public interface MultilayerPerceptronParams extends ProbabilisticClassifierParams, HasSeed, HasMaxIter, HasTol, HasStepSize, HasSolver, HasBlockSize
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
getInitialWeights() |
int[] |
getLayers() |
Param<Vector> |
The initial weights of the model.
IntArrayParam |
Layer sizes including input size and output size.
Param<String> |
The solver algorithm for optimization.
extractInstances, extractInstances
getLabelCol, labelCol
featuresCol, getFeaturesCol
getPredictionCol, predictionCol
clear, copy, copyValues, defaultCopy, defaultParamMap, explainParam, explainParams, extractParamMap, extractParamMap, get, getDefault, getOrDefault, getParam, hasDefault, hasParam, isDefined, isSet, onParamChange, paramMap, params, set, set, set, setDefault, setDefault, shouldOwn
toString, uid
getRawPredictionCol, rawPredictionCol
getProbabilityCol, probabilityCol
getThresholds, thresholds
getMaxIter, maxIter
getStepSize, stepSize
blockSize, getBlockSize
Vector getInitialWeights()
int[] getLayers()
Param<Vector> initialWeights()
IntArrayParam layers()