target DBMS AUTHOR Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp. <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright(C) 2004, 2005, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to use this software according to the terms of the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file, with the exception that commercial redistribution, either electronic or via physical media, as either a standalone package, or incorporated into a third party product, requires prior written approval of the author. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Presicient Corp. reserves the right to provide support for this software to individual sites under a separate (possibly fee-based) agreement.