Inserts all rows into the Parquet file.
Inserts all rows into the Parquet file.
Runs this query returning the result as an array.
Runs this query returning the result as an array.
Specifies how data is partitioned across different nodes in the cluster.
Specifies how data is partitioned across different nodes in the cluster.
Specifies any partition requirements on the input data for this operator.
Specifies any partition requirements on the input data for this operator.
Operator that acts as a sink for queries on RDDs and can be used to store the output inside a directory of Parquet files. This operator is similar to Hive's INSERT INTO TABLE operation in the sense that one can choose to either overwrite or append to a directory. Note that consecutive insertions to the same table must have compatible (source) schemas.
WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL! InsertIntoParquetTable with overwrite=false may cause data corruption in the case that multiple users try to append to the same table simultaneously. Inserting into a table that was previously generated by other means (e.g., by creating an HDFS directory and importing Parquet files generated by other tools) may cause unpredicted behaviour and therefore results in a RuntimeException (only detected via filename pattern so will not catch all cases).