# Makefile for Adobe Zapf Chancery [2001-09-26 PSNFSS-v9.1 (WaS)] # This is for OS/2 with emTeX/TDS and GNU Make or IBM's nmake; # *** asterisks indicate directory names and commands # which need to be customized for other systems. # *** the TDS root dirctory: tdsdir= e:\texmf # *** where the .vf and .tfm files should go: vfdir= $(tdsdir)\fonts\vf\adobe\zapfchan tfmdir= $(tdsdir)\fonts\tfm\adobe\zapfchan # *** how to run fontinst: fi= fi-1801 all: vfs installfonts vfs: $(fi) inst pltotf pzcmi8r.pl vptovf pzcmi7t.vpl vptovf pzcmi8c.vpl vptovf pzcmi8t.vpl installfonts: -mkdir $(vfdir) -mkdir $(tfmdir) cp *vf $(vfdir) cp *tfm $(tfmdir) clean: -rm *pl *mtx *fd realclean: clean -rm *tfm *vf