\relax This is file ase2alt.mtx, part of vfinst by Alan Hoenig. Its purpose is to noninvasively change the glyph names of the characters in the regular and italic alternate fonts that are part of the Adobe Garamond font family. These fonts have been named as if they were Adobe Standard Encoded---so, for example, characters `ct' and `Aswash' are named (confusingly) `c' and `A'. I hope this file will serve as parototype and template in case there are other fonts as sloppily prepared as these. For further info, see vfinst.tex (part of vfinst) and ``TeX Unbound" (Hoenig, Oxford Univ Pr, 1998). ---Alan Hoenig, ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu June 9, 1998 \metrics \setcommand\rename#1#2{\ifisglyph{#1}\then \setglyph{#2}\glyph{#1}{1000}\endsetglyph \unsetglyph{#1} \fi} \unsetglyph{space} \unsetglyph{nbspace} \rename{ampersand}{ampersandalt} \rename{one}{ornament1} \rename{two}{ornament2} \rename{A}{Aswash} %% Rename these uppercase glyphs in italic alt font \rename{B}{Bswash} \rename{C}{Cswash} \rename{D}{Dswash} \rename{E}{Eswash} \rename{F}{Fswash} \rename{G}{Gswash} \rename{H}{Hswash} \rename{I}{Iswash} \rename{J}{Jswash} \rename{K}{Kswash} \rename{L}{Lswash} \rename{M}{Mswash} \rename{N}{Nswash} \rename{O}{Oswash} \rename{P}{Pswash} \rename{Q}{Qswash} \rename{R}{Rswash} \rename{S}{Sswash} \rename{T}{Tswash} \rename{U}{Uswash} \rename{V}{Vswash} \rename{W}{Wswash} \rename{X}{Xswash} \rename{Y}{Yswash} \rename{Z}{Zswash} \rename{a}{aswash} \rename{c}{ct} \rename{e}{eswash} \rename{n}{nswash} \rename{r}{rswash} \rename{s}{st} \rename{t}{tswash} \rename{v}{vswash} \rename{z}{zswash} %% Handle the limited cases of U.C. letters in case we're reading in the upright (regular) %% font. \ifisglyph{Aswash}\then \else % enter case of upright fonts \rename{Qswash}{Qalt} \rename{Rswash}{Qalt1} % what the heck is thus character? \rename{Tswash}{twashalt} \fi \endmetrics