% new version of part of chenrezi puja % sws 2/6/95 \magnification=\magstep0 %\magnification=\magstep1 \tolerance=10000 \hbadness=10000 %\parskip=6pt \parskip=12pt \parindent=0pt %\hsize=6.25truein %\vsize=9truein %\hsize=9truein %\vsize=8.0truein \hsize=12truein \vsize=8.5truein %\vsize=3.75truein %\voffset=-0.5truein %\voffset=-0.547truein %\voffset=-0.55truein %\voffset=-0.316truein \voffset=-0.488truein \hoffset=0truein \input boxes \tsizei \nopagenumbers \vfill % page 34 \front{ %% gaciga pu'o/ %% \hskip0.65in} \boxitnoa {\hfil \quad \rotr\frontpagebox \hskip-14pt} { \vtop{ \vskip-1.5in \hbox to 12pt {\tenrm34} } } {{ \halign{\ #\hfil&\quad #\hfil\ & \quad #\hfil\cr \cr %%\swasti/ %%& %%/dapal ldan bla ma zhabas pad bartan pa danga,/* %% & %%/makha' manyama yongasa la bade skyida 'byunga ba danga,/* %% \cr &\tenrm PAL DEN LA MA SHAP PAY TEN PA TANG& \tenrm KA NYAM YONG LA DE KYEE JUNG WA TANG\cr &\tenrm May the lotus feet of the glorious Lamas remain firm,& \tenrm may bliss and happiness arise for beings vast as space, and\cr \cr} \halign{\ #\hfil\ & \quad #\hfil\cr \cr %%/bdag gazhana ma lusa tshogas basagas sgriba sbyangas nas/* %%& %%/myur du sangas rgyas sa la 'god par shog/ //* %% \cr \tenrm DAK ZHEN MA LU TSOK SAK DRIP JUNG NAY& \tenrm NYUR TU SANG GYE SA LA GO PAR SHOK/\cr \tenrm may I and all others gather the accumulations, purify the obscurations& \tenrm and be quickly established in the condition of Buddhahood. \quad\cr \cr} \bigskip \halign{\hskip4in#\cr [A Supplication for the long life of all Lamas,\cr to be said at the end of the Long-Life Prayers.]\cr } \bigskip }} \vfill \vskip 0.465truein % page 32 \front{ %%gacig pu'o/ %% \hskip0.65in} \boxitnoa {\hfil \quad \rotr\frontpagebox \hskip-14pt} { \vtop{ \vskip-1.55in \hbox to 12pt {\tenrm32} } } {{ \halign{\ #\hfil& #\hfil& #\hfil\cr \cr %%\swasti/ %% & %% /rgyal kun snying rje'i rang gazugas karma pa/ %% & %% /rgyal kun phrina las gacig basdus karma pa/ %% \cr & \tenrm GYEL KUN NYNGIE RANG ZUG KARMAPA& \tenrm GYEL KUN TRINLE CHIK DU KARMAPA \cr & \vtop{ \hbox{\tenrm The embodiment of all the Buddha's loving kindness} \hbox{\tenrm and compassion is the Karmapa.} }& \tenrm The one who represents all the Buddha's activity is the Karmapa.\cr \cr} \halign{\ #\hfil& #\hfil\cr %%/rgyal kun gadung 'tshob dabang baskur karma pa/ %% & %%/o rgyan 'gro 'dula phrin las zhabas bartan gasol/ %% \cr \tenrm GYEL KUN DUNG TSOB WANG KUR KARMAPA& \tenrm OGYEN DRODUL TRINLE SHAB TEN SOL\cr \vtop{ \hbox{\tenrm The one who is empowered to carry on the} \hbox{\tenrm characteristics of all the Buddhas is the Karmapa.} }& \tenrm Orgyen, the activity liberator of all beings, may you live long.\cr \cr } \smallskip \tsize \halign{\ #\hfil\cr %%/ces pa'ng 'bo dakar sprula ming pas 95# %% \vtop{\hbox{%%zla %%} \vskip-0.1truein \hbox{%%1# %%}} \vtop{\hbox{%%tshes %%} \vskip-0.1truein \hbox{\ \ %%1# %%}} %%nyin thol byud du gasol ba batab pa'o// // %%\cr \noalign {\nointerlineskip} On the day of 1-1-1995 I, Bokar Tulku, prayed this spontaneously.\cr } \smallskip }} \vfill \bye