%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This is the file dotlessj.mtx, part of the MathInst package %% (version 1.0, August 25, 1998) for math font %% generation. (Author: Alan Hoenig, ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax This fontinst file sets a dotless j glyph for a TeX math italic font. The following code is due to Thierry Bouche, a paper of whose on virtual math fonts can be found at ftp://fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/pub/contrib-tex/gut/mathfonts-pk.ps.gz \metrics \resetglyph{dotlessj} \glyphspecial{ps: gsave gsave} \push \moveup{\neg{\depth{j}}} \movert{\neg{\width{j}}} \glyphspecial{ps: currentpoint /JDepth exch def /JLeft exch def} \moveup{\add{\depth{j}}{\height{dotlessi}}} %\movert{\mul{\width{j}}{2}} \movert{\scale{\width{j}}{2500}} \glyphspecial{ps: currentpoint /IHeight exch def /JRight exch def grestore} \glyphspecial{ps: JLeft JDepth moveto JLeft neg JRight add 0 rlineto 0 JDepth neg IHeight add rlineto JLeft neg JRight add neg 0 rlineto 0 JDepth neg IHeight add neg rlineto closepath clip} \pop \glyph{j}{1000} \glyphspecial{ps: grestore} \resetdepth{\depth{j}} \resetwidth{\width{j}} \resetitalic{\italic{j}} \resetheight{\height{dotlessi}} \endresetglyph \endmetrics