# INFORMIX language definition file # # Author: Andre Simon # Mail: andre.simon1@gmx.de # Date: 13.04.04 # ------------------------------------------ # This file is a part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL. # # The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages. # See README in the highlight directory for details. # # New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;) # # ---------- # andre.simon1@gmx.de # http:/www.andre-simon.de/ $DESCRIPTION=Informix $KEYWORDS(kwa)=add after all allowing and any arg_val array arr_count arr_curr as asc at attribute attributes auto autonext average avg before between bottom by call case check clear clipped close column columns command comment comments commit composites connect construct continue correct count current cursor database declare default defer define delimiters desc describe display displayonly distinct do down downshift else end entry every execute exists exit extern false fetch field finish first for foreach form format formonly found from function globals group having header help if in include input insert instructions into is joining key label last lenght let line lineno lines log main margin master matches max mdy menu message min mode name need next nextfield no normal not notfound null num_args of on open option options or order otherwise outer output page pageno prepare previous print printer privileges program prompt query queryclear quit record register report resource return returning reverse right row rowid run screen scroll scr_line select set set_count share sizeof skip some sqlca start startlog static statistics status step stop sum switch synonym systables then through thru to top trailer true union unique unlock up upshift user using validate value values verify view waiting warning when whenever where while with without work wrap $types=alter break create delete drop editadd editupdate error errorlog err_get err_print err_quit exclusive exitnow goto grant initialize interrupt lock modify pause pipe public recover remove rename revoke rollback rollforward sleep sqlerrd table tables temp update char date day dba decimal double dec float index int integer like long lookup money month noentry noupdate percent picture required short smallfloat smallint struct serial space spaces time today type typedef unsigned weekday year zerofill $STRINGDELIMITERS=" ' $SL_COMMENT=# -- $ML_COMMENT={ } $ESCCHAR=regex(\\\d{3}|\\x\p{XDigit}{2}|\\[ntvbrfa\\\?'"]) $SYMBOLS= ( ) [ ] , ; : & | < > ! = / * % + -